em Brock University, Canada


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A number of metal complexes containing the ligand 5,5,7,12,12,14-hexamethyl-l,4,8,11-tetra-azatetradecane were synthesized and analyzed using electron impact (EI) and fast atom bombardment (FAB). The FAB mass spectra were obtained in positive and negative ion mode. FAB in the positive ion mode proved to be the most successful technique for the identification of these compounds. In the majority of cases the spectra obtained using positive ion FAB were structurally informative, although not all showed molecular (M+) or quasimolecular ([M+H]+) ions. The fragmentations observed were characteristic of the ligands, and were interpreted based on the chemistry of these compounds.


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In order to investigate the use of Fast Atom Bombardment Mass Spectrometry (FAB-MS) as a tool for structural characterization, two groups of complexes are analyzed. The first group is a set of ruthenium(II) coordination complexes containing bidentate polypyridyl ligands. The positive and negative ion FAB-MS spectra are found to be sufficient to allow for an almost complete characterization of the central metal atom, the ligands and the counter anions contained in the intact complex. An unusual observation of mUltiply charged ions in the positive ion FAB-MS spectra (i.e. [RUL 3 ]2+) is explained to be as a result of the oxidative quenching of the excited state of the doubly charged ion by the matrix, 3-nitrobenzyl alcohol. An analysis of a mixture shows that the technique is a good one for identifying components therein. A group of triptycene and related complexes containing Group V elements is also analyzed by FAB-MS and the results. in terms of relative abundances of fragment ions, are found to be consistent with known metal-carbon bond strengths.


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Rates and products of the oxidation of diphenyl sulfide, phenyl methyl sulfide, p-chlorophenyl methyl sulfide and diphenyl sulfoxide have been determined. Oxidants included t-Bu02H alone, t-Bu02H plus molybdenum or vanadium catalysts and the molybdenum peroxo complex Mo0(02)2*HMPT. Reactions were chiefly carried out in ethanol at temperatures ranging from 20° to 65°C. Oxidation of diphenyl sulfide by t-Bu02H in absolute ethanol at 65°C followed second-order kinetics with k2 = 5.61 x 10 G M~1s"1, and yielded only diphenyl sulfoxide. The Mo(C0)g-catalyzed reaction gave both the sulfoxide and the sulfone with consecutive third-order kinetics. Rate = k3[Mo][t-Bu02H][Ph2S] + k^[Mo][t-Bu02H][Ph2S0], where log k3 = 12.62 - 18500/RT, and log k^ = 10.73 - 17400/RT. In the absence of diphenyl sulfide, diphenyl sulfoxide did not react with t-Bu02H plus molybdenum catalysts, but was oxidized by t-Bu02H-V0(acac)2. The uncatalyzed oxidation of phenyl methyl sulfide by t-Bu02H in absolute ethanol at 65°C gave a second-order rate constant, k = 3.48 x 10~"5 M^s""1. With added Mo(C0)g, the product was mainly phenyl methyl sulfoxide; Rate = k3[Mo][t-Bu02H][PhSCH3] where log k3 = 22.0 - 44500/RT. Both diphenyl sulfide and diphenyl sulfoxide react readily with the molybdenum peroxy complex, Mo0(02)2'HMPT in absolute ethanol at 35°C, yielding diphenyl sulfone. The observed features are mainly in agreement with the literature on metal ion-catalyzed oxidations of organic compounds by hydroperoxides. These indicate the formation of an active catalyst and the complexation of t-Bu02H with the catalyst. However, the relatively large difference between the activation energies for diphenyl sulfide and phenyl methyl sulfide, and the non-reactivity of diphenyl sulfoxide suggest the involvement of sulfide in the production of an active species.


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The synthesis and studies of two classes of poly dentate ligands are presented as two projects. In project 1, four new carboxamide ligands have been synthesised via the condensation of 2,2',6,6'-tetrachloroformyl-4,4'-bipyridine or 2,6-dichloroformyl pyridine together with heterocyclic amines containing pyridine or pyrazole substituents. The coordination chemistry of these ligands has been investigated and studies have shown that with a Cu(II) salt, two carboxamide ligands LJ and L2 afford large clusters with stoichiometries [Cu8(L1)4Cl16].CHCl3.5H2O.7CH3OH (I) and [Cu9(L2)6Cl6].CH3OH.5H2O.(C2H5)3N (II) respectively. [molecular diagram availabel in pdf]. X-ray diffraction studies of cluster (I) reveal that it has approximate S4 symmetry and is comprised of four ligands and eight copper (II) centers. Here, coordination takes place via amide 0 atoms, and pyrazole nitrogens. This complex is the first reported example of an octanuclear copper cluster with a saddle-shaped structure. The second cluster comprises nine copper ions that are arranged in a cyclic array. Each ligand coordinates three copper centers and each copper ion shares two ligands to connect six ligands with nine copper ions. The amide nitrogens are completely deprotonated and both amide Nand 0 atoms coordinate the metal centres. The cluster has three-fold symmetry. There are six chloride ions, three of which are bridging two neighbouring Cu(II) centres. Magnetic studies of (I) and (II) reveal that both clusters display weak antiferromagnetic interactions between neighbouring Cu(II) centers at low temperature. In the second project, three complexes with stoichiometries [Fe[N302](SCN)2]2 (III), R,R-[Fe[N3O2](SCN)2 (IV) and R,R-]Fe[N3O2](CN)2] (V) were prepared and characterized, where [N302] is a pentadentate macrocycle. Complex (III) was prepared via the metal templated Schiff-base condensation of 2,2',6,6'-tetraacetyl-4,4'-bipyridine together with 3,6-dioxaoctane-I,8-diamine and comprises of a dimeric macro cycle where the two Fe(II) centres are in a pentagonal-bipyramidal environment with the [N302] ligands occupying the equatorial plane and two axial NCS ligands. Complexes (IV) and (V) were prepared via the condensation of 2,6-diacetylpyridine together with a chiral diamine in the presence of FeCh. The synthetic strategy for the preparation of the chiral diamine (4R,5R)-4,5-diphenyl-3,6-dioxa-I,8-octane-diamine was elucidated. The chirality of both macrocycles (IV) and (V) was probed by circular dichroism spectroscopy. The crystal structure of (IV) at 200 K contains two independent molecules in the unit cell, both of which contain a hepta-coordinated Fe(II) and axial NCS ligands. Variable temperature magnetic susceptibility and structural studies are consistent with a high spin Fe(II) complex and show no evidence of any spin crossover behaviour. In contrast, the bis cyanide derivative (V) crystallizes with two independent molecules in the unit cell, both of which have different coordination geometries consistent with different spin states for the two Fe(II) centres. At 250 K, the molecular structure of (V) shows the presence of both 7- and a 6-coordinate Fe(II) complexes in the crystal lattice. As the temperature is lowered, the molecules undergo a structural change and at 100 K the structural data is consistent with a 6- and 5-coordinate Fe(II) complex in the unit cell. Magnetic studies confirm that this complex undergoes a gradual, thermal, spin crossover transition in the solid state. Photomagnetic measurements indicate this is the first chiral Fe (II) sea complex to exhibit a LIESST.


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Our work on single molecule magnets and multifunctional magnetic materials is presented in four projects. In the first project we show for first time that heteroatomic-type pseudohalides, such as OCN-, can be employed as structure-directing ligands and ferromagnetic couplers in higher oxidation state metal cluster chemistry. The initial use of cyanato groups in Mn cluster chemistry has afforded structurally interesting MnII/III14 (1) and MnII/III/IV16 (2) clusters in which the end-on bridging cyanates show a preference in binding through their O-atom. The Mn14 compound shows entirely visible out-of-phase alternating currect signals below 5 K and large hysteresis loops below 2 K. Furthermore, the amalgamation of azido groups with the triethanolamine tripodal ligand in manganese carboxylate cluster chemistry has led to the isolation of a new ferromagnetic, high-nuclearity and mixed-valence MnII/III15Na2 (3) cluster with a large ground-state spin value of S = 14. In the second project we demonstrate a new synthetic route to purely inorganic-bridged, transition metal-azido clusters [CoII7 (4) and NiII7 (5)] and coordination polymers [{FeII/III2}n (6)] which exhibit strong ferromagnetic, SMM and long-range magnetic ordering behaviors. We also show that access to such a unique ferromagnetic class of inorganic, N-rich and O-free materials is feasible through the use of Me3SiN3 as the azido-ligand precursor without requiring the addition of any organic chelating/bridging ligand. In the last projects we have tried to bring together molecular magnetism and optics via the synthesis of multifunctional magnetic materials based on 3d- or 4f-metal ions. We decided to approach such challenge from two different directions: firstly, in our third project, by the deliberate replacement of non-emissive carboxylato ligands in known 3d-SMMs with their fluorescent analogues, without perturbing the metal-core structure and SMM properties (complexes 7, 8, and 9). The second route (last project) involves the use of naphthalene or pyridine-based polyalcohol bridging ligands for the synthesis of new polynuclear LnIII metal clusters (Ln = lanthanide) with novel topologies, SMM behaviors and luminescent properties arising from the increased efficiency of the “antenna” organic group. This approach has led us to the isolation of two new families of LnIII8 (complexes 10-13) and LnIII4 (complexes 14-20) clusters.