9 resultados para E BINDS

em Brock University, Canada


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Presence of surface glycoprotein in Piptocephalis virginiana that recognizes the host glycoproteins band c, reported earlier from our laboratory, was detected by immunofluorescence microscopy. Germinated spores of P. virginiana treated with Mortierella pusilla cell wall protein extract, primary antibodies prepared against glycoproteins band c and FITC-goat anti-rabbit IgG conjugate showed fluorescence. This indicated that on the surfaces of the biotrophic mycoparasite P. virginiana , there might be a complementary molecule which recognizes the glycoproteins band c from M. pusilla. Immunobinding analysis identified a glycoprotein of Mr 100 kDa from the mycoparasite which binds with the host glycoproteins band c, separately as well as collectively. Purification of this glycoprotein was achieved by (i) 60% ammonium sulfate precipitation, (ii) followed by heat treatment, and (iii) Sephadex G-IOO gel filtration. The glycoprotein was isolated by preparative polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis by cutting and elution. The purity of the protein ·was ascertained by SDS-PAGE and Western blot analysis. Positive reaction to periodic acid-Schiff reagent revealed the glycoprotein nature of this 100 kDa protein. Mannose was identified as a major sugar component of this glycoprotein by using a BoehringerMannheim Glycan Differentiation Kit. Electrophoretically purified glycoprotein was used to raIse polyclonal antibody in rabbit. The specificity of the antibody was determined by dot-immunobinding test and western-blot analysis. Immunofluorescence mIcroscopy revealed surface localization of the protein on the germ tube of Piptocephalis virginiana. Fluorescence was also observed at the surfaceJ of the germinated spores and hyphae of the host, M. pusilla after treatment with complementary protein from P. virginiana, primary antibody prepared against the complementary protein and FITC-goat anti-rabbit IgG conjugate.


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The kinetic study of the coupled enzymatic reaction involving monomeric yeast hexokinase PII (HK) and yeast glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-PDH) yields a Michaelis constant of 0.15 ± 0.01 mM for D-glucose. At pH 8.7 HK is present in monomeric form. The addition of polyethylene glycol (PEG), to the reaction mixture increased the affinity of HK for glucose, independent ofMW of the PEG from 2000 to 10000. The osmotic stress exerted by PEG can be used to measure the change in number of water molecules that accompany enzyme conformational changes (Rand, et al., 1993). Results indicate that the G-6-PDH is not osmotically sensitive and thus, the change in the number of PEG-inaccessible water molecules (ANw) measured in the coupled reaction is only the difference between the glucose-bound and glucosefree conformations of HK. ANw ~ 450 with PEGs of MW > 2000 under conditions for both binding (Reid and Rand, 1997) and kinetic assays. The contribution water may play in the binding of ATP (Km = 0.24 + 0.02 mM) has also been examined. It was found that in this case ANw = (for osmotic pressures < 2.8x10* dynes/cm^), suggesting no additional numbers of waters are displaced when ATP binds to HK. Osmotic pressure experiments were also performed with dimeric HK. It was determined that both the monomeric and dimeric forms of HK give the same ANw under low pressures. If this large ANw is due to conformational flexibility, it would appear that the flexibility is not reduced upon dimerization ofthe enzyme.


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In the work reported here, optically clear, ultrathin TEOS derived sol-gel slides which were suitable for studies of tryptophan (Trp) fluorescence from entrapped proteins were prepared by the sol-gel technique and characterized. The monitoring of intrinsic protein fluorescence provided information about the structure and environment of the entrapped protein, and about the kinetics of the interaction between the entrapped protein and extemal reagents. Initial studies concentrated on the single Trp protein monellin which was entrapped into the sol-gel matrices. Two types of sol-gel slides, termed "wet aged", in which the gels were aged in buffer and "dry-aged", in which the gels were aged in air , were studied in order to compare the effect of the sol-gel matrix on the structure of the protein at different aging stages. Fluorescence results suggested that the mobility of solvent inside the slides was substantially reduced. The interaction of the entrapped protein with both neutral and charged species was examined and indicated response times on the order of minutes. In the case of the neutral species the kinetics were diffusion limited in solution, but were best described by a sum of first order rate constants when the reactions occurred in the glass matrix. For charged species, interactions between the analytes and the negatively charged glass matrix caused the reaction kinetics to become complex, with the overall reaction rate depending on both the type of aging and the charge on the analyte. The stability and conformational flexibility of the entrapped monellin were also studied. These studies indicated that the encapsulation of monellin into dry-aged monoliths caused the thermal unfolding transition to broaden and shift upward by 14°C, and causedthe long-term stability to improve by 12-fold (compared to solution). Chemical stability studies also showed a broader transition for the unfolding of the protein in dry-aged monoliths, and suggested that the protein was present in a distribution of environments. Results indicated that the entrapped proteins had a smaller range of conformational motions compared to proteins in solution, and that entrapped proteins were not able to unfold completely. The restriction of conformational motion, along with the increased structural order of the internal environment of the gels, likely resulted in the improvements in themial and long-term stability that were observed. A second protein which was also studied in this work is the metal binding protein rat oncomodulin. Initially, the unfolding behavior of this protein in aqueous solution was examined. Several single tryptophan mutants of the metal-binding protein rat oncomodulin (OM) were examined; F102W, Y57W, Y65W and the engineered protein CDOM33 which had all 12 residues of the CD loop replaced with a higher affinity binding loop. Both the thermal and the chemical stability were improved upon binding of metal ions with the order apo < Ca^^ < Tb^"^. During thermal denaturation, the transition midpoints (Tun) of Y65W appeared to be the lowest, followed by Y57W and F102W. The placement of the Trp residue in the F-helix in F102W apparently made the protein slightly more thermostable, although the fluorescence response was readily affected by chemical denaturants, which probably acted through the disruption of hydrogen bonds at the Cterminal end of the F-helix. Under both thermal and chemical denaturation, the engineered protein showed the highest stability. This indicated that increasing the number of metal ligating oxygens in the binding site, either by using a metal ion with a higher coordinatenumber (i.e. Tb^*) which binds more carboxylate ligands, or by providing more ligating groups, as in the CDOM33 replacement, produces notable improvements in protein stability. Y57W and CE)OM33 OM were chosen for further studies when encapsulated into sol-gel derived matrices. The kinetics of interaction of terbium with the entrapped proteins, the ability of the entrapped protein to binding terbium, as well as thermal stability of these two entrapped protein were compared with different levels of Ca^"*^ present in the matrix and in solution. Results suggested that for both of the proteins, the response time and the ability to bind terbium could be adjusted by adding excess calcium to the matrix before gelation. However, the less stable protein Y57W only retained at most 45% of its binding ability in solution while the more stable protein CDOM33 was able to retain 100% binding ability. Themially induced denaturation also suggested that CDOM33 showed similar stability to the protein in solution while Y57W was destabilized. All these results suggested that "hard" proteins (i.e. very stable) can easily survive the sol-gel encapsulation process, but "soft" proteins with lower thermodynamic stability may not be able to withstand the sol-gel process. However, it is possible to control many parameters in order to successfully entrap biological molecules into the sol-gel matrices with maxunum retention of activity.


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Increasing citrate concentration, at constant ionic strength (30 mM) decreases the rate of cytochrome ~ reduction by ascorbate. This effect is also seen at both high (600 mM) and low (19 mM) ionic strengths, and the Kapp for citrate increases with increasing ionic strength. Citrate binds d both ferri -and ferrocytochrome ~, but with a lower affinity for the latter form (Kox . .red d = 2 mM, Kd = 8 mM) as shown by an equilibrium assay with N,N,N',N', Tetramethyl E- phenylenediamine. The reaction of ferricytochrome ~with cyanide is also altered in the presence of citrate: citrate increases the K~PP for cyanide. Column chromatography of cytochrome ~-cytochrome oxidase mixtures shows citrate increases the dissociation constant of the complex. These results are confirmed in kinetic assays for the "loose"site (Km = 20 pM) only. The effect of increasing citrate observable at the "tight" site (Km = 0.25 pM) is on the turnover number and not on the K . These results suggest a mechanism m where anion binding to cytochrome £ at the tight site affects the equilibrium between two forms of cytochrome c bound cytochrome oxidase: an active and an inactive one.


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Catalase is the enzyme which decomposes hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen. Escherichia coli contains two catalases. Hydroperoxidase I (HPI) is a bifunctional catalase-peroxidase. Hydroperoxidase II (HPII) is only catalytically active toward H202. Expression of the genes encoding these proteins is controlled by different regimes. HPJI is thought to be a hexamer, having one heme d cis group per enzymatic subunit. HPII wild type protein and heme containing mutant proteins were obtained from the laboratory of P. Loewen (Univ. of Manitoba). Mutants constructed by oligonucleotidedirected mutagenesis were targeted for replacement of either the His128 residue or the Asn201 residue in the vicinity of the HPII heme crevice. His128 is the residue thought to be analogous to the His74 distal axial ligand of the heme in the bovine liver enzyme, and Asn201 is believed to be a residue critical to the function of the enzyme because of its role in orienting and interacting with the substrate molecule. Investigation of the nature of the hemes via absorption spectroscopy of the unmodified catalase proteins and their derived pyridine hemochromes showed that while the bovine and Saccharomyces cerevisiae catalase enzymes are protoheme-containing, the HPII wild type protein contains heme d, and the mutant proteins contain either solely protoheme, or heme d-protoheme mixtures. Cyanide binding studies supported this, as ligand binding was monophasic for the bovine, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and wild type HPII enzymes, but biphasic for several of the HPII mutant proteins. Several mammalian catalases, and at least two prokaryotic catalases, are known to be NADPH binding. The function of this cofactor appears to be the prevention of inactivation of the enzyme, which occurs via formation of the inactive secondary catalase peroxide compound (compound II). No physiologically plausible scheme has yet been proposed for the NADPH mediation of catalase activity. This study has shown, via fluorescence and affinity chromatography techniques, that NADPH binds to the T (Typical) and A (Atypical) catalases of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and that wild type HPII apparently does not bind NADPH. This study has also shown that NADPH is unlike any other hydrogen donor to catalase, and addresses its features as a unique donor by proposing a mechanism whereby NADPH is oxidized and catalase is protected from inactivation via the formation of protein radical species. Migration of this radical to a position close to the NADPH is also proposed as an adjunct hypothesis, based on similar electron migrations that are known to occur within metmyoglobin and cytochrome c peroxidase when reacted with H202. Validation of these hypotheses may be obtained in appropriate future experiments.


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Intracerebroventricular (ICV) administration of bombesin (BN) induces a syndrome characterized by stereotypic locomotion and grooming, hyperactivity and sleep elimination, hyperglycemia and hypothermia, hyperhemodynamics, feeding inhibition, and gastrointestinal function changes. Mammalian BN-like peptides (MBNs), e.g. gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP), Neuromedin C (NMC), and Neuromedin B (NMB), have been detected in the central nervous system. Radio-labeled BN binds to specific sites in discrete cerebral regions. Two specific BN receptor subtypes (GRP receptor and NMB receptor) have been identified in numerous brain regions. The quantitative 2-[14C]deoxyglucose ([14C]20G) autoradiographic method was used to map local cerebral glucose utilization (LCGU) in the rat brain following ICV injection of BN (vehicle, BN O.1Jlg, O.5Jlg). At each dose, experiments were conducted in freely moving or restrained conditions to determine whether alterations in cerebral function were the result of BN central administration, or were the result of BN-induced motor stereotypy. The anteroventral thalamic nucleus (AV) (p=O.029), especially its ventrolateral portion (AVVL) (pexhibited increased rates of metabolism under both restraint conditions. The effect was treatment dependent without interaction of the restraint conditions. Of all the regions that were reported to have high densities of BN receptors, the internal granular layer of the olfactory bulb (IGr) (p=O.028), and the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCh) (p=O.003) exhibited BN treatment effects. BN effects on LCGU were also observed in the median eminence (ME) (p=O.011). Restraint, however, decreased LCGU in the lateral dorsal thalamic nucleus, ventrolateral and dorsomedial parts (LOVL and LOOM) (p=O.044, p=O.009), and the lateral geniculate (LG) (p=O.027). In sum, BN induced a marked and highly localized alteration in cerebral metabolism within parts of the anterior thalamus, which is the principle relay in the limbic circuitry. BN effects were also observed in IGr, Mi, SCh, and ME. Effects of restraint were found in LOVL, LOOM, and LG. It is suggested that increased LCGU in AV and AVVL may be the result of functional change in the limbic circuitry and the hypothalamus caused by BN receptor functional modification. In IGr, increased LCGU following BN administration is considered to be mainly the result the activation of NMB receptor, a subtype of BN receptors. In SCh, increased LCGU is believed to be caused both by BN effects on the thalamic, the hypothalamic, and the limbic functions and by activation of GRP receptor, another BN receptors subtype found in SCh. In ME, increased LCGU is suggested to be caused by BN effects on the hypothalamic functions, especially those related to the neuroendocrine functions. None of the alterations seen in these regions reflects the emission of stereotyped motor behaviors. Rather, they reflect a direct influence of BN central administration upon functioning of the cerebral regions influenced by BN administration. The restraint effects seen in LO, including LOOM and LOVL, are suggested to be the result of altered behavioral expression. The restraint effects seen in LG is suggested to be the result of reduced locomotion.


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It has previously been recognized that the major biochemical toxicity induced by sulphide is due to an inhibition of cytochrome ~ oxidase. Inhibition of this enzyme occurs at 30°C and pH 7.4 with a Ki of approximately 0.2 ~M, and a kon of 104 M-1 s-l, under catalytic conditions. However, the equimo1ar mixture of sulphide and the enzyme shows identical catalytic behaviour to that of the native enzyme. This cannot readily be attributed to rapid dissociation of sulphide, as both spectroscopic and plot analysis indicate the koff value is low. The addition of stoichiometric sulphide to the resting oxidized enzyme gives rise to the appearance of a low-spin ferric-type spectrum not identical with that seen on the addition of excess sulphide to the enzyme aerobically. Sulphide added to the enzyme anaerobically gives rise to another low-spin, probably largely ferric, form which upon admission of oxygen is then converted into a 607 nm species closely resembling Compound C. The 607 nm form is probably the precursor of oxyferricytochrome aa3. The addition of successive a1iquots of Na2S solution to the enzyme induces initial uptake of approximately 3 moles of oxygen per mole of the enzyme. Thus, it is concluded that: 1. the initial product of sulphide-cytochrome c oxidase interaction is not an inhibited form of the enzyme, but the low-spin (oxyferri) ~3+~+ species; 2. a subsequent step in which sulphide reduces cytochrome ~ occurs; 3. the final inhibitory step, in which a further molecule of sulphide binds to the cytochrome ~ iron centre in the cytochrome ~2+~+ species, gives the cytochrome a2+~+-H2S form which is a half-reduced fully inhibited species;4. a 607 run form of the enzyme is produced which may be converted into a catalytically active low-spin (oxyferri) state; and therefore 5. liganded sulphide may be able to reduce the cytochrome 33 -Cu centre without securing the prior reduction of the cytochrome a_ haem group or the Cud centre associated with it.


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Systemic Acquired Resistance (SAR) is a type of plant systemic resistance occurring against a broad spectrum of pathogens. It can be activated in response to pathogen infection in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana and many agriculturally important crops. Upon SAR activation, the infected plant undergoes transcriptional reprogramming, marked by the induction of a battery of defense genes, including Pathogenesis-related (PR) genes. Activation of the PR-1 gene serves as a molecular marker for the deployment of SAR. The accumulation of a defense hormone, salicylic acid (SA) is crucial for the infected plant to mount SAR. Increased cellular levels of SA lead to the downstream activation of the PR-1 gene, triggered by the combined action of the Non-expressor of Pathogenesis-related Gene 1 (NPR1) protein and the TGA II-clade transcription factor (namely TGA2). Despite the importance of SA, its receptor has remained elusive for decades. In this study, we demonstrated that in Arabidopsis the NPR1 protein is a receptor for SA. SA physically binds to the C-terminal transactivation domain of NPR1. The two cysteines (Cys521 and Cys529), which are important for NPR1’s coactivator function, within this transactivation domain are critical for the binding of SA to NPR1. The interaction between SA and NPR1 requires a transition metal, copper, as a cofactor. Our results also suggested a conformational change in NPR1 upon SA binding, releasing the C-terminal transactivation domain from the N-terminal autoinhibitory BTB/POZ domain. These results advance our understanding of the plant immune function, specifically related to the molecular mechanisms underlying SAR. The discovery of NPR1 as a SA receptor enables future chemical screening for small molecules that activate plant immune responses through their interaction with NPR1 or NPR1-like proteins in commercially important plants. This will help in identifying the next generation of non-biocidal pesticides.


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Studies have demonstrated that the oxysterol binding protein (OSBP) acts as a phosphatidylinositol phosphate (PIP)-sterol exchanger at membrane contact sites (MCS) of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and Golgi. OSBP is known to pick up phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate (PI(4)P) from the ER, transfer it to the trans-Golgi in exchange for a cholesterol molecule that is then transferred from the trans-Golgi to the ER. Upon further examination of this pathway by Ridgway et al. (1), it appeared that phosphorylation of OSBP played a role in the localization of OSBP. The dephosphorylation state of OSBP was linked to Golgi localization and the depletion of cholesterol at the ER. To mimic the phosphorylated state of OSBP, the mutant OSBP-S5E was designed by Ridgway et al. (1). The lipid and sterol recognition by wt-OSBP and its phosphomimic mutant OSBP-S5E were investigated using immobilized lipid bilayers and dual polarization interferometry (DPI). DPI is a technique in which the protein binding affinity to immobilized lipid bilayers is measured and the binding behavior is examined through real time. Lipid bilayers containing 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DOPC) and varying concentrations of PI(4)Ps or sterols (cholesterol or 25-hydroxycholesterol) were immobilized on a silicon nitride chip. It was determined that wt-OSBP binds differently to PI(4)P-containing bilayers compared to OSBP-S5E. The binding behavior suggested that wt-OSBP extracts PI(4)P and the change in the binding behavior, in the case of OSBP-S5E, suggested that the phosphorylation of OSBP may prevent the recognition and/or extraction of PI(4)P. In the presence of sterols, the overall binding behavior of OSBP, regardless of phosphorylation state, was fairly similar. The maximum specific bound mass of OSBP to sterols did not differ as the concentration of sterols increased. However, comparing the maximum specific bound mass of OSBP to cholesterol with oxysterol (25-hydroxycholesterol), OSBP displayed nearly a 2-fold increase in bound mass. With the absence of the wt-OSBP-PI(4)P binding behavior, it can be speculated that the sterols were not extracted. In addition, the binding behavior of OSBP was further tested using a fluorescence based binding assay. Using 22-(N-(7-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazol-4-yl)amino)-23,24-bisnor-5-cholen-3β-ol (22-NBD cholesterol), wt-OSBP a one site binding dissociation constant Kd, of 15 ± 1.4 nM was determined. OSBP-S5E did not bind to 22-NBD cholesterol and Kd value was not obtained.