4 resultados para Second Electron Donor

em Brock University, Canada


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The objective of this thesis was to demonstrate the potential of fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry (FABMS) as a probe of condensed phase systems and its possible uses for the study of hydrogen bonding. FABMS was used to study three different systems. The first study was aimed at investigating the selectivity of the ligand tris(3,6-dioxaheptyl) amine (tdoha) for the alkali metal cations. FABMS results correlated well with infrared and nmr data. Systems where a crown ether competed with tdoha for a given alkali metal cation were also investigated by fast atom bombardment. The results were found to correlate with the cation affinity of tdoha and the ability of the crown ether to bind the cation. In the second and third studies, H-bonded systems were investigated. The imidazole-electron donor complexes were investigated and FABMS results showed the expected H-bond strength of the respective complexes. The effects of concentration, liquid matrix, water content, deuterium exchange, and pre-ionization of the complex were also investigated. In the third system investigated, the abundance of the diphenyl sulfone-ammonium salt complexes (presumably H-bonded) in the FABMS spectrum were found to correlate with qualitative considerations such as steric hindrance and strength of ion pairs.


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Catalase dismutes H20 2 to O2 and H20. In successive twoelectron reactions H20 2 induces both oxidation and reduction at the heme group. In the first step the protoheme prosthetic group of beef liver catalase forms compound I, in which the heme has been oxidized from Fe3+ to Fe4+=0 and a porphyrin radical has been created. Compound II is formed by the oneelectron reduction of comp I. It retains Fe4+=0 but lacks the porphyrin radical and is catalytically inert. Molecular structures are available for Escherichia coli Hydroperoxidase II, Micrococcus Iysodeiktus, Penicillium vitale and beef liver enzymes, which contain different hemes and heme pockets. In the present work, the pockets and substrate access channels of protoheme (beef liver & Micrococcus) and heme d (HPII of E. coli and Penicillium) catalases have been analysed using Quanta™ and CharmMTM molecular modeling packages on the Silicon Graphics Iris Indigo 2 computer. Experimental studies have been carried out with two catalases, HPII (and its mutants) and beef liver. Fluoride and formate' are inhibitors of both enzymes, and their binding is modulated by the heme and by distal residues N201 & H128. Both HPII and beef liver enzymes form compound I with H202 or peracetate. The reduction of beef liver enzyme compound I to II and the decay of compound II are accelerated by fluoride. The decay of compound II is also accelerated by formate, and this reagent acts as a 2-electron donor towards compound I of both enzymes. It is concluded that heme d enzymes (Penicillium and HPII of E. coli) are formed by autocatalytic transformation of protoheme in a modified pocket which contains a characteristic serine residue as well as a partially occluded heme channel. They are less active than protoheme enzymes but also do not form the inactive compound II species. Binding of peroxide as well as fluoride and formate is prevented by mutation of H128 and modulated by mutation of N201.


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The preparation and characterization of two families of building blocks for molecule-based magnetic and conducting materials are described in three projects. In the first project the synthesis and characterization of three bis-imine ligands LI - L3 is reported. Coordination of LI to a series of metal salts afforded the five novel coordination complexes Sn(L4)C4 (I), [Mn(L4)(u-CI)(CI)(EtOH)h (II), [CU(L4)(u-sal) h(CI04)2 (sal = salicylaldehyde anion) (III), [Fe(Ls)2]CI (IV) and [Fe(LI)h(u-O) (V). All complexes have been structurally and magnetically characterized. X-ray diffraction studies revealed that, upon coordination to Lewis acidic metal salts, the imine bonds of LI are susceptible to nucleophilic attack. As a consequence, the coordination complexes (I) - (IV) contain either the cyclised ligand L4 or hydrolysed ligand Ls. In contrast, the dimeric Fe3+ complex (V) comprises two intact ligand LI molecules. In. this complex, the ligand chelates two Fe(III) centres in a bis-bidentate manner through the lone pairs of a phenoxy oxygen and an imine nitrogen atom. Magnetic studies of complexes (II-V) indicate that the dominant interactions between neighbouring metal centres in all of the complexes are antiferromagnetic. In the second project the synthesis and characterization two families of TTF donors, namely the cyano aryl compounds (VI) - (XI) and the his-aryl TTF derivatives (XII) - (XIV) are reported. The crystal structures of compounds (VI), (VII), (IX) and (XII) exhibit regular stacks comprising of neutral donors. The UV -Vis spectra of compounds (VI) - (XIV) present an leT band, indicative of the transfer of electron density from the TTF donors to the aryl acceptor molecules. Chemical oxidation of donors (VI), (VII), (IX) and (XII) with iodine afforded a series of CT salts that where possible have been characterized by single crystal X -ray diffraction. Structural studies showed that the radical cations in these salts are organized in stacks comprising of dimers of oxidized TTF donors. All four salts behave as semiconductors, displaying room temperature conductivities ranging from 1.852 x 10-7 to 9.620 X 10-3 Scm-I. A second series of CT salts were successfully prepared via the technique of electrocrystallization. Following this methodology, single crystals of two CT salts were obtained. The single crystal X-ray structures of both salts are isostructural, displaying stacks formed by trimers of oxidized donors. Variable temperature conductivity measurements carried out on this series of CT salts reveal they also are semiconductors with conductivities ranging from 2.94 x 10-7 to 1.960 X 10-3 S em-I at room temperature. In the third project the synthesis and characterization of a series of MII(hfac)2 coordination complexes of donor ligand (XII) where M2+ = Co2+, Cu2+, Ni2+ and Zn2+ are reported. These complexes crystallize in a head-to-tail arrangement of TTF donor and bipyridine moieties, placing the metal centres and hfac ligands are located outside the stacks. Magnetic studies of the complexes (XV) - (XVIII) indicate that the bulky hfac ligands prevent neighbouring metal centres from assembling in close proximity, and thus they are magnetically isolated.


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Two time-resolved EPR techniques, have been used to study the light induced electron transfer(ET) in Type I photosynthetic reaction centers(RCs). First, pulsed EPR was used to compare PsaA-M688H and PsaB-M668H mutants of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Synechosystis sp. PCC 6803.The out-of-phase echo modulation curves combined with other EPR and optical data show that the effect of the mutations is species dependent. Second, transient and pulsed EPR data are presented which show that PsaA-A660N and PsaB-A640N mutations in C. reinhardtii alter the relative quantum yield of ET in the A- and B-branches of PS I. Third, transient EPR studies on RCs from Heliobacillus mobilis that have been exposed to oxygen show partial inhibition of ET. In the RCs in which ET still occurs, the ET kinetics and EPR spectra show evidence of oxidation of some but not all of the, BChl g and BChl g' to Chl a.