5 resultados para Extracellular digestion
em Brock University, Canada
The purpose of the current investigation was to establish an in-l'itro skeletal muscle model to study acute alterations in resting skeletal muscle cell volume. Isolated. whole muscle (SOL and EDL) was dissected from Long Evans rats and incubated for 60 min in Sigma Medium-199 (resting tension (lg). bubbled with 95:5% 02:C02, 30 ± 2°C, and pH 7.4). Media osmolality was altered to simulate hypo-osmotic (190 ± 10 Osm) (HYPO) or hyper-osmotic conditions (400 ± 10 Osm) (HYPER) while an iso-osmotic condition (290± 1 0 Osm) (CON) served as a control (n= 17.19.17). Following incubation, relative muscle water content decreased with HYPER and increased with HYPO in both muscle types (p<0.05). The cross-sectional area of HYPO SOL type I and type II fibres increased (p<0.05) while the EDL type 11 fibre area decreased in HYPER and increascd from HYPO exposure. Furthermore, HYPER exposure in both muscles lead to decreased ATP and phosphocreatine (p<0.05) and increased creatine and lactate (p<0.05) compared to CON. This isolated skeletal muscle model proved viable and demonstrated that altering extracellular osmolality could cause acutc alterations in muscle water content and resting muscle metabolism.
Floral nectar is thought to be the primary carbohydrate source for most dipteran species. However, it has been shown that black flies (Burgin & Hunter 1997 a,b,c), mosquitoes (Foster 1995; Burkett et al. 1999; Russell & Hunter 2002), deer flies (Magnarelli & Burger 1984; Janzen & Hunter 1998; Ossowski & Hunter 2000), horse flies (Schutz & Gaugler 1989; Hunter & Ossowski 1999) and sand flies (MacVicker et al. 1990; Wallbanks et al. 1990; Cameron et al. 1992, 1995; Schlein & Jacobson 1994, 1999; Hamilton & EI Naiem 2000) feed on homopteran honeydew as well as floral nectar. Prior to 1997 floral nectar was thought to be the main source of carbohydrates for black flies. However, Burgin & Hunter (1 997a) demonstrated that up to 35% of black flies had recently consumed meals of homo pte ran honeydew. This information has necessitated a re-assessment of many life history aspects of black flies. Attempts are being made to examine the effects of nectar versus honeydew on black fly fecundity and parasite transmission (Hazzard 2003). Recently, Stanfield and Hunter (unpublished data) have shown that in female black flies, honeydew sugars produce flights of longer distance and duration than do nectar sugars. This thesis examines two aspects of black fly biology as it relates to sugar meal consumption. First, the effects of honeydew and nectar on black fly longevity are examined. Second, the proximate causation behind longer flight performances in honeydew-fed flies will be examined. The comparison between these two sources is important because nectar is composed of mainly simple sugars (monosaccharides and disaccharides) whereas honeydew is composed of both simple and complex sugars (including trisaccharides and tetrasaccharides ).
Extracellular hyper-osmotic (HYPER) stress increases glucose uptake to defend cell volume, when compared to iso-osmotic (ISO) conditions in skeletal muscle. The purpose of this study was to determine a time course for changes in common signaling proteins involved in glucose uptake during acute hyper-osmotic stress in isolated mammalian skeletal muscle. Rat extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscles were excised and incubated in a media formulated to mimic ISO (290 ± 10 mmol/kg) or HYPER (400 ± 10 mmol/kg) extracellular condition (Sigma Media-199). Signaling mechanisms were investigated by determining the phosphorylation states of Akt, AMPK, AS160, cPKC and ERK after 30, 45 and 60 minutes of incubation. AS160 was found to be significantly more phosphorylated in HYPER conditions compared to ISO after 30 minutes (p<0.01). It is speculated that AS160 phosphorylation increases glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4) content at the cell surface thereby facilitating an increase in glucose uptake under hyper-osmotic stress.
Acute alterations in cell volume can substantively modulate subsequent metabolism of substrates. However, how such alterations in skeletal muscle modulate protein metabolism is limited. The purpose of this study was to determine the time dependent influence of extracellular osmotic stress on protein turnover in skeletal muscle cells. L6 cells were incubated in hyperosmotic (HYPER; 425.3 ± 1.8mmol/kg), hypo-osmotic (HYPO; 235.4 ± 1.0mmol/kg) or control (CON; 333.5 ± 1.4mmol/kg) media for 4, 8, 12, or 24hrs. During the final 4hrs, incorporation of L-[ring-3,5-3H]-tyrosine was measured to estimate protein synthesis. Western blotting measured markers of protein synthesis and degradation. No differences were observed in any outcomes except p70S6K phosphorylation whereby HYPO was lower (p<0.05) than CON and HYPER; which remained similar except for a large increase at 8hrs for HYPER. These findings suggest that regardless of duration, extracellular osmotic stress does not significantly affect protein metabolism in L6 cells.
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of increased extracellular leucine concentration on protein metabolism in skeletal muscle cells when exposed to 3 different osmotic stresses. L6 skeletal muscle cells were incubated in either a normal or supplemental leucine (1.5mM) medium set to hypo-osmotic (230 ± 10 Osm), iso-osmotic (330 ± 10 Osm) or hyper-osmotic (440 ± 10 Osm) conditions. 3H-tyrosine was used to quantify protein synthesis. Western blotting analysis was performed to determine the activation of mTOR, p70S6k, ubiquitin, actin, and μ-calpain. Hypo-osmotic stress resulted in the greatest increase in protein synthesis rate under the normal-leucine condition while iso-osmotic stress has the greatest increase under the elevated-leucine condition. Elevated-leucine condition had a decreased rate in protein degradation over the normal condition within the ubiquitin proteasome pathway (p<0.05). Leucine and hypo-osmotic stress therefore creates a favourable environment for anabolic events to occur.