24 resultados para O-STAR
em Brock University, Canada
Tuesday, January 5th, 1971
The (n, k)-star interconnection network was proposed in 1995 as an attractive alternative to the n-star topology in parallel computation. The (n, k )-star has significant advantages over the n-star which itself was proposed as an attractive alternative to the popular hypercube. The major advantage of the (n, k )-star network is its scalability, which makes it more flexible than the n-star as an interconnection network. In this thesis, we will focus on finding graph theoretical properties of the (n, k )-star as well as developing parallel algorithms that run on this network. The basic topological properties of the (n, k )-star are first studied. These are useful since they can be used to develop efficient algorithms on this network. We then study the (n, k )-star network from algorithmic point of view. Specifically, we will investigate both fundamental and application algorithms for basic communication, prefix computation, and sorting, etc. A literature review of the state-of-the-art in relation to the (n, k )-star network as well as some open problems in this area are also provided.
The hyper-star interconnection network was proposed in 2002 to overcome the drawbacks of the hypercube and its variations concerning the network cost, which is defined by the product of the degree and the diameter. Some properties of the graph such as connectivity, symmetry properties, embedding properties have been studied by other researchers, routing and broadcasting algorithms have also been designed. This thesis studies the hyper-star graph from both the topological and algorithmic point of view. For the topological properties, we try to establish relationships between hyper-star graphs with other known graphs. We also give a formal equation for the surface area of the graph. Another topological property we are interested in is the Hamiltonicity problem of this graph. For the algorithms, we design an all-port broadcasting algorithm and a single-port neighbourhood broadcasting algorithm for the regular form of the hyper-star graphs. These algorithms are both optimal time-wise. Furthermore, we prove that the folded hyper-star, a variation of the hyper-star, to be maixmally fault-tolerant.
An advertisement for Star Music Store, established 1869. The advertisement describes the services offered and the brands sold.
Receipt from W.H. Eckhardt, Star Music Store, St. Catharines for rent of machine, Feb. 1, 1888.
Letter to H.H. Collier of the Auditor’s Office in Austin, Texas from D.W. Fitch (3 pages, handwritten), publisher of the Houston Star Newspaper. The letter is about newspaper business and personal matters. It is stated that Henry might go to Austin. This letter has been torn and taped. This does not affect the text, Feb. 28, 1841.
The Evening Star, St. Catharines, Ontario. This paper contains an advertisement for James D. Tait Company, August 16, 1900.
The Evening Star, St. Catharines, Ontario. This paper contains an advertisement for James D. Tait Company, January 7, 1902.
Alderman John S. Campbell expresses interest in becoming mayor of St. Catharines. Surce: The Star-Journal (St. Catharines, Ont.), Tuesday, November 27, 1906
This study sought to explore the changing nature of the financial services industry in Toronto, Canada and the impact that these changes will have on the vocational educational outcomes required by Ontario Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology (CAAT) graduates who wish to enter the financial services industry. The study was descriptive and exploratory, based on both quantitative and qualitative data. Triangulation of 3 data sources (a collection of newspaper articles from the Toronto Star between July 1999 and June 2000, the calendars of the 25 CAATs, and a survey questionnaire prepared by me and distributed to subject matter experts who are key practitioners in the financial services industry) was used. The study contains a discussion of how the financial services industry is changing. The first question to be answered was: What do current practitioners in financial services perceive to be the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that will be required of future graduates for employment within the financial services industry? The study found that Ontario CAAT's graduates entering the financial services field need both business and financial services vocational learning outcomes. Colleges should have 2 programs 1 in accounting and 1 in financial services. The report addresses which specific topics should be included in the financial services program. The second question to be answered was: How does this anticipated profile of knowledge, skills, and attitudes change depending on the degree of implementation of the new technologies by the survey respondent? The study found no pattern. The third question to be answered was: In what way do existing programs need to change in the area of accreditation as perceived by the respondents? The study found that for accreditation, 3 credentials should be addressed within the financial services program. These are the Canadian Securities, the Life Underwriters, and the Certified Financial Planner designations. The last question to be answered was: What new knowledge, skills, and attitudes need to be incorporated into college curricula to address changing needs in the employment sector? For each Ontario CAAT which has a financial services program (excluding accounting), their program was reviewed in light of the topics as perceived by professionals in the financial services industry.
The (n, k)-arrangement interconnection topology was first introduced in 1992. The (n, k )-arrangement graph is a class of generalized star graphs. Compared with the well known n-star, the (n, k )-arrangement graph is more flexible in degree and diameter. However, there are few algorithms designed for the (n, k)-arrangement graph up to present. In this thesis, we will focus on finding graph theoretical properties of the (n, k)- arrangement graph and developing parallel algorithms that run on this network. The topological properties of the arrangement graph are first studied. They include the cyclic properties. We then study the problems of communication: broadcasting and routing. Embedding problems are also studied later on. These are very useful to develop efficient algorithms on this network. We then study the (n, k )-arrangement network from the algorithmic point of view. Specifically, we will investigate both fundamental and application algorithms such as prefix sums computation, sorting, merging and basic geometry computation: finding convex hull on the (n, k )-arrangement graph. A literature review of the state-of-the-art in relation to the (n, k)-arrangement network is also provided, as well as some open problems in this area.
Reel 1. E.J. Palmer's Grimsby illustrated; Merritton advance; The Evening review; Niagara Falls evening review; The academy; St. Catharines constitutional; St. Catharines daily news; St. Catharines daily standard; St. Catharines daily times; St. Catharines evening journal; St. Catharines evening star. -- Reel 2. St. Catharines evening star. -- Reel 3. St. Catharines evening star. -- Reel 4. St. Catharines evening star; St. Catharines gazette; St. Catharines journal; St. Catharines semi-weekly post; St. Catharines star journal; St. Catharines weekly news; St. Catharines weekly star; St. Catharines women's patriotic journal; St. Catharines women's standard; Welland Canadian farmer supplement; Welland Canadian farmer and grange record; Welland Canal works; Welland telegraph extra; Welland telegraph; Welland tribune and telegraph. -- Reel 5. Beamsville express; Vineland Jordan post; Grimsby independent; Haldimand advocate; Haldimand tribune; Niagara onghiara; Smithville pioneer; The Irish Canadian. -- Reel 7. St. Catharines daily times. -- Reel 8. St. Catharines daily times. -- Reel 9. St. Catharines daily times. -- Reel 10. The Monck reform press; Herald (Fonthill); Independent (Grimsby); Beamsville express; Post express (Lincoln); Jordan post (Vineland); The gleaner and Niagara newspaper; Niagara advance; Pelham herald; Port Colborne news; Farmers' journal and Welland Canal intelligencer; Welland tribune; Welland Tribune; Welland tribune and telegraph; Evening tribune (Welland Ship Canal, centenary issue).
The "Columbian" was established by Mr. Holt in 1808 as an "organ of the Clintonians" (Journalism in the United States, from 1690-1872 By Frederic Hudson) and a replacement to the "Citizen". It was a passionate Democratic paper that supported both Jefferson and Madison. Holt later sold the "Columbian" to Alden Spooner, who published the Long Island "Star". The Columbian ceased in 1821. This issue includes the following War of 1812 topics: Page 2: copies of letters from U.S. Gen. H. Dearborn describing the U.S. attack on Ft. George 27 May 1813; letter from Gen. H. Dearborn describing U.S. pursuit of British troops at Beaver Dams and the U.S. capture of Fort Erie; list of U.S. killed and wounded in Commodore Isaac Chauncey's squadron in attack on York 27 April, 1813; list of killed and wounded in Commodore Isaac Chauncey's squadron in attack on Ft. George 27 May 1813; abstract of the cartel for the exchange of prisoners of war between Great Britain and the United States; mention of troop movements through New York on their way to the battle front; list of persons killed or lost on the privateer Saratoga; Page 3: account of the loss of the U.S. war ships the Growler and Eagle to the British; news from Quebec and Kingston of troop movements; U.S. ship Syren unsuccessfully pursues British ship Herald; account of a U.S. cargo ship being captured by a British military ship; account of U.S. ship Siro capturing British ship Loyal Sam; report from Halifax of recent British troop and ship movements; list of recent troop enrollments in various states; report of British troop build up in Kingston;