21 resultados para Designer mediator

em Brock University, Canada


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Interventions using applied behaviour analysis (ABA) are widely used with children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Individuals who work with this population are important to target for ABA education. This study evaluated the efficacy of a self-directed program in increasing parent and student ABA knowledge and skills, self-efficacy, and new skill development in children with ASD. Study 1 was a pilot study of the newly developed evaluation materials. Study 2 tested the self-instructional package with three parents of children with ASD, three university students, and eight children diagnosed with ASD. Parents and students were given the Simple Steps ABA training package to use independently and were measured using a multiple baseline across participants and/or skills design. After training, ABA knowledge scores and self-efficacy showed variable improvement as did children’s appropriate behaviours. These results suggest that more research is needed to determine the efficacy of a self-instructional ABA package.


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This thesis critically examines the online marketing tactics of 10 (English language) Canadian cosmetic surgery clinics’ websites that offer Female Genital Cosmetic Surgery (FGCS), specifically, labiaplasty (labial reduction) and vaginoplasty (vaginal tightening). Drawing on a qualitative Multimodal Critical Discourse Analysis (MCDA) and a feminist-informed social constructionist framework (Lazar, 2007), I examine how FGCS discourses reiterate and reinforce heteronormative sexual scripts for women, and impose restrictive models of femininity through the pathologization of genital diversity and the appropriation of postfeminist and neoliberal discourses of individual choice and empowerment. I explore feminist analyses of the links between FGCS and contemporary Western women’s postfeminist subjectivity, and the reconfiguration of women’s sexual agency, to better understand what these contemporary shifts may mean for women’s sexual anxiety and expression. My analysis highlights several discourses that organize the online marketing material of Canadian FGCS websites, including: the pathologization of genital diversity; restrictive models of femininity; heteronormative sexual scripts; neoliberal and post-feminist rhetorics of individual choice and empowerment; and psychological and sexual transformation. Overall, these discourses undermine acceptance of women’s genital diversity, legitimize the FGCS industry and frame FGCS as the only viable solution to alleviate women’s genital and sexual distress despite the lack of evidence regarding the long-term benefits and risks of these procedures, and the recommendations against FGCS by professional medical organizations.


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One of the various functions of proteins in biological systems is the transport of small molecules, for this purpose proteins have naturally evolved special mechanisms to allow both ligand binding and its subsequent release to a target site; a process fundamental to many biological processes. Transport of Vitamin E (a-tocopherol), a lipid soluble antioxidant, to membranes helps in the protection of polyunsaturated fatty acids against peroxidative damage. In this research, the ligand binding characteristics of several members of the CRALTRIO family of lipid binding proteins was examined; the recombinant human a-Tocopherol Transfer Protein (a-TIP), Supernatant Protein Factor (SPF)ffocopherol Associated Protein (TAP), Cellular Retinaldehyde Binding Protein (CRALBP) and the phosphatidylinositol transfer protein from S. cerevisiae Sec 14p. Recombinant Sec 14p was expressed and purified from E. coli for comparison of tocopherol binding to the two other recombinant proteins postulated to traffic a-tocopherol. Competitive binding assays using [3H]-a-tocopherol and Lipidex-l000 resin allowed determination of the dissociation constants ~) of the CRAL-TRIO proteins for a-tocopherol and - 20 hydrophobic ligands for evaluation of the possible biological relevance of the binding interactions observed. The KIs (nM) for RRR-a-tocopherol are: a-TIP: 25.0, Sec 14p: 373, CRALBP: 528 and SPFffAP: 615. This indicates that all proteins recognize tocopherol but not with the same affinity. Sec 14p bound its native ligand PI with a KI of381 whereas SPFffAP bound PI (216) and y-tocopherol (268) similarly in contrast to the preferential binding ofRRR-a-tocopherol by a-TIP. Efforts to adequately represent biologically active SPFff AP involved investigation of tocopherol binding for several different recombinant proteins derived from different constructs and in the presence of different potential modulators (Ca+2, Mg+2, GTP and GDP); none of these conditions enhanced or inhibited a-tocopherol binding to SPF. This work suggests that only aTTP serves as the physiological mediator of a-tocopherol, yet structural homology between proteins allows common recognition of similar ligand features. In addition, several photo-affmity analogs of a-tocopherol were evaluated for their potential utility in further elucidation of a-TTP function or identification of novel tocopherol binding proteins.


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The main objective of the present investigation was to continue the research initiated by Hay and colleagues (2004) in examining the efficacy of the Children's Self-Perceptions of Adequacy in and Predilection for Physical Activity (CSAPPA) scale as a proxy for the short form of the Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency (BOTMP-SF) in screening for Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) in children. To better appreciate DCD knowledge outside Canada, the measurements of this investigation were expanded in Greece. A translated Greek CSAPP A scale and the BOTMP-SF were administered for the first time in Greek children. A second objective was to investigate the relationship between DCD and various risk factors of coronary artery disease (CAD) in Canadian and Greek children. A sample of 591 (Ms=322; Fs=269) Canadian and 392 (Ms=211; Fs=181) Greek children, aged 9 to 13 years, consented to the BOTMP-SF, CSAPP A Scale, participation in physical activity questionnaire, Leger 20-meter Multistage Shuttle Run test, and body fat using bioelectric impedance. Prevalence of DCD in Canada and Greece was 8% and 19%, respectively. Significant agreement (pmediator in the clumsiness-aerobic fitness relationship. It is concluded that the CSAPPA scale is an accurate, practical, and inexpensive screening tool for DCD, and that motoric competence is associated with aerobic fitness through physical activity participation.


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The mediating roles of stress, social support, and health risk behaviours in the relationships between dispositional forgiveness and mental and physical health were examined. Participants were 748 undergraduate students (554 women, 194 men) entering their first year of studies at Brock University. Participants, ranging in age from 17 to 25 years, completed the Brock University First Year Health Study and were provided monetary compensation. Dispositional forgiveness, stress, social support, health risk behaviours, mental health, and physical health were measured using self-report methods. The data were analyzed separately for women and men because there were significant mean differences on many of the study'S variables. Analyses revealed that the mediated relationships between dispositional forgiveness and health were generally stronger for women than men. Stress was the most robust mediator of the forgiveness-health relation for both women and men. The only health risk behaviour that mediated the forgivenesshealth relation was physical fitness and this result was found for women only. Social support mediated several of the relationships between forgiveness and health but not others. Results were discussed with reference to the literature on forgiveness and health. Several directions for future research were offered, such as conducting longitudinal research designs to assess the direction of causality better, investigating moderator variables of the forgiveness-health relation, and building models, which incorporate multiple mediators using structural equation modelling techniques.


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This study examined the link between involvement in extracurricular activities and academic success for 504 youth in grades 5 and 7, using the first-year survey data from a longitudinal study conducted by Youth Lifestyle Choices-Community University Research Alliance (YLC-CURA). Specifically, the study investigated whether a linear or curvilinear relation existed between extracurricular activities and academic achievement for both in- and out-of-school activities. It was hypothesized that stress may be a possible mediator in the link between extracurricular activities and achievement Results indicated that students in grades 5 and 7 were involved in club and sport activities both inside and outside of school at fairly equal fi-equencies, with a mean frequency of approximately once a month. The hypothesis that a positive relation j between in- and out-of-school extracurricular activities and achievement was supported. The hypothesis that a curvilinear relation would exist between extracurricular activities and achievement was only supported for out-of-school activities. This finding supports the argument that too much or too little involvement in out-of-school activities is related negatively to a student's academic success; however, a moderate amount of involvement appears to be positive. The hypothesis that there would be a relation between involvement in extracurricular activities and stress level for both in-school and out-ofschool activities was not supported. Results were discussed in terms of educational implications and community resources for extracurricular activities.


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With approximately 16% of the Canadian population living with osteoporosis, and rates expected to increase (Osteoporosis Canada, 2009), cost-effective treatment modalities that improve bone health and psychological well-being reflect an important public health agenda. Physical activity has been implicated as one non-pharmaceutical mechanism to help improve psychological well-being in the general population (Fox, Stathi, McKenna, & Davis, 2007) and in people diagnosed with osteoporosis (Osteoporosis Canada, 2007). The purpose of this investigation was to determine the association between leisure-time physical activity (LTP A) and well-being in people diagnosed with osteoporosis. A secondary purpose, using Basic Needs Theory (BNT; Deci & Ryan, 2002) was to determine if the fulfillment of three psychological needs (i.e., competence, autonomy and relatedness) mediated the relationship between LTP A and well-being. People diagnosed with osteoporosis (N= 190; Mage = 68.14; SDage = 11.54) were asked to complete a battery of questionnaires assessing L TP A, hedonic and eudaimonic well-being and perceived psychological need satisfaction in physical activity contexts. Bivariate correlations revealed a pattern of negligible (r's -0.02 to 0.35) to small correlations between LTP A and well-being with contextual positive affect (r = 0.24) and subjective vitality (r = 0.22) demonstrating statistical significance (p < .01). Results of the multiple mediation analysis indicated that perceived satisfaction of the three psychological needs mediated the relationship between LTPA and well-being with perceived competence emerging as a unique mediator. As such, LTP A was positively associated with well-being in people who are diagnosed with osteoporosis, and the fulfillment of the three psychological needs may be the mechanism through which this 111 effect is carried. Health promotion specialists and practitioners should encourage patients with osteoporosis to engage in LTP A, and support their needs for competence, autonomy and relatedness. Practical implications for researchers and health promotion specialists are discussed in terms ofthe results of this investigation.


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During the 1950’s, the Rittenhouse family of Vineland in the Niagara Peninsula opened a craft store and studio. Within a short period of time, they realized that resources for the craft of rug hooking were in demand and they began to build their business around this niche. Edna Rittenhouse, the mother, was the wool dyer; Margaret Rowan, the daughter, was the pattern designer; Ted Rowan, the son-in-law, changed careers and became the manager of the family business. The 1960’s were a prosperous time, not only in the Niagara Peninsula, but also for the Rittenhouse business. Edna Rittenhouse had been hooking rugs for decades but she and her family worked at developing and sharing newer techniques with newer materials. Shading manuals were authored and published; students became teachers; creativity abounded in the demand for and the creation of new designs. Instead of using woolen yarn, they were using pure woolen fabric; instead of using a standard cutter, they began using a uniquely designed cutter; instead of using frames, they employed a table top method. The new material and technique resulted in a rug with a smooth, uniform texture and a soft nap. Since many crafters belonged to crafters guilds, Margaret and Ted Rowan began promoting the idea of a guild for rug hookers and in time the Ontario Hooking Craft Guild was also a reality. A joint project between Chatelaine magazine and the Rittermere studio for Canada’s centennial year of 1967 was extremely well received within the circle of hooking crafters and the Rittermere Farm Craft Studio became a North American landmark for crafters. From this point onward the studio had a large customer base not only in North America but also overseas. The studio remained popular until 1984 when Margaret and Ted Rowan decided to retire. The Rittermere name has been preserved in the name of Rittermere-Hurst-Field which is a similar business located in Aurora which is just north of Toronto.


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The vascular adventitia is recognized as a dynamic mediator of vascular structure and function, yet its role in aging is not understood. The purpose of this thesis was to examine the age-related changes of the vascular adventitia and determine the underlying mediators responsible. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were aged to 15, 30, 50 and 80 weeks before being anesthetised and euthanized by exsanguination. Thoracic aortas, mesenteric and pudental arteries were isolated, formalin fixed, and embedded in paraffin then sectioned at 5μm. Vessels were examined by microscopy and protein expression was determined by indirect immunofluorescence. The thickness of the adventitia increased dramatically with age. Immunofluorescence revealed a robust expression of endothelin system proteins in the adventitia. Additionally, extracellular matrix proteins collagen and fibronectin, and the proliferation marker Ki67 showed strong adventitial origin. The changes observed in the vascular adventitia with aging clearly demonstrate an important role in the process of vascular aging.


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The primary objectives of the present study were 1) to examine the relationship between health-enhancing physical activity (HEPA) and well-being across the previous day and 2) to examine the role of basic psychological need satisfaction as a potential mediator of the HEPA – well-being relationship. Participants (N = 203) were a convenience sample of undergraduate students with data collected cross sectionally. HEPA was generally associated with well-being (r‟s ranged from .18 to .62). Multiple mediation analyses supported psychological need satisfaction as mechanisms underpinning the HEPA – well- being relationship. Subsequent analyses demonstrated that effort put forth in HEPA activities, as opposed to frequency or duration, uniquely predicted well-being. The role of effort was further highlighted in the multiple mediation analyses. As such future research may wish to investigate the utility of a HEPA program that facilitates effortful engagement and fulfillment of basic psychological needs.


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Warren Hartman was born in 1942 in Toronto, Ontario. He received a B.A. in Fine Arts and Drama from Brock University in 1981 and a Masters of Arts in Humanities at the State University of New York at Buffalo in 1987. In the 1950s he did considerable work as a child-actor both in theatre and television. From 1953 to 1961 he was in the New Play Society under the direction of Dora Mavor Moore. His last two years there were spent as a scholarship student. From 1963 to 1966 he did an apprenticeship with Suzanne Mess, Head of Costume Design at The Canadian Opera Company in Toronto. In 1976 Warren attended a Master Class in Scenography at the Banff School of Fine Arts with Josef Svoboda. In the spring of 1970 Warren was a guest designer at Brock University and from 1970 to 1972 he remained at Brock as resident designer and special lecturer. During this time he was also an instructor and costume designer at Sheridan College in Oakville. It was in 1972 that he became the designer-in-residence at Brock University. From 1984 he held the position of Associate Professor at The Department of Fine Arts at Brock University until the fall of 1996. Some of the highlights of Warren’s career also include: stage managager with the Street Hat Players in Port Carling, Ontario, 1960-1961; a freelance designer for over 100 shows; costume coordinator(production manager) for the Canadian Opera Company, 1964 -1970; resident costume designer for The Canadian Opera Company, 1965- 1970; founder and artistic director of Dei Gelosi Campagnia, St.Catharines, Ontario, 1970-1973; freelance director of some thirty-five shows; co-producer for Quebec City Summer Stock Company, Quebec City, Quebec, 1975; a consultant with Alberta Culture for the Provincial Government of Alberta, 1986-1987 and associate artistic director at Theatre Network, Edmonton, Alberta, 1986-1987. Warren Hartman was the recipient of the Jean Chalmers Award for contributions to Canadian Theatre for persons 25 years of age or under, in 1965. He was a founding member of Associated Designers of Canada and was affiliated with Canadian Actors Equity. Warren Hartman died on Feb. 11, 1998 several days after suffering a massive stroke. A memorial service was held at Brock University in May of 1998 and a bursary fund was established in his name.


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The vascular adventitia is recognized as a dynamic mediator of vascular structure and function, yet its role in aging is not understood. The purpose of this thesis was to examine the age-related changes of the vascular adventitia and determine the underlying mediators responsible. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were aged to 15,30,50 and 80 weeks before being anesthetised and euthanized by exsanguination. Thoracic aortas, mesenteric and pudental arteries were isolated, formalin fixed, and embedded in paraffin then sectioned at 51lm. Vessels were examined by microscopy and protein expression was determined by indirect immunofluorescence. The thickness of the adventitia increased dramatically with age. Immunofluorescence revealed a robust expression of endothelin system proteins in the adventitia. Additionally, extracellular matrix proteins collagen and fibronectin, and the proliferation marker Ki67 showed strong adventitial origin. The changes observed in the vascular adventitia with aging clearly demonstrate an important role in the process of vascular aging.


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Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) is an augmentative and alternative communicative system that improves communication and decreases problem behaviors in children with Developmental Disabilities and Autism. The mediator model is a validated approach that clinicians use to train parents to perform evidence-based interventions. Parental non-adherence to treatment recommendations is a documented problem. This qualitative study investigated clinician-perceived factors that influence parental adherence to PECS recommendations. Three focus groups (n=8) were conducted with Speech Language Pathologists and Behavior Therapists experienced in providing parents with PECS recommendations. Constant comparison analysis was used. In general, clinicians believed that PECS was complex to implement. Thirty-one bridges were identified to overcome complexity. Twenty-two barriers and 6 other factors also impacted parental adherence. Strategies to address these factors were proposed based on a review of the literature. Future research will be performed to validate these findings using parents and a larger sample size.


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Youth have been found to engage in various risk-taking behaviours at higher rates than any other age group. However, there is a lack of research on the division between adaptive and maladaptive risk behaviours among adolescents and emerging adults. Adaptive risk-taking behaviours may present youth with ways to successfully partake in the risk behaviours that they are naturally inclined to engage in. The relationship between activity engagement and positive youth development has been extensively studied and cited as a way to expose youth to positive experiences and promote successful development. However, the relationship between activity engagement and risk behaviours among youth has yetto be studied in depth. This study investigated the potential relationship between various adaptive and maladaptive risk behaviours and activity engagement among youth, through an indirect link through five mediator variables. These potential mediators represented the three systems in Jessor's Problem Behaviour Theory. Participants included 276 youth (M = 19.06 years, SD = 1.60, 89.1 % female) from Brock University. Results revealed that activity engagement significantly predicted greater adaptive social risk behaviours among youth. However, there was no mediating effect through the problem behaviour systems. Correlations revealed that being male was associated with more maladaptive risk behaviours and fewer adaptive risk behaviours than females. Additionally, behavioural engagement specifically related to less maladaptive physical health risks and psychological engagement related to greater adaptive social risks. Overall, these findings suggest that activity engagement may be differentially related to the various types of risk-taking and gender associations may exist between the various types and dimensions of risk behaviours, but future work is needed to understand the variables that may explain such relationships.


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Temple Grandin was born in Boston, Massachusetts on August 29,1947 to Richard Grandin and Eustacia Cutler. She was diagnosed with autism at age 2. She suffered from delayed speech development and did not begin to speak until the age of 4. Temple’s mother defied the doctors and kept her out of institutions. Temple was given speech therapy as well as an intensive education. Her high school science teacher and her aunt on a ranch in Arizona inspired Temple to continue her studies and pursue a career as a scientist and livestock equipment designer.She graduated from Hampshire Country School (a boarding school for gifted children) in Ridge, New Hampshire in 1966, and earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Franklin Pierce College in 1970. In 1975, she received a master’s degree in animal science from Arizona State University and then a doctoral degree in animal science from the University of Illinois in 1989. She is currently a professor at Colorado State University. Dr. Grandin is one of the world’s leaders in the design of livestock handling facilities. She has done extensive work in design of handling facilities for animals and has developed animal welfare guidelines for the meat industries. Dr. Grandin is a past member of the board of directors of the Autism Society of America. She lectures to parents and teachers throughout the U.S. on her experiences with autism. She makes the case that the world needs people on the autism spectrum: visual thinkers, pattern thinkers and verbal thinkers. Some of Temple Grandin’s books include: Animals Make Us Human, Animals in Translation, The Way I See It, The Autistic Brain, and Different…Not Less. In 2010, a movie entitled “Temple Grandin” starring Clare Danes was released. The movie was based on Grandin’s own writings. Temple Grandin is an expert on animal behavior, a bestselling author, and an autism activist. In 2010, she was listed in the “Heroes” category in the “Time” list of the world’s 100 most influential people. She has received numerous awards including an honorary doctorate from McGill, the University of Illinois and Duke University. Temple Granin is a philosophical leader of both the animal welfare and autism advocacy movements. sources: http://www.templegrandin.com/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temple_Grandin