4 resultados para Escape from Vehicle.

em Brock University, Canada


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The purpos e of this phenomenological research is to explore the meaning of a YMCA-sponsored after-school recreation program in the lives of four adolescent boys. Listening to youth voice is impor t ant to the ability of othe r s to design, implement and evaluate high-quality programs tha t facilitate learning opportunities tha t a r e meaningful to participants. Within the context of interviews, task-based activities we r e used to ga the r data. Guided by Creswell's analytic spiral (1998), data wa s analyzed according to van Manen's (1990) thematic analysis and Caeilli's (2000) creative narrative analysis. It wa s found tha t this after-school progr am provided the s e adolescents with the opportunity to escape from the i r monotonous after-school activities and the instability of the i r home and school environments. Also, they we r e connected wi th positive peers, caring adults and the wide r community, opportunities tha t we r e limited in othe r aspects of the i r lives. Methodological issues a r e also discussed.


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A semi-weekly paper that was published from 1801 to 1817. It was previously called the Independent chronicle and the universal advertiser, and was later the Independent chronicle and Boston patriot (Semiweekly). Publishers were Abijah Adams and Ebenezer Rhoades. Topics of interest in this issue include: Page 1: report of Independence Day celebration including multiple toasts to the military; Page 2: report of South Carolina militia marching home; report of U.S. schooner Alligator being lost to a tornado in Port Royal; report of 10,000 militia and 2,000 regular Army troops to be used in defense of the District of Columbia and vicinity; report U.S. is to try to raise 100,000 militia for defense; news of British deserters providing information to the U.S.; report of skirmishes along the U.S. coast; statement from U.S. Navy Capt. David Porter stating he had taken possession of Sir Henry Martin's Island; report of British troops burning a militia barracks in Lewiston, N.Y.; 4 accounts of the battle of Chippewa and the taking of Fort Erie; statement from Maj. Gen. Brown in praise of his troops in the battle of Chippewa; copy of General Brown's orders to attack at Fort Erie; essay arguing against U.S. citizens boarding enemy ships; report of peace treaty rumours; Page 3: account of Capt. Porter's capture and subsequent escape from the British; list of American prisoners held on the British ship Nymph; report of British cargo ship captured by U.S. war ship; Proclamation from James Madison pardoning military deserters if they return to military service; announcement to officers and soldiers in the military offering reward for the return of military deserters; Page 4: 2 reward advertisements for return of military deserters;


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Temperature regulation is a necessary part of maintaining life, as most biological processes are influenced by temperature. ThermoTRP channels are considered the primary thermosensors in endotherms, but little is known regarding their function in ectotherms. The goal of this study is to establish TRPM8, a cold sensing channel, as a participant in normal thermoregulation of the bearded dragon (Pogona vitticeps), an ectotherm. Animals were placed inside a ramping temperature shuttle box to assess the common behavioural thermoregulatory strategy of shuttling. Shuttling involves the periodic movement between cold and warm environments to maintain body temperature at moderate levels. The temperatures for cold and warm escapes represent sensory thresholds for inducing the shuttling thermoeffector. Animals were administered with: 1) an injection of the TRM8 antagonist capsazepine, 2) an injection of the TRPM8 agonist menthol, and 3) menthol applied topically. No effect was observed with injected drugs, but topical menthol resulted in a 2-3oC rise in the ambient temperature threshold and 1-2oC rise in skin temperature threshold for escape from the cold compartment. In an additional experiment, gaping behaviour, a warm temperature thermoregulatory strategy, was assessed. No effect was observed in this behaviour when the same dose of menthol was applied topically. These results point to a role for TRPM8 only in thermoregulation as it relates to cold temperature sensation in lizards, since it does not participate in regulating warm temperature behaviours such as gaping.


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Fifty kHz rat vocalizations are theorized to reflect a positive affective state, and index the reward value of stimuli (Knutson, Burgdorf & Panksepp, 2002; Panksepp & Burgdorf, 2003; Brudzynski,2005). Previous studies have identified the neurochemical substrate of this behaviour to be dependent on dopaminergic activity at the nucleus accumbens shell (Burgdorf, Knutson, Panksepp & Ikemoto, 2001; Thompson, Leonard & Brudzynski, 2006). The utilization of d-amphetamine (a non-selective dopamine agonist) in these studies does not address the specific dopamine receptor types involved. The present study aims to identify the role of the D2- like family of receptors in the nucleus accumbens shell in the production of 50 kHz vocalizations in adult rats. Single injections of quinpirole in a saline vehicle were administered to the nucleus accumbens shell of 57 rats, and the number of 50 kHz vocalizations were recorded. An inverted V-shaped relationship was found between quinpirole dose (0.5 ~g, 3 ~g, 6 ~g, 1 0 ~g and 20 ~g, all in 0.2~1 saline) and the mean number of 50 kHz calls produced. Quinpirole successfully elicited significantly more 50 kHz calls than did a saline control at the 6 ~g dose, as did 7 ~g/0.2 ~l of d-amphetamine injections into the same brain site. To test whether a selective D2 antagonist could reverse elicited 50 kHz calling, double injections were given that used either saline or raclopride as a pretreatment before quinpirole injections. Saline followed by 6 ~g/0.2 ~l of quinpirole elicited significantly more 50 kHz vocalizations than did a double injection of saline, while pretreatment with an equimolar dose of raclopride reduced elicited calls to control levels. Raclopride was also used as a pretreatment of 7 ~g/0.2 ~l d-amphetamine, which elicited significantly fewer 50 kHz vocalizations than saline followed by amphetamine, replicating the finding of Thompson, Leonard & Brudzynski (2006).Subcutaneous injections of 0.5 mg/kg and 1.5 mg/kg of quinpirole produced a similar number of 50 kHz vocalizations as subcutaneous injection of saline. Wider dose ranges may be explored in fiiture research. Thus, direct activation of the Da-like receptors in the nucleus accumbens shell was sufficient to elicit 50 kHz vocalizations in adult rats, an effect which was reversed with selective local antagonism of Da-like receptors. The Da-like receptor family also appears necessary for pharmacological activation of 50 kHz calling, as d-amphetamine was no longer able to effectively elicit these vocalizations from the nucleus accumbens shell when the Da-receptor family was antagonized with raclopride. The acoustic parameters of elicited vocalizations remained typical of rat 50 kHz calls. Detailed analyses of the acoustic characteristics of elicited calls indicated significant increases in call duration and peak frequency across drug injection groups, particularly among quinpirole dose groups. The implications of these findings are not yet clear, but may represent an important direction for future research into the coding of semiotic content into affective signals in rats.