13 resultados para Leaf angle

em Brock University, Canada


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Solid state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is a powerful technique for studying structural and dynamical properties of disordered and partially ordered materials, such as glasses, polymers, liquid crystals, and biological materials. In particular, twodimensional( 2D) NMR methods such as ^^C-^^C correlation spectroscopy under the magicangle- spinning (MAS) conditions have been used to measure structural constraints on the secondary structure of proteins and polypeptides. Amyloid fibrils implicated in a broad class of diseases such as Alzheimer's are known to contain a particular repeating structural motif, called a /5-sheet. However, the details of such structures are poorly understood, primarily because the structural constraints extracted from the 2D NMR data in the form of the so-called Ramachandran (backbone torsion) angle distributions, g{^,'4)), are strongly model-dependent. Inverse theory methods are used to extract Ramachandran angle distributions from a set of 2D MAS and constant-time double-quantum-filtered dipolar recoupling (CTDQFD) data. This is a vastly underdetermined problem, and the stability of the inverse mapping is problematic. Tikhonov regularization is a well-known method of improving the stability of the inverse; in this work it is extended to use a new regularization functional based on the Laplacian rather than on the norm of the function itself. In this way, one makes use of the inherently two-dimensional nature of the underlying Ramachandran maps. In addition, a modification of the existing numerical procedure is performed, as appropriate for an underdetermined inverse problem. Stability of the algorithm with respect to the signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio is examined using a simulated data set. The results show excellent convergence to the true angle distribution function g{(j),ii) for the S/N ratio above 100.


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The hypothesis that rapid y-aminobutyric acid (GABA) accumulation is a plant defense against phytophagous insects was investigated. Simulation of mechanical damage resulting from phytophagous insect activity increased soybean (Glycine max L.) leaf GABA 10- to 25-fold within 1 to 4 min. Pulverizing leaf tissue resulted in a value of 2. 15 (±O. 11 SE) ~mol GABA per gram fresh weight. Increasing the GABA levels in a synthetic diet from 1.6 to 2.6 Jlffiol GABA per gram fresh weight reduced the growth rates, developmental rates, total biomass (50% reduction), and survival rates (30% reduction) of cultured Oblique banded leaf-roller (OBLR) (Choristonellra rosacealla Harris) larvae. In field experiments OBLR larvae were found predominantly on young terminal leaves which have a reduced capacity to produce GABA in response to mechanical damage. Glutamate decarboxylase (GAD) is a cytosolic enzyme which catalyses the decarboxylation of L-Glu to GABA. GAD is a calmodulin binding enzyme whose activity is stimulated dramatically by increased cytosolic H+ or Ca2 + ion concentrations. Phytophagous insect activity will disrupt the cellular compartmentation of H+ and Ca2 +, activate GAD and subsequent GABA accumulation. In animals GABA is a major inhibitory neurotransmitter. The possible mechanisms resulting in GABA inhibited growth and development of insects are discussed.


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Ontario Editorial Bureau (O.E.B.)


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The text reads as follows: nomen Domini invocabo. V. Date magnitudinem Deo nostro: Deus, vera opera eius, et omnes viae eius indicia. V. Deus fidelis, in quo….. Translated: I will invoke the name of the Lord. V. Give ye magnificence to our God: The works of God are perfect, and all his ways are judgments. V. Let my doctrine gather as the rain…..


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The text reads as follows: Narrator: Passio domini nostri iesu christi secundum matheum. In illo tempore dixit iusus discipulis suis. Christ: Scritis quia post biduum pascha fiet, et filius hominis tradetur ut crucifigatur. Narrator: Tumc congregati sunt principes sacerdotum et seniores populi, in atrium principis… Translated: Narrator: The Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ according to Matthew. “And it came to pass when Jesus had finished all of these words that he said to his disciples: Christ: You know that after two days the Passover will be here; and the Son of Man will be delivered up to be crucified. Narrator: Then the chief priests and the elders of the people gathered together in the court of the high priest…


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Four men, same men from a previous photograph, standing in the water of the tunnel.


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Black and white photographs, 19 cm x 24 cm of the interior of an unidentified house the sitting room which was mentioned above, but this shot is taken from farther away. A fireplace is visible in the room. The photograph was taken by Wurts Brothers General Photographers of New York City (2 copies).


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Black and white photograph, mounted on board, 7 cm x 4 cm, of Julia in a side angle face pose. This photo was taken by Fred Pfaff of Peach Street, Erie, Pennsylvania.


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Black and white photograph, 23 cm x 17 cm, of Margaret Julia Woodruff Band in a seated position, taken from a side angle. She is wearing a lace dress. The photo was taken by Dudley Hoyt of New York.


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Envelope containing a four leaf clover “for luck” and little Margaret’s hair (9 mos. old), Sept. 3, 1937.


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Gold leaf that belonged to great grandmother French. This is enclosed in an envelope which has Jas. Carruthers and Co. Grain Exporters, New York as a return address, n.d.