16 resultados para Enantioselective hydrogenation

em Brock University, Canada


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This thesis explored the development of several methodologies for the stereoselective construction of ligand frameworks and some of their applications. The first segment concerns the application of an enantioselective lithiation at an Sp3_ hybridized position adjacent to nitrogen by means of the widely used and typically highly effective enantioselective lithiation with ( -)-sparteine. This investigation was intended to develop a method to install chirality into a system that would be converted into a family of diaminoylidenes for use as phosphine mimics in transition metal catalysis or as nucleophilic reagents. Molecular modeling of the system revealed some key interactions between the substrate and (-)-sparteine that provided general insight into the diamine's mode of action and should lend some predictive value to its future applications. The second portion focuses on the development of methods to access 1,2- disubstituted aminoferrocenes, an underexplored class of metallocenes possessing planar chirality. Two routes were examined involving a diastereoselective and an enantioselective pathway, where the latter method made use of the first BF3-mediated lithiation-substitution to install planar chirality. Key derivatives such as 1,2- aminophosphines, made readily accessible by the new route, were evaluated as ligands for Pd(II), Pt(II) and Ir(I). These complexes show activity in a number of transformations with both achiral and prochiral substrates. Optimization experiments were conducted to prepare enantiomerically enriched 2-substituted-I-aminoferrocenes by direct asymmetric lithiation of BF3-coordinated tertiary aminoferrocenes. A predictive computational model describing the transition state of this reaction was developed in collaboration with Professor Travis Dudding's group (Department of Chemistry, Brock University). The predicted stereochemistry of the process was confirmed by single-crystal X-ray analysis of a 2-phosphino-l-dimethylaminoferrocene derivative. Enantiomerically pure samples of the aminophosphine ligands derived from this new process have given promising preliminary results in the enantioselective hydrogenation of prochiral alkenes and warrant further stUdy in metal-mediated catalysis.


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The unnatural threo-6-acetoxy-5-hexadecanolide and the natural mosquito oviposition pheromone erythro-6-acetoxy-5-hexadecanolide were synthesized in a diastereodivergent fashion in 44% and 33% overall yield respectively from 5-bromovaleric acid and undecanal. The key step utilized a chemoenzymatic epoxidation-lactonization of a naturally available fatty acid to form the 6-hydroxy-5-hexadecanolide core.17 The epoxidation strategy was later adapted to allow for an asymmetric synthesis. Shi epoxidation afforded highly enantioenriched (5R, 6R)-6-hydroxyhexadecanolide (er = 10) in 70 % overall yield. Other derivatives of the chiral ketone catalyst were also screened. Finally, attempts were made to obtain the correct stereochemistry at C(6) of the target with a dynamic kinetic transformation using lipase and a transfer hydrogenation catalyst. Epimerization of the lactol with the transfer hydrogenation catalyst was successful, but lipase mediated reactions halted at <10 % conversion.


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Two efficient, regio- and stereo controlled synthetic approaches to the synthesis of racemic analogs of pancratistatin have been accomplished and they serve as the model systems for the total synthesis of optically active 7-deoxy-pancratistatin. In the Diels-Alder approach, an efficient [4+2] cycloaddition of 3,4-methylenedioxyco- nitrostyrene with Danishefsky's diene to selectively form an exo-nitro adduct has been developed as the key step in the construction of the C-ring of the target molecule. In the Michael addition approach, the key step was a conjugate addition of an organic zinc-cuprate to the 3,4-methylenedioxy-(B-nitrostyrene, followed by a diastereocontroUed closure to form the cyclohexane C-ring of the target molecule via an intramolecular nitro-aldol cyclization on a neutral alumina surface. A chair-like transition state for such a cyclization has been established and such a chelation controlled transition state can be useful in the prediction of diastereoselectivity in other related 6-exo-trig nitroaldol reactions. Cyclization of the above products fi^om both approaches by using a Bischler-Napieralski type reaction afforded two lycoricidine derivatives 38 and 50 in good yields. The initial results from the above modeling studies as well as the analysis of the synthetic strategy were directed to a chiral pool approach to the total synthesis of optically active 7-deoxy-pancratistatin. Selective monsilylation and iodination of Ltartaric acid provided a chiral precursor for the proposed key Michael transformation. The outlook for the total synthesis of 7-deoxy-pancratistatin by this approach is very promising.A concise synthesis of novel designed, optically pure, Cz-symmetrical disulfonylamide chiral ligands starting from L-tartaric acid has also been achieved. This sequence employs the metallation of indole followed by Sfj2 replacement of a dimesylate as the key step. The activity for this Cz-symmetric chiral disulfonamide ligand in the catalytic enantioselective reaction has been confirmed by nucleophilic addition to benzaldehyde in the disulfonamide-Ti (0-i-Pr)4-diethylzinc system with a 48% yield and a 33% e.e. value. Such a ligand tethered with a suitable metal complex should be also applicable towards the total synthesis of 7-deoxy-pancratistatin.


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Iridium complexes with bidentate P,N ligands represent a class of catalysts that significantly expand the application range of asymmetric hydrogenation. New substrate classes, for which there have previously been no suitable catalysts, can now be efficiently hydrogenated in high conversion and enantioselectivity. These substrates are often of synthetic importance, thus iridium catalysis represents a significant advance in the field of asymmetric catalysis. Planar chiral ferrocenyl aminophosphine ligands in which both heteroatoms were directly bound to the cyclopentadienyl ring were prepared by BF3-activated lithiationsubstitution in the presence of a chiral diamine in 49-59% yield and 75-85% enantiomeric excess. Some of these ligands were recrystallized to enantiomeric purity via ammonium fluoroborate salt formation of the phosphine sulfide. A crystal structure of one of these compounds was obtained and features an intramolecular hydrogen bond between the nitrogen, hydrogen, and sulfur atoms. Neutralization, followed by desulfurization, provided the free ligands in enantiomeric purity. Iridium complexes with these ligands were formed via reaction with [Ir(COD)Clh followed by anion exchange with NaBArF. These complexes were successfully applied in homogeneous hydrogenation of several prochiral substrates, providing products in up to 92% enantiomeric excess. Variation of the dimethyl amino group to a pyrrolidine group had a negative effect on the selectivity of hydrogenation. Variation of the substituents on phosphorus to bulkier ortho-tolyl groups had a positive effect, while variation to the more electron rich dicyclohexyl phosphine had a negative effect on selectivity.


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The present studies describe our recent progress in target oriented synthesis of complex organic molecules from aromatic precursors. The latest synthetic approaches toward vinca alkaloids are described and include the construction of model substrates for the investigation into Diels-Alder, radical cascade, and tandem Michael addition reactions as possible routes to the family of alkaloids. Also described are the chemoenzymatic syntheses of the natural product (-)-idesolide and unnatural polyhydroxylated pyrrolidines generated from the biotransformation of benzoic acid with Ralstonia eutropha B9.


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This thesis describes the synthesis and use of an N-substituted ferrocene bearing a proline-derived chiral directing group and diastereoselective lithiation-electrophile quench of the pro-Sp hydrogen of the ferrocene to give planar chiral products in >95:5 dr. The auxiliary group is found to be stable to lithium bases of types RLi and R2NLi giving the same diastereoselectivity. The anti- epimer of the previously mentioned syn auxiliary induces lithiation of pro Rp rather than pro Sp hydrogen in >95:5 dr. Upon electrophile quench and elimination, the enantiomer of the syn-derived planar chiral imidazolone is obtained. Hence, this method provides a practical way to prepare planar chiral enantiomers in this series without the use of a more expensive D-proline derived starting material. The syn and anti epimers have β, γ-stereogenic centers and the origin of stereoselectivity in lithiation appears to be driven by the conformational bias exerted by the β-silyloxy moiety in each chiral auxiliary. In the thesis, this conclusion is supported using insensitivity of lithiation selectivity to the bulkiness of the base, comparison of enantiomers, deuteration experiments, nOe difference studies and computational modeling of the ground states and lithiation transition states for both substrates. The products are then converted to ligand precursors to make iridium and rhodium complexes. Among them, one of the cationic iridium complex is found to be effective in the asymmetric hydrogenation of 2-substituted quinolines with enantioselectivities up to 80% at pressures as low as 5 atm.


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The work to be presented herein illustrates several important facts. First, the synthesis of BIBOL (19), a 1,4-diol derived from the monoterpene camphor has allowed us to demonstrate that oxidative dimerizations of enolates can, and do proceed with nearly complete diastereoselectivity under kinetically controlled conditions. The yield of BIBOL is now 50% on average, with a 10% yield of a second diastereomer, which is likely the result of a non-kinetic hydride reduction, thereby affording the epimeric alcohol, 20, coupled on the exo face of camphor. This implies the production of 60% of a single coupling diastereomer. No other diastereomers from the reduction were observed. The utility of BEBOL has been illustrated in early asymmetric additions of diethylzinc to aryl aldehydes, with e.e.'s as high as 25-30%. '^' To further the oxidative coupling work, the same methodology which gave rise to BIBOL was applied to the chiral pool ketone, menthone. Interestingly, this gave an excellent yield of the a-halohydrin (31), which is the result of a chlorination of menthone. This result clearly indicates the high stereoselectivity of the process regardless of the outcome, and has illustrated an interesting dichotomy between camphor and menthone. The utility of the chlorination product as a precursor other chiral ligands is currently being investigated. > ' Finally, a new series of 1,3-diols as well as a new aminoalcohol have successfully been synthesized from highly diastereoselective aldol/mannich reactions. Early studies have indicated their potential in asymmetric catalysis, while employing pi-stack interactions as a means of controlling enantioselective aldol reactions.


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The implementation of chiral centres within biologically active compounds has been a perplexing yet motivational force in chemistry. This work presents the attempted formation of a concurrent or sequential tandem catalyzed methodology of enantioselective nucleophilic addition and electrophilic cyclization. The 2'- arylalkynyl- aldehyde, ketone, and imine substrates used within were adeptly chosen with a dually activated structure; 1) for nucleophilic addition to the electrophilic substituents; and 2) for carbophilic activation of the alkyne substituent to undergo cyclization. To accomplish the nucleophilic addition, two distinct allylation methodologies were pursued: (/?)-BINOL catalyzed-allylboration and (5)- BINAP-AgF catalyzed-allylsilylation. BINAP catalyzed enantioselective allylation of 2'-arylalkynyl-aldehydes, to form chiral homoallylic alcohols, was successful. Homoallylic alcohols were isolated with high enantio-purity (>80%), which then underwent sequential cyclization to form chiral allylic phthalans, in moderate yields. An application of this methodology towards the construction of biologically active compounds was included with the partial synthesis of the natural product and H. pylori inhibitor, (+)-Spirolaxine methyl ether.


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A^-heterocyclic carbenes (NHCs) have become the focus of much interest as ancillary ligands for transition metal catalysts in recent years. Their structural variability and strong cy-donation properties have led to the preparation of demonstrably useful organometallic catalysts. Among the three general structural types of NHCs (imidazolylidenes, imidazolinylidenes, and benzimidazolylidenes), benzimidazolylidenes are the least investigated because of the limitation of current synthetic approaches. The preparation of chiral analogues is even more challenging. Previously, our group has demonstrated an alternative approach to synthesizing benzimidazolylidenes with a tetracyclic framework in three steps from 1,10-phenanthroline. This thesis is focused on approaches to chiral benzimidazolylidenes derived from substituted 1,10-phenanthrolines. A key step in the preparation of these ligands involves a reduction of the pyridyl rings in 1,10-phenanthrolines. Chirality can be introduced to phenanthrolines before, during, or after the reduction as illustrated by three approaches: 1) de novo construction of the phenanthroline from chiral ketones with endo and exo faces to provide a degree of diastereoselectivity during subsequent reduction; 2) introduction of substituents into the 2- and 2,9- position of phenanthroline by nucleophilic aromatic substitution, followed by a reduction-resolution sequence; and 3) use of the protected octahydrophenanthroline as a substrate for chiral induction a to nitrogen.


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One of the most challenging tasks for a synthetic organic chemist today, is the development of chemo, regio, and stereoselective methodologies toward the total synthesis of macromolecules. r . The objective of my thesis was to develop methodologies towards this end. The first part of my project was to develop highly functionalized chirons from D-glucose, a cheap, chiral starting material, to be utilized in this capacity. The second part of the project dealt with modifying the carbon-carbon bond forming Suzuki reaction, which is utilized quite often as a means of combining molecular sub units in total synthesis applications. As previously stated the first area of the project was to develop high value chirons from D-glucose, but the mechanism of their formation was also investigated. The free radical initiated oxidative fragmentation of benzylidene acetals was investigated through the use of several test-case substrates in order to unravel the possible mechanistic pathways. This was performed by reacting the different acetals with N-bromosuccinimide and benzoyl peroxide in chlorobenzene at 70^C in all cases. Of the three mechanistic pathways discussed in the literature, it was determined, from the various reaction products obtained, that the fragmentation of the initial benzylic radical does not occur spontaneously but rather, oxidation proceeds to give the benzyl bromide, which then fragments via a polar pathway. It was also discovered that the regioselectivity of the fragmentation step could be altered through incorporation of an allylic system into the benzylidene acetal. This allows for the acquisition of a new set of densely functionalized. chiral, valuable synthetic intermediates in only a few steps and in high yields from a-Dglucose. The second part of the project was the utilization of the phosphonium salt room temperature ionic liquid tetradecyltrihexylphosphonium chloride (THPC) as an efficient reusable medium for the palladium catalyzed Suzuki cross-coupling reaction of aryl halides, including aryl chlorides, under mild conditions. The cross-coupling reactions were found to proceed in THPC containing small amounts of water and toluene using potassium phosphate and 1% Pd2(dba)3. Variously substituted iodobenzenes, including electron rich derivatives, reacted efficiently in THPC with a variety of arylboronic acids and afforded complete conversion within 1 hour at 50 ^C. The corresponding aryl bromides also reacted under these conditions with the addition of a catalytic amount of triphenylphosphine that allowed for complete conversion and high isolated yields. The reactions involving aryl chlorides were considerably slower, although the addition of triphenylphosphine and heating at 70 ^C allowed high conversion of electron deficient derivatives. Addition of water and hexane to the reaction products results in a triphasic system in which the top hexane phase contained the biaryl products, the palladium catalyst remained fully dissolved in the central THPC layer, while the inorganic salts were extracted into the lower aqueous phase. The catalyst was then recycled by removing the top and bottom layers and adding the reagents to the ionic liquid which was heated again at 50 ^C; resulting in complete turnover of iodobenzene. Repetition of this procedure gave the biphenyl product in 82-97% yield (repeated five times) for both the initial and recycled reaction sequences.


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The development of new methodology for the asymmetric synthesis of chiral organic compounds is a major focus in modem organic chemistry. The use of chiral catalysts is replacing chiral auxiliaries as a new tool for synthetic chemists. An efficient chiral catalyst allows for large quantities of optically active product to be obtained on use of relatively small amount of enantiopure material, without the need for the removal and recovery of a chiral auxiliary. Furthermore, the most practical catalytic methods utilize an inexpensive and readily available chiral ligand that can provide high and predictable enantioselectivity across a wide range of substrates. In our project, two type of versatile, upgraded chiral ligands have been designed and synthesized. Their application in Simmons-Smith type cyclopropanation is investigated, and the pleasing results suggest that they are the potential catalytic enantioselective candidates to build C-C bonds.


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N-heterocyclic carbenes (NHCs) have undergone rapid development in recent years. Due to their strong a-electron donation and structural variability properties, NHCs are becoming a major class of ligands in organometallic chemistry. Compared with the other two types of NHCs (imidazolylidenes and imidazolinylidenes), benzimidazolylidenes have not been well represented. Limited synthetic approaches may impede the development ofbenzimidazolylidenes. This thesis is focused on the synthesis of phenanthroline-derived benzimidazolylidene ligands and their metal complexes. A series of benzimidazolylidene-iridium complexes were synthesized and characterized spectroscopically and crystallographic ally. All of the new complexes showed varying degrees of catalytic activity and enantioselectivity toward transfer hydrogenation and asymmetric hydrogenation. The best results were achieved in hydrogenation of methyl-2-acetamidoacrylate, which afforded (-)-(R)-methyl-2-acetamidopropanoate in 97% yield and 81 % ee.


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The present thesis reviews the development of a formal enantiodivergent synthesis of the (+)- and (-)-isomers of balanol. This approach commences from a cis-dihydrodiol derived from the enzymatic dihydroxylation of bromobenzene. The stereochemistry of the diol is used to direct the synthesis of two different aziridines, each used in the formal synthesis of one enantiomer of balanol. Also described are several enantioselective approaches to (+ )-codeine. Each strategy begins with the enzymatic dihydroxylation of p-bromoethylbenzene and involves a Mitsunobu inversion and intramolecular Heck reaction as key steps.


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The use of theory to understand and facilitate catalytic enantioselective organic transformations involving copper and hydrobenzoin derivatives is reported. Section A details the use of theory to predict, facilitate, and understand a copper promoted amino oxygenation reaction reported by Chemler et al. Using Density Functional Theory (DFT), employing the hybrid B3LYP functional and a LanL2DZ/6-31G(d) basis set, the mechanistic details were studied on a N-tosyl-o-allylaniline and a [alpha]-methyl-[gamma]-alkenyl sulfonamide substrate. The results suggest the N-C bond formation proceeds via a cisaminocupration, and not through a radical-type mechanism. Additionally, the origin of diastereoselection observed with [alpha]-methyl-[gamma]-alkenyl sulfonamide arises from avoidance of unfavourable steric interactions between the methyl substituent and the N -protecting group. Section B details the computationally guided, experimental investigation of two hydrobenzoin derivatives as ligands/ catalysts, as well as the attempted synthesis of a third hydrobenzoin derivative. The bis-boronic acid derived from hydrobenzoin was successful as a Lewis acid catalyst in the Bignielli reaction and the Conia ene reaction, but provided only racemic products. The chiral diol derived from hydrobenzoin successfully increased the rate of the addition of diethyl zinc to benzaldehyde in the presence of titanium tetraisopropoxide, however poor enantioinduction was obseverved. Notably, the observed reactivity was successfully predicted by theoretical calculations.


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This thesis describes syntheses and catalytic reactivity of several half-sandwich complexes of ruthenium. The neutral ruthenium trihydride complex, Cp(PPri3)RuH3(1), can efficiently catalyse the H/D exchange reaction between various organic substrates and deuterium sources, such as benzene-d6. Moreover, the H/D exchange reactions of polar substrates were also observed in D2O, which is the most attractive deuterium source due to its low cost and low toxicity. Importantly, the H/D exchange under catalytic conditions was achieved not only in aromatic compounds but also in substituted liphatic compounds. Interestingly, in the case of alkanes and alkyl chains, highly selective deuterium incorporation in the terminal methyl positions was observed. It was discovered that the methylene units are engaged in exchange only if the molecule contains a donating functional group, such as O-and N-donors, C=C double bonds, arenes and CH3. The cationic half-sandwich ruthenium complex [Cp(PPri3)Ru(CH3CN)2]+(2) catalyses the chemoselective mono-addition of HSiMe2Ph to pyridine derivatives to selectively give the 1,4-regiospecific, N-silylated products. An ionic hydrosilylation mechanismis suggested based on the experiments. To support this mechanistic proposal, kinetic studies under catalytic conditions were performed. Also, the 1,4-regioselective mono-hydrosilylation of nitrogen containing compounds such as phenanthroline, quinoline and acridine can be achieved with the related Cp*complex [Cp*(phen)Ru(CH3CN)]+(3) (phen = 1,10-phenanthroline) and HSiMe2Ph under mild conditions. The cationic ruthenium complex 2 can also be used as an efficient catalyst for transfer hydrogenation of various organic substrates including carbonyls, imines, nitriles and esters. Secondary alcohols, amines, N-isopropylidene amines and ether compounds can be obtained in moderate to high yields. In addition, other ruthenium complexes, 1,3 and [Cp*(PPri3)Ru(CH3CN)2]+(4), can catalyse transfer hydrogenation of carbonyls although the reactions were sluggish compared to the ones of 2. The possible intermediate, Cp(PPri3)Ru(CH3CN)(H), was characterized by NMR at low temperature and the kinetic studies for the transfer hydrogenation of acetophenone were performed. Recently, chemoselective reduction of acid chlorides to aldehydes catalysed by the complex 2 was reported. To extend the catalytic reactivity of 2, reduction of iminoyl chlorides, which can be readily obtained from secondary amides, to the corresponding imines and aldehydes was investigated. Various substituted iminoyl chlorides were converted into the imines and aldehydes under mild conditions and several products were isolated with moderate yields.