1 resultado para Patellar Tendon
em Brock University, Canada
Objectlve:--This study examined the intraclass reliability· of different measures of the
excitability of the Hoffmann reflex, derived from stimulus-response curves. The slope of the
regression line of the H-reflex stimulus-response curve advocated by Funase et al. (1994) was
also compared to the peak of the first derivative of the H-reflex stimulus-response curve
(dHIdVmax), a new measure introduced in this investigation. A secondary purpose was to explore
the possibility of mood as a covariate when measuring excitability of the H-reflex arc.
Methods: The H-reflex amplitude at a stimulus intensity corresponding to 5% of the
maximum M-wave (Mmax) is an established measure that was used as an additional basis of
comparison. The H-reflex was elicited in the soleus for 24 subjects (12 males and 12 females)
on five separate days. Vibration was applied to the Achilles tendon prior to stimulation to test
the sensitivity of the measures on test day four. The means of five evoked potentials at each
gradually increasing intensity, from below H-reflex threshold to above Mmax, were used to create
both the H-reflex and M-wave stimulus response curves for each subject across test days. The
mood of the subjects was assessed using the Subjective Exercise Experience Scale (SEES) prior
to the stimulation protocol each day.
Results: There was a modest decrease in all H-reflex measures from the first to third test day,
but it was non-significant (P's>0.05). All measures of the H-reflex exhibited a profound
reduction following vibration on test day four, and then returned to baseline levels on test day
five (P's<0.05). The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) for H-reflex amplitude at 5% of
Mmax was 0.85. The ICC for the slope of the regression line was 0.79 while it was 0.89 for
dH/dVmax. Maximum M-wave amplitude had an ICC of 0.96 attesting to careful methodological
controls. The SEES subscales of fatigue and psychological well-being remained unchanged
across the five days. The psychological distress subscale (P