11 resultados para RNA metabolism

em Brock University, Canada


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This study investigated the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism and glucose uptake through changes in skeletal muscle cell volume. Using an established invitro isolated whole muscle model, soleus (SOL) and extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscles were dissected from male rats and incubated in an organ bath containing Sigma medium-199 with 8 mM D-glucose altered to target osmolality (hypo-osmotic: HYPO, iso-osmotic: ISO, hyper-osmotic: HYPER; 190, 290, 400 mmol/kg). Muscles were divided into two groups; metabolite (MM) and uptake (MU). MM (N=48) were incubated for 60 minutes and were then immediately flash frozen. MU (N=24) were incubated for 30 minutes and then the extracellular fluid was exchanged for media containing ^H-glucose and ^'*C-mannitol and incubated for another 30 minutes. After the incubation, the muscles were freeze clamped. Results demonstrated a relative water decrease and increase in HYPER and HYPO, respectively. EDL and SOL glucose uptakes were found to be significantly greater in HYPER conditions. The HYPER condition resulted in significant alterations in muscle metabolite concentrations (lower glycogen, elevated lactate, and G-6-P) suggesting a catabolic cell state, and an increase in glycogen synthase transformation when compared to the HYPO group. In conclusion, skeletal muscle cell volume alters rates of glucose uptake with further alterations in muscle metabolites and glycogen synthase transformation.


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The allometric scaling relationship observed between metabolic rate (MR) and species body mass can be partially explained by differences in cellular MR (Porter & Brand, 1995). Here, I studied cultured cell lines derived from ten mammalian species to determine whether cells propagated in an identical environment exhibited MR scaling. Oxidative and anaerobic metabolic parameters did not scale significantly with donor body mass in cultured cells, indicating the absence of an intrinsic MR setpoint. The rate of oxygen delivery has been proposed to limit cellular metabolic rates in larger organisms (West et al., 2002). As such cells were cultured under a variety of physiologically relevant oxygen tensions to investigate the effect of oxygen on cellular metabolic rates. Exposure to higher medium oxygen tensions resulted in increased metabolic rates in all cells. Higher MRs have the potential to produce more reactive oxygen species (ROS) which could cause genomic instability and thus reduced lifespan. Longer-lived species are more resistant to oxidative stress (Kapahi et al, 1999), which may be due to greater antioxidant and/or DNA repair capacities. This hypothesis was addressed by culturing primary dermal fibroblasts from eight mammalian species ranging in maximum lifespan from 5 to 120 years. Only the antioxidant manganese superoxide dismutases (MnSOD) positively scaled with species lifespan (p<0.01). Oxidative damage to DNA is primarily repaired by the base excision repair (BER) pathway. BER enzyme activities showed either no correlation or as in the case of polymerase p correlated, negatively with donor species (p<0.01 ). Typically, mammalian cells are cultured in a 20% O2 (atmospheric) environment, which is several-fold higher than cells experience in vivo. Therefore, the secondary aim of this study was to determine the effect of culturing mammalian cells at a more physiological oxygen tension (3%) on BER, and antioxidant, enzyme activities. Consistently, standard culture conditions induce higher antioxidant and DNA ba.se excision repair activities than are present under a more physiological oxygen concentration. Therefore, standard culture conditions are inappropriate for studies of oxidative stress-induced activities and species differences in fibroblast DNA BER repair capacities may represent differences in ability to respond to oxidative stress. An interesting outcome firom this study was that some inherent cellular properties are maintained in culture (i.e. stress responses) while others are not (i.e. MR).


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The purpose of the current investigation was to establish an in-l'itro skeletal muscle model to study acute alterations in resting skeletal muscle cell volume. Isolated. whole muscle (SOL and EDL) was dissected from Long Evans rats and incubated for 60 min in Sigma Medium-199 (resting tension (lg). bubbled with 95:5% 02:C02, 30 ± 2°C, and pH 7.4). Media osmolality was altered to simulate hypo-osmotic (190 ± 10 Osm) (HYPO) or hyper-osmotic conditions (400 ± 10 Osm) (HYPER) while an iso-osmotic condition (290± 1 0 Osm) (CON) served as a control (n= 17.19.17). Following incubation, relative muscle water content decreased with HYPER and increased with HYPO in both muscle types (p<0.05). The cross-sectional area of HYPO SOL type I and type II fibres increased (p<0.05) while the EDL type 11 fibre area decreased in HYPER and increascd from HYPO exposure. Furthermore, HYPER exposure in both muscles lead to decreased ATP and phosphocreatine (p<0.05) and increased creatine and lactate (p<0.05) compared to CON. This isolated skeletal muscle model proved viable and demonstrated that altering extracellular osmolality could cause acutc alterations in muscle water content and resting muscle metabolism.


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This study investigated the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism through changes in skeletal muscle cell volume immediately post contraction and during recovery. Using an established in vitro isolated muscle strip model, soleus (SOL) and extensor digitorum longus (EDL) were dissected from male rats and incubated in an organ bath (perfused with 95% O2; 5% CO2, pH 7.4, temperature 25°C) containing medium- 199 altered to a target osmotic condition (iso-, hypo- or hyper-osmotic; 290, 1 80, 400 mmol/kg). Muscles were stimulated for 10 minutes (40 Hz SOL; 30 Hz EDL) and then either immediately flash frozen or allowed to recover for 20 minutes before subsequent metabolite and enzyme analysis. Results demonstrated a relative water decrease in HYPER vs. HYPOosmotic condition (n=8/group; p<0.05) regardless of muscle type. Specifically, the SOL HYPER condition had elevated metabolite concentrations after 10 minutes of stimulation in comparison to both HYPO and ISO (p<0.05), while EDL muscle did not show any significant difTerences between the HYPER or HYPO conditions. After 20 minutes of recovery, metabolic changes occurred in both SOL and EDL with the SOL HYPER condition showing greater relative changes in metabolite concentrations versus HYPO. The results of the current study have demonstrated that osmotic imbalance induces metabolic change within the skeletal muscle cell and muscle type may influence the mechanisms utilized for cell volume regulation.


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Growth stimulation of Avena coleoptile tissue by indoleacetic acid (IAA) and fusicoccin (FC) was compared by measuring both their influence on RNA and protein synthesis during IAA or FC stimulated growth. FC stimulated growth more than IAA during the initial four hour exposure, after which the growth rate gradually declined to the control rate. FC, but not IAA, increased the uptake of 3H-Ieucine into tissue and the specific radioactivity of extracted protein. Cycloheximide inhibited the incorporation of 3H-Ieucine into protein by approximately 60% to 70% in all cases. In the presence of cycloheximide 3H-radioactivity accumulated in FC-treated tissue, whereas IAA did not seem to influence 3H-accumulation. These results suggest that FC stimulated leucine uptake into the tissue and that increased specific activity of coleoptile protein is due to increased leucine uptake, not an increased rate of protein synthesis. There was no measurable influence of IAA and/or FC on RNA and protein synthesis during the initial hours of a growth stimulation. Inhibitors of RNA and protein synthesis, actinomycin D and cycloheximide, respectively, severely inhibited IAA enhanced growth but only partially inhibited FC stimulated growth. The data are consistent with suggestions that a rapidly turning over protein participates in IAA stimulated growth, and that a continual synthesis of RNA and proteins is an absolute requirement for a long term growth response to IAA. On the contrary, FC-stimulated growth exhibited less dependency on the transcription and translation processes. The data are consistent with proposals suggesting different sites of action for FC and IAA stimulated growth. l?hen compared to CO2-free air, CO2 at 300 ppm had no significant influence on coleoptile growth and protein synthesis in the presence or absence of lAA or FC. Also, I mM malate, pH 6.0 did not influence growth of coleoptiles in the presence or absence of lAA. This result was obtained despite reports indicating that 300 ppm CO2 or I mM malate stimulates growth and protein synthesis. This lack of difference between CO2-treated and untreated tissue could indicate either that the interstitial space CO2 concentration is not actually different in the two treatments due to significant endogenous respiratory CO2 or else the data would suggest a very loose coupling between dark CO2 fixation and growth. IAA stimulated the in vivo fixation of 14c-bicarbonate (NaHI4c03) by about 25% and the addition of cycloheximide caused an inhibition of bicarbonate fixation within 30 min. Cycloheximide has also been reported to inhibit IAA-stimulated H+ excretion. These data are consistent with the acid growth theory and suggest that lAA stimulated growth involves dark CO2 fixation. The roles of dark CO2 fixation in lAA-stimulated growth are discussed.


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Fungal metabolism of halogenated and related steroids was investigated. The fungi Aspergillus niger ATCC 9142, Curvularia lunata NRRL 2380 and Rhizopus stolonifer ATCC6227b were studied in this regard. 2l-Fluoro-, 2l-chloro, 2l-bromo- and 2l-methyl-pregn-4-ene-3,20diones were prepared and incubated with ~ niger (a C-2l-hydroxylator) in order to observe the effect of the C-2l substituent on the metabolism of these substrates. In all four cases, the C-2l substituent prevented any significant metabolism of these substrates. llB-Fluoropregn-4-ene-3,20-dione was prepared and incubated with C. lunata (an llB-hydroxylator) and ~ stolonifer (an lla-hydroxylator). With ~ lunata, the ll-fluoro- substituent prevent hydroxylation at the 11 position, but diverted it to a site remote from the fluorine atom. In contrast, with ~ stolonifer the llB-fluoro- substituent, although slowing the apparent rate of hydroxylation, did not prevent its occurrence at the 11a- position. llB-Hydroxypregn-4-ene-3,20-dione was also incubated with R. stolonifer. The llB-hydroxy-;group did not appear to have any significant effect on hydroxylation at the lla- position. The incubation of a substrate, unsaturated at a favoured site of hydroxylation with Rhizopus arrhizus ATCC 11145 provided a complex mixture of products; among them were both the a and S epoxides. The formation of these products is rationalized as arising because of the lack of regio- and stereospecificity of the hydroxylase enzyme(s) involved.


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The influence of carbon dioxide on growth and protein synthesis of etiolated Avena coleoptiles was investigated. Evidence is presented that 0.03% carbon dioxide stimulated both these processes; and that carbon dioxide stimulated growth depends on carbon dioxide stimulated protein synthesis, In addition the evidence indicates that carbon dioxide stimulated growth is mediated by metabolism, and that carbon dioxide stimulates growth through a dark fixation process. Growth studies also demonstrated that IAA and carbon dioxide stimulated growth in a synergistic manner.


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(A) Solid phase synthesis of oligonucleotides are well documented and are extensively studied as the demands continue to rise with the development of antisense, anti-gene, RNA interference, and aptamers. Although synthesis of RNA sequences faces many challenges, most notably the choice of the 2' -hydroxy protecting group, modified 2' -O-Cpep protected ribonucleotides were synthesized as alternitive building blocks. Altering phosphitylation procedures to incorporate 3' -N,N-diethyl phosphoramidites enhanced the overall reactivity, thus, increased the coupling efficiency without loss of integrety. Furthermore, technical optimizations of solid phase synthesis cycles were carried out to allow for successful synthesis of a homo UIO sequences with a stepwise coupling efficiency reaching 99% and a final yield of 91 %. (B) Over the past few decades, dipyrrometheneboron difluoride (BODIPY) has gained recognition as one of the most versatile fluorophores. Currently, BODIPY labeling of oligonucleotides are carried out post-synthetically and to date, there lacks a method that allows for direct incorporation of BODIPY into oligonucleotides during solid phase synthesis. Therefore, synthesis of BODIPY derived phosphoramidites will provide an alternative method in obtaining fluorescently labelled oligonucleotides. A method for the synthesis and incorporation of the BODIPY analogues into oligonucleotides by phosphoramidite chemistry-based solid phase DNA synthesis is reported here. Using this approach, BODIPY-labeled TlO homopolymer and ISIS 5132 were successfully synthesized.


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Please consult the paper edition of this thesis to read. It is available on the 5th Floor of the Library at Call Number: Z 9999 C54 O46 2007


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Resveratrol, a polyphenol found naturally in red wines, has attracted great interest in both the scientific community and the general public for its reported ability to protect against many of the diseases facing Western society today. While the purported health effects of resveratrol are well characterized, details of the cellular mechanisms that give rise to these observations are unclear. Here, the mitochondrial antioxidant enzyme Mn superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) was identified as a proximal target of resveratrol in vitro and in vivo. MnSOD protein and activity levels increase significantly in cultured cells treated with resveratrol, and in the brain tissue of mice given resveratrol in a high fat diet. Preventing the increase in MnSOD levels eliminates two of resveratrol’s more interesting effects in the context of human health: inhibition of proliferative cell growth and cytoprotection. Thus, the induction of MnSOD is a critical step in the molecular mechanism of resveratrol. Mitochondrial morphology is a malleable property that is capable of impeding cell cycle progression and conferring resistance against stress induced cell death. Using confocal microscopy and a novel ‘cell free’ fusion assay it was determined that concurrent with changes in MnSOD protein levels, resveratrol treatment leads to a more fused mitochondrial reticulum. This observation may be important to resveratrol’s ability to slow proliferative cell growth and confer cytoprotection. Resveratrol's biological activities, including the ability to increase MnSOD levels, are strikingly similar to what is observed with estrogen treatment. Resveratrol fails to increase MnSOD levels, slow proliferative cell growth and confer cytoprotection in the presence of an estrogen receptor antagonist. Resveratrol's effects can be replicated with the specific estrogen receptor beta agonist diarylpropionitrile, and are absent in myoblasts lacking estrogen receptor beta. Four compounds that are structurally similar to resveratrol and seven phytoestrogens predicted to bind to estrogen receptor beta were screened for their effects on MnSOD, proliferative growth rates and stress resistance in cultured mammalian cells. Several of these compounds were able to mimic the effects of resveratrol on MnSOD levels, proliferative cell growth and stress resistance in vitro. Thus, I hypothesize that resveratrol interacts with estrogen receptor beta to induce the upregulation of MnSOD, which in turn affects cell cycle progression and stress resistance. These results have important implications for the understanding of RES’s biological activities and potential applications to human health.