6 resultados para Experimental observations

em Brock University, Canada


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In this work, the magnetic field penetration depth for high-Tc cuprate superconductors is calculated using a recent Interlayer Pair Tunneling (ILPT) model proposed by Chakravarty, Sudb0, Anderson, and Strong [1] to explain high temperature superconductivity. This model involves a "hopping" of Cooper pairs between layers of the unit cell which acts to amplify the pairing mechanism within the planes themselves. Recent work has shown that this model can account reasonably well for the isotope effect and the dependence of Tc on nonmagnetic in-plane impurities [2] , as well as the Knight shift curves [3] and the presence of a magnetic peak in the neutron scattering intensity [4]. In the latter case, Yin et al. emphasize that the pair tunneling must be the dominant pairing mechanism in the high-Tc cuprates in order to capture the features found in experiments. The goal of this work is to determine whether or not the ILPT model can account for the experimental observations of the magnetic field penetration depth in YBa2Cu307_a7. Calculations are performed in the weak and strong coupling limits, and the efi"ects of both small and large strengths of interlayer pair tunneling are investigated. Furthermore, as a follow up to the penetration depth calculations, both the neutron scattering intensity and the Knight shift are calculated within the ILPT formalism. The aim is to determine if the ILPT model can yield results consistent with experiments performed for these properties. The results for all three thermodynamic properties considered are not consistent with the notion that the interlayer pair tunneling must be the dominate pairing mechanism in these high-Tc cuprate superconductors. Instead, it is found that reasonable agreement with experiments is obtained for small strengths of pair tunneling, and that large pair tunneling yields results which do not resemble those of the experiments.


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The perovskite crystal structure is host to many different materials from insulating to superconducting providing a diverse range of intrinsic character and complexity. A better fundamental description of these materials in terms of their electronic, optical and magnetic properties undoubtedly precedes an effective realization of their application potential. SmTiOa, a distorted perovskite has a strongly localized electronic structure and undergoes an antiferromagnetic transition at 50 K in its nominally stoichiometric form. Sr2Ru04 is a layered perovskite superconductor (ie. Tc % 1 K) bearing the same structure as the high-tem|>erature superconductor La2_xSrrCu04. Polarized reflectance measurements were carried out on both of these materials revealing several interesting features in the far-infrared range of the spectrum. In the case of SmTiOa, although insulating, evidence indicates the presence of a finite background optical conductivity. As the temperature is lowered through the ordering temperature a resonance feature appears to narrow and strengthen near 120 cm~^ A nearby phonon mode appears to also couple to this magnetic transition as revealed by a growing asymmetry in the optica] conductivity. Experiments on a doped sample with a greater itinerant character and lower Neel temperature = 40 K also indicate the presence of this strongly temperature dependent mode even at twice the ordering temperature. Although the mode appears to be sensitive to the magnetic transition it is unclear whether a magnon assignment is appropriate. At very least, evidence suggests an interesting interaction between magnetic and electronic excitations. Although Sr2Ru04 is highly anisotropic it is metallic in three-dimensions at low temperatures and reveals its coherent transport in an inter-plane Drude-like component to the highest temperatures measured (ie. 90 K). An extended Drude analysis is used to probe the frequency dependent scattering character revealing a peak in both the mass enhancement and scattering rate near 80 cm~* and 100 cm~* respectively. All of these experimental observations appear relatively consistent with a Fermi-liquid picture of charge transport. To supplement the optical measurements a resistivity station was set up with an event driven object oriented user interface. The program controls a Keithley Current Source, HP Nano-Voltmeter and Switching Unit as well as a LakeShore Temperature Controller in order to obtain a plot of the Resistivity as a function of temperature. The system allows for resistivity measurements ranging from 4 K to 290 K using an external probe or between 0.4 K to 295 K using a Helium - 3 Cryostat. Several materials of known resistivity have confirmed the system to be robust and capable of measuring metallic samples distinguishing features of several fiQ-cm.


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Interactions between freshwater algae and bacteria were examined in a natural stream habitat and a laboratory model. Field observations provided circumstantial evidence, in statistical correlation for syntrophy between the microbial populations. This relation is probably subject to control by the temperature and pH of the aquatic environment. Several species of a pond community were isolated in axenic culture and tests were performed to determine the nature of mixed species interactions. Isolation procedures and field studies indicated that selected strains of Chlorella and Azotobacter were closely associated in their natural habitat. With the suspected controlling parameters, pH and temperature, held constant, mixed cultures of algae and bacteria were compared to axenic cultures of the same organisms, and a mutual stimulation of growth was observed. A mixed pure culture apparatus was designed in this laboratory to study the algal-bacterial interaction and to test the hypothesis that such an interaction may take place through a diffusable substance or through certain medium-borne conditions, Azotobacter was found to take up a Chlorella-produced exudate, to stimulate protein synthesis, to enhance chlorophyll production and to cause a numerical increase in the interacting Chlorella population. It is not clear whether control is at the environmental, cellular or genetic level in these mixed population interactions. Experimental observations in the model system, taken with field correlations allow one to state that there may be a direct relationship governing the population fluctuations of these two organisms in their natural stream surroundings.


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The spatial limits of the active site in the benzylic hydroxylase enzyme of the fungus Mortierella isabellina were investigated. Several molecular probes were used in incubation experiments to determine the acceptability of each compound by this enzyme. The yields of benzylic alcohols provided information on the acceptability of the particular compound into the active site, and the enantiomeric excess values provided information on the "fit" of acceptable substrates. Measurements of the molecular models were made using Cambridge Scientific Computing Inc. CSC Chem 3D Plus modeling program. i The dimensional limits of the aromatic binding pocket of the benzylic hydroxylase were tested using suitably substituted ethyl benzenes. Both the depth (para substituted substrates) and width (ortho and meta substituted substrates) of this region were investigated, with results demonstrating absolute spatial limits in both directions in the plane of the aromatic ring of 7.3 Angstroms for the depth and 7.1 Angstroms for the width. A minimum requirement for the height of this region has also been established at 6.2 Angstroms. The region containing the active oxygen species was also investigated, using a series of alkylphenylmethanes and fused ring systems in indan, 1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalene and benzocycloheptene substrates. A maximum distance of 6.9 Angstroms (including the 1.5 Angstroms from the phenyl substituent to the active center of the heme prosthetic group of the enzyme) has been established extending directly in ii front of the aromatic binding pocket. The other dimensions in this region of the benzylic hydroxylase active site will require further investigation to establish maximum allowable values. An explanation of the stereochemical distributions in the obtained products has also been put forth that correlates well with the experimental observations.


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The research undertaken was to obtain absolute Raman intensities for the symmetric stretching vibrations of the methyl halides, CH3X with (X=F, CI, Br), by experiment and theory. The intensities were experimentally measured using the Ar+ ion gas laser as excitation source, a Spex 14018 double monochromator and a RCA C-31034 photomultiplier tube as detector. These intensities arise from changes in the derivative of the polarizability (8 a'), with respect to vibration along a normal coordinate (8qi). It was intended that these derivatives obtained with respect to normal coordinates would be converted to derivatives with respect to internal coordinates, for a quantitative comparison with theory. Theoretical numerical polarizability derivatives for the stretching vibrations are obtained using the following procedure. A vibration was simulated in the molecule by increasi.ng and decreasing the respective bond by the amount ±o.oosA for the C-H bonds and ±o.oIA for the C-X (X=F, CI, Br) bond. The derivative was obtained by taking the difference in the polarizability for the equilibrium geometry and the geometry when a particular bond is changed. This difference, when divided by the amount of change in each bond and the number of bonds present results in the derivative of the polarizability with respect to internal coordinate i.e., !1u/!1r. These derivatives were obtained by two methods: I} ab initio molecular orbital calculation and 2} theory of atoms in molecules (AIM) analysis. Due to errors in the experimental setup only a qualitative analysis of the results was undertaken relative to the theory. Theoretically it is predicted that the symmetric carbonhalogen stretch vibrations are more intense than the respective carbon-hydrogen stretch, but only for the methyl chloride and bromide. The carbon fluorine stretch is less intense than the carbon-hydrogen stretch, a fact which is attributed to the small size and high electronegativity of the fluorine atom. The experimental observations are seen to agree qualitatively with the theory results. It is hoped that when the experiment is repeated, a quantitative comparison can be made. The analysis by the theory of atoms in molecules, along with providing polarizabilities and polarizability derivatives, gives additional information outlined below. The theory provides a pictorial description of the main factors contributing to the molecular polarizability and polarizability derivative. These contributions are from the charge transfer and atomic dipole terms i.e., transfer of charge from one atom to another and the reorganization of atomic electronic charge distribution due to presence of an electric field. The linear relationship between polarizability and molecular volume was also observed.


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The natural abundance of the N-heterocycle containing compounds has pushed the synthetic community toward the invention of new synthetic methods that result in the structural diversity of N-heterocycles. Among this, is the efficient and highly selective diamine mediated asymmetric lithiation process. Amongst the diamine chiral ligands, (-)-sparterine, which is a naturally occurring alkaloid proved to be an efficient one. Many successful, good yielding and highly selective lithiation reactions have been accomplished with the mediation by this chiral diamine base. Although, there are some examples of experimental and theoretical mechanistic studies in the literature, there is a lack of detailed understanding as to how it exactly induces the chirality. In this thesis is described a systematic investigation of how (-)-sparteine influences the stereoselectivity in the course of asymmetric lithiation reaction. This led us to the establishment of the function of A-ring’s β-CH2 effect and D-ring effect. Consequently, the importance of the A-ring and D-ring portions of (-)-sparteine in the stereoselectivity is unraveled. Another part of this thesis deals with the asymmetric lithiation of BF3-activated N,N- dimethylaminoferrocene in the presence of (1R, 2R)-N1,N2-bis(3,3-dimethylbutyl)-N1,N2-dimethylcyclohexane-1,2-diamine ( a (R,R)-TMCDA surrogate) with i-PrLi. Computational findings were in full accord with the experimental observations. Subsequently, the theoretically provided insights into the mechanism of the reaction were exploited in computational design of a new ligand. Unfortunately, the outcome of this design was not experimentally robust and an updated approach towards a successful design was explained.