2 resultados para Sandhall, Åke: Ötökät

em Brock University, Canada


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The addition of L-Glutamate (L-GLU) and L-Hethionine ~ulfoximine (L-HSO) to mechanically isolated. photosynthetically competent, Asparagus sprengeri mesophyll cells ~u~pended in 1mM CaS04 cau~ed an immediate transient alkalinization of the cell su~pension medium in both the light and dark. The alkalinization response was specific and stereospecific as none of the L-isomers of the other 19 protein amino acids tested or D-GLU gave this response. Uptake of 14C-L-GLU was stimulated by the light. The addition of non-radioactive L-GLU. or L-GLU analogs together with 14C-L-GLU showed that only L-GLU and L-HSO stimulated alkalinization whilst inhibiting the uptake of 14C-L-GLU. Both the L-GLU dependent alkalinization and the upt~ke of 14C-L-GLU were stimulated when the external pH was decreased from 6.5 to 5.5. Increasing external K+ concentrations inhibited the uptake of 14C-L-GLU. Fusicoccin (FC) stimulated uptake. The L-GLU dependent alkalinization re~ponse exhibited monophasic saturation kinetics while the uptake of 14C-L-GLU exhibited biphasic saturation kinetics. In addition to a saturable component. the uptake kinetics also showed a linear component of uptake. Addition of L-GLU and L-MSO caused internal acidification of the cell as measured by a change in the distribution of 14C-DMO. There was no change in K+ efflux when L-GLU was added. A H+ to L-GLUinflux stoichiometry of 3:1 wa~ mea~ured at an external I.-GLU concentration of O.5mM and increased with increasing external 13 L-QLU concentration. Metabolism of L-GLU was detected manometrlcally by observing an increase in COa evolution upon the addition of L-QLU and by detection of i*C02 evolution upon the addition of »*C-L-GLU. »*C02 evolution was higher in the dark than in the light. The data are consistent with the operation of a H+/L-QLO cotransport system. The data also show that attempts to quantify the stoichlometry of the process were complicated by the metabolism of L-GLU.


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This research was directed mainly towards the investigation of the reacti.ons of· substituted chlorobenziophenones under strongly basi,c conditions. The work 'can be divided into two main sections. The Introduction deals mainly with historical studies on aryne chemistry and the Haller-Bauer reaction. Secti.on I i.s concerned with syntheses of 2-benzamido-2'chlorobenzophenone and 2-benzamido~3'-chlorobenzophenone,and with thei,r respective reactions wi.th potassium amide in ammonia. o-Chlorophenylacetic acid was converted to the acid chloride and then by Friedel-Craftsreaction with benzene to w-(o-chlorophenyl)acetophenone. Reaction wi.th phenylhydrazine and Fischer cyclization gave 3- (0chlorophenyl)- 2-phenylindole, which was ozonized to 2-benzamido-2'chlorobenzophenone. The isomeric 3' -chlor,..o ke: tone was similarly synthesised from m-chlorophenylacetic acid. Both the 2'- and 3' -ch.loroketones gave N-benzoylacridone on treatment with potassium amide in ammonia; an aryne mechanism is involved for the 3'-chloroketone but aryne and nucleophilic substitution mechanisms are possible for the 2'-chloroketone. Hydrolysis of the 2'- and 3'-chloroketones gave 2-amino-2'chlorobenzophenone and 2-amino-3'-chlorobenzophenone respectively. A second new acridone synthesis is given in the Appendix involving reactions of these two ketones with potassium t-butoxide in t-butylbenzene. i Section 2 deals with the investigation of the reaction of some tricyclic ch1orobenzophenones with potassium amide in liquid ammonia. These were 1-ch1orof1uorenone; which was pr~pared in several steps from f1uoranthene, and 1- and 2-ch1oroanthraquinones. 1-Ch1orof1uorenone gave 1-aminof1uorenone ; 1-ch1oroanthraquinone gave 1- and 2-aminoanthraquinones; 2-ch1oroanthraquinone was largely recovered from the attempted reaction.