21 resultados para R. Thomas George

em Brock University, Canada


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Transcript (original spelling and grammar retained): By His Excellency Robert Prescott Esquire, Captain General and Governor in Chief in and over His Majestys Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, General and Commander in Chief of all His Majesty’s forces in the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and their several Dependencies and in the Island of Newfoundland &ca. &ca. &ca. I do hereby authorise and permit Thomas Clark of Queenstown in the County of Lincoln in the Province of Upper Canada merchant to take possession of all that Lot, piece and parcel of Land (being part of the land reserved by his Majesty for Military purposes) situate, lying and being at Queenstown in the Township of Newark, in the Home District in the said Province of Upper Canada, bounded and abutted as follows, that is to say beginning at the Distance of two Chains and ninety links from the South East End of his Majesty’s Store House, the said distance being measured along the Bank up Stream, thence South thirty nine degrees and an half West one Chain and fifty links thence south fifty degrees and an half East one Chain and thirty links thence North thirty nine degrees and an half East to the Edge of the Bank and from thence along the Bank to the place of beginning, containing thirty one perches and one hundred and twenty five square links and to occupy and hold the said Lot, piece and parcel of Land during pleasure subject nevertheless to the provisoes and Conditions herein after contained, that is to say. First on condition that it shall and may be lawful to and for His Majesty his Heirs and Successors and to and for the Commander in Chief of His Majesty Forces for the time being and to and for the Officer commanding his Majesty’s Forces in Upper Canada for the time being and to and for either of them to determine and make void this present permission to occupy during pleasure the said Lot, Piece or Parcel of Land above described at any time hereafter whenever he or they shall see fit so to do without any compensation or indemnification to the said Thomas Clark or any other Person or Persons whosoever for any Loss Injury or Damage which he the said Thomas Clark or any other Person or Persons whosoever may thereby sustain. Secondly on this further Condition that it shall and may be lawful to and for His Majesty his Heirs and Successors and to and for his and their Officers, Soldiers and Servants at any time hereafter by order of the Commander in Chief of His Majesty’s Forces for the time being or by order of the Officer commanding his Majesty’s forces in Upper Canada for the time being or by order of the Officer of His Majesty’s Corps of Royal Engineers commanding in the said Province of Upper Canada for the time being to enter upon the said Lot Piece and parcel of Land which the said Thomas Clark is hereby permitted to occupy during pleasure or upon any part thereof and to take down and from the said Lot piece and parcel of Land or from any part thereof to remove any dwelling House Store or other Buildings on the said Lot, piece or Parcel of Land or any part thereof erected and to remove any goods or Chattels on the said Lot piece and parcel of Land or on any part thereof or on any such dwelling House Store or other building found or being and that His Majesty his Heirs and Successors or any other Person or Persons whosoever shall not be liable or responsible to the said Thomas Clark or to any other Person or Persons whosoever for any Loss, Injury or Damage which he or they shall or may in such case sustain. Thirdly on this further Condition that the said Thomas Clark shall not erect on the said Lot Piece or Parcel of Land which the said Thomas Clark is hereby permitted to occupy during pleasure or upon any part thereof at any time or times hereafter any dwelling House store or other Building whatsoever of Stone or brick or of any other materials wood only exccepted and that if any dwelling House or Store or other building of Stone or brick or of any other materials except wood shall at any time be erected on the said Lot, piece or parcel of Land or upon any part thereof, then and in such case, this present permission and every Clause and Article thereof shall from thenceforth cease and determine and be absolutely and entirely null and void. And lastly on this further Condition that the said Thomas Clark or any other Person whosoever shall not assign this permission to occupy the said Lot, Piece or Parcel of Land above described to any Person of Persons whosoever, and if any such assignment shall be made by the said Thomas Clark or by any other Person in his right, or on his behalf, that then and in such case such assignment and this permission to occupy during pleasure the said Lot piece and parcel of Land above described, and every Clause and Article thereof shall from thenceforth cease and determine and be absolutely and entirely null and void. Given under my hand at the Castle of St. Lewis in the City of Quebec in the Province of Lower Canada this Ninth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety eight and in the thirty eighth year of His Majesty’s Reign. [Signed here by Robert Prescott] By Order of the Commander in Chief [Signed here by James Green (Illegible signature)] I the said Thomas Clark above named do hereby accept the above written Permission to occupy during pleasure the said Lot piece and parcel of Land above described upon and subject to the several Provisioes and Conditions above written and each and every of them severally and respectively. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand the Sixteenth day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety eight and in the thirty eighth year of His Majesty’s Reign. [Signed here by Thomas Clark] Signed in the presence of [Illegible signature – looks like J. M Donell Lt. Col.] [Illegible – looks like 2d. Battn R. C. Sm?] [Signed here by C. Anderson] Whereas Inconveniences did arise from the peculiar situation of the Ground contiguous to the above described Lot of Land and the occupation thereof, if estimated by the above Limits would prove highly disadvantageous to Mr. Thomas Clark be it known that in consideration thereof we do permit the above Lot to extend one half Chain more in length up stream so as to comprehend the space allowed for the Road between Lots Two + Three, and we do hereby appropriate the said additional space wholly to the use of the said Thomas Clark. In witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed this Thirteenth Day of October in the Year of our Lord one thousand Eight Hundred and one. [Signed here by J. M’Donell Lt. Col] 2d. Battn. R. C. [in?] Com of Fort George + Dependencies Robt. Pilkington Captain Royal Engineers


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Indenture of assignment of mortgage between Jacob Thomas Nottle, land agent of Hamilton and George Steel of the Village of Romoka in the County of Middlesex regarding a parcel of land in the village of Romoka composed of Lot no. 17 in Block U. Robert Telfer granted to Ira Spalding these lands and premises subject to payment of principal money and interest (2 copies), June 18, 1874.


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Receipt for items bought from R. Woodruff by Mr. George C. Bradt, n.d.


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Indenture of quit claim between Thomas Fuller of the Township of Niagara and George Upper of the Township of Niagara for 100 acres in the back half of Lot no. 29 in the 2nd Concession in the Township of Niagara, Oct. 26, 1852.


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Letter to the Honorable Thomas Clark from R. Dickson in which Mr. Dickson tells Clark that he is leaving for Liverpool (3 pages, handwritten), Nov. 30, 1815.


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The thermal decomposition of 2,3-di~ethy l - J-hydr operox y- 1 - butene , p r epared f rol") singl e t oxygen, has been studied i n three solvents over the tempe r a ture r ange from 1500e to l o00e and t!1e i 111 t ial ~oncentrfttl nn r Ange from O. 01 M to 0.2 M. Analys i s of the kine tic data ind ica te s i nduced homolysis as the n ost probRble mode of d e composition, g iving rise to a 3/2 f S order dependence upon hy d.roperoxide concent :r8.tl on . Experimental activation e nergies for the decomposition were f ound to be between 29.5 kcsl./raole and 30.0 k cal./mole .• \,iith log A factors between 11 . 3 and 12.3. Product studies were conducted in R variety of solvents a s well as in the pr esence of a variety of free r adical initiators . Investigation of the kinetic ch a in length indicated a chain length of about fifty. A degenerat i ve chain branching mechanism 1s proposed which predicts the multi t ude of products which Rre observed e xperimentally as well as giving activation energies and log A factors si~il a r to those found experimentally .


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Transcript (original spelling and grammar retained): We the Commissioned Officers belonging to the Second Regiment of Lincoln Militia - Do sincerely promise and swear that we will be faithful and bear true allegiance to his Majesty King George, and heirs will defend to the utmost of our power against all traitorous conspiracies and attempts whatsoever which shall be made against his Person, Crown or Dignity; and we will do our utmost endeavours to disclose and make them known to his Majesty, His Heirs and successors, all treasons and traitorous conspiracies and attempts, which we shall know to be against Him or them. So help us God. Thomas Clark - Lt. Col. David Secord - Major John Crysler - Capt James Macklin - Capt John [Ross] - [Captain] [Abraham] Bowman - Lieut Gilbert McMicking - Quartmaster John [Misiner] - Ensign Robert Campbell - Capt John [Couke] - Ensign Nicholas Smith - Lieut I certify that the officers who have here [subscribed] the oath took it before me at Chippawa 4 Sept 1812 Thomas Dickson JP


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Survey map of the Second Welland Canal created by the Welland Canal Company showing a portion of the Grantham Township sometimes referred to as the Welland Vale. Identified structures associated with the Canal include Lock 2, several weirs, and the Lock Tender's House. The surveyors' measurements and notes can be seen in red and black ink and pencil. Features of the First Welland Canal are noted in red ink and include the old towing path and the Old Canal itself. Local area landmarks and businesses are also identified and include streets and roads (ex. Side Line and Old Road to Port Dalhousie), J. C. Clark's Ice House, J. L. Ranney Store House, a burnt mill, barrel shed, a building leased to Michael Kerrins, and a number of unidentified structures (possibly houses or cabins) belonging to D. Cain, R. Cain, W. Weaver and W. Huddy. A New Road to St. Catharines is featured in red ink. Properties and property owners of note are: Concession 5 Lots 20, 21 and 22, Concession 6 Lots 20 and 21, Thomas Adams, John Gould, George Rykert, Theophilus Mack, William H. Merritt, J. L. Ranney, and the Board of Works.


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Survey map of the Second Welland Canal created by the Welland Canal Company showing the areas in and around Port Colborne. Identified structures associated with the Canal include Lighthouse, Pier Light, Old Lock House, Collector's Office, Harbour Master's House, Canal Boundary, Back Ditch, Reserved Back Ditch, Basin, Light-Keeper's House and Ferry Recess. The surveyors' measurements and notes can be seen in red and black ink and pencil. Local area landmarks and businesses are also identified and include Gordon's Woodyard, Welland Rail Road, Welland Railway Elevator and Proposed Elevator, W.R.R. Flour Shed, Roman Catholic Church, School House, Sandhills, Lake Erie, and the High Water Mark. Streets running parallel to Canal include King St., West St., East St., Queen St., Hamilton St., and the Road Allowance are labelled. Streets running perpendicular to Canal include Kent St., Victoria St., Adelaide St., SugarLoaf St., George St., Alexandrina St., William St., Fort Erie St., Lake Rd., and New Road to Dutch Settlement are also labelled. Property owners and leasers as well as buildings on lots are also idenitified and noted as follows: Adams estate, J. Towhig, J.C. Kerr, Mrs. Hill, S. Cooke, Mrs. Yocum, W.T. Cooke, P. Wintermute, J. Shickluna, William Cooke, J. McChesney, John Beatty, W. Robertson, John Gordon, T. Armstrong, John Harper, George Keefer, Estate of James Black, Thomas Park, N. Higgins, S. Hopkins, and L.G. Cartier. Map of the Village of Port Colborne. Being Lot No. 27 and part of Lot No. 28 in the 1st Con. Township of HUMBERSTONE. Scale 2 Chs. per Inch. land shaded in RED Owned by DEPT. Do. Do. BLUE Sold to the COUNTY of WELLAND


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The first Clifton Hotel was built in 1832, but was destroyed by fire in 1898. A second hotel was built on the same site in 1906. This second hotel was much larger and included a branch of the Imperial Bank, a Gray Coach Lines Terminal, and several stores. For many years the inn was operated by George Major, but came under the control of the United Hotel Co. in 1919. The hotel was destroyed by fire in 1932. Oakes Garden Theatre currently occupies the location where the hotels once stood.


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A vignette of the residence of George McDonnell, Esq., Beaverdam's in Thorold Township.


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Document appointing Thomas Millard, Esquire to as "Captain of a Troop in the North Somerset Regiment Cavalry". The appointment is signed and declared "By the Right Honourable John Earl Poulett, Viscount, and Baron of Hinton Saint George of the most Ancient Order of the Thistle and Lord Lieutenant of the County of Somerset". Dated 1814


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The Second U.S. Regiment of Light Dragoons was formed in January 1812. In March of 1814, it merged with the First U.S. Regiment of Light Dragoons to form the Regiment of Light Dragoons.


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An orderly book of the Second Regiment of U.S. Dragoons, New York, dated August 14, 1812-July 29, 1813. The book contains orders pertaining to day-to-day military matters, such as punishments for disobedience, court-martial proceedings, camp rules and regulations, and guidelines for interacting with civilians in the vicinity of the camp. The Regiment was stationed at various locations in upstate New York and Canada, including Greenbush, Albany, Sackets Harbor, Utica, Geneva, Fort Niagara and Fort George. General Henry Dearborn originally commanded the Regiment at Greenbush. Names noted in this book include:E. Beebe, Deputy Adjt. General; William King, Capt. 15th; John Chandler, General ;W. Gamewood, Major ;James Burns, Colonel;John Woodford, Major; Andrew McDowell, Capt.; Abm. Gustis, Major; C.W. Hunter, Brigade Major; Selden, Captain; Holland, Captain; Harris, Captain; Clarkson, Lieutenant; Johnson, Lieutenant; Robert Craig, Adjt.; R.G. Hith, A.A. General. Also included with the orderly book are a monthly return form, a contract for medical services, and a bonus pay voucher for Thomas Blunt. The monthly return form is partially completed and dated January 1813 at Greenbush, New York. It is signed by Captain Jonas Holland. The contract is dated May 20, 1812, between John Dodge, physician and surgeon, and Jonas Holland. The contract describes the services required of the physician and the salary to be paid. The bonus pay voucher is dated April 25, 1813, for $8.00 paid to Thomas Blunt by Captain Jonas Holland for 'enlisting into the army of the United States for five years'.