169 resultados para Crushing

em Brock University, Canada


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The rate of decrease in mean sediment size and weight per square metre along a 54 km reach of the Credit River was found to depend on variations in the channel geometry. The distribution of a specific sediment size consist of: (1) a transport zone; (2) an accumulation zone; and (3) a depletion zone. These zones shift downstream in response to downcurrent decreases in stream competence. Along a .285 km man-made pond, within the Credit River study area, the sediment is also characterized by downstream shifting accumulation zones for each finer clast size. The discharge required to initiate movement of 8 cm and 6 cm blocks in Cazenovia Creek is closely approximated by Baker and Ritter's equation. Incipient motion of blocks in Twenty Mile Creek is best predicted by Yalin's relation which is more efficient in deeper flows. The transport distance of blocks in both streams depends on channel roughness and geometry. Natural abrasion and distribution of clasts may depend on the size of the surrounding sediment and variations in flow competence. The cumulative percent weight loss with distance of laboratory abraded dolostone is defined by a power function. The decrease in weight of dolostone follows a negative exponential. In the abrasion mill, chipping causes the high initial weight loss of dolostone; crushing and grinding produce most of the subsequent weight loss. Clast size was found to have little effect on the abrasion of dolostone within the diameter range considered. Increasing the speed of the mill increased the initial amount of weight loss but decreased the rate of abrasion. The abrasion mill was found to produce more weight loss than stream action. The maximum percent weight loss determined from laboratory and field abrasion data is approximately 40 percent of the weight loss observed along the Credit River. Selective sorting of sediment explains the remaining percentage, not accounted for by abrasion.


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Major grains crushing towards the top left with two fine grained domains in coarse grained sediment.


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Major grain crushing towards the centre of the section. A few lineations and grain stacks also present.


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Coarse grained sample with multiple fine grained domains. Clasts range from small to medium and sub-angular to sub-rounded. Mainly contains grain crushing (with grains crushed into one another) and short distance lineations. A few rotation structures are seen and fine grained sand domains can also be seen.


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Coarse grained sediment with a few fine grained matrices. Brown sediment with small to medium sized clasts. Clasts range from sub-angular to sub-rounded. Organic material present. It contains rotation structures throughout as well as edge-to-edge grain crushing. Fine grained clay domains are present and lineations can also be seen. Minor amounts of grain stacking can also be seen.


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Dark brown sediment with mainly small grains. Clasts are sub-angular. Abundant in lineations, grain stacking, and minor grain crushing. Lineations are oriented in multiple directions.


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Brown, coarse grained sediment , with clay material. Clasts range from small to large, and sub-angular to sub-rounded. Organic material can be seen. Lineations are abundant. Grain stacking edge-to-edge grain crushing can also be seen. Organic material can be seen. Edge-to-edge grain crushing is seen throughout the image. Contains the inclusion of a finer domain.


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Coarse grained brown sediment with angular-sub-angular grains. Contains mainly medium sized clasts with a few smaller aggregates. A dark organic rich domain can be seen within this sample. Grain crushing (edge-to-edge and into one another) can be seen alongside with grain stacks, and silt caps.


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Coarse grained sample with sub-angular to sub-rounded clasts. Clasts range from small to medium sized. Major grain crushing seen throughout the sample. Grain stacking and lineations are also present. A dark organic rich domain can be seen within the sample.


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Brown to dark brown sediment with small to medium sized clasts ranging from sub-angular to sub-rounded. This sample contains a coarse grained domain and a fine grained domain. Clear boundaries can be seen. Grain stacking can be seen in the coarse domain, while lineations are the dominant microstructure in the fine grained domain. Minor grain crushing can also be seen. Some of the coarser domain is rich in clay and organics.


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Brown, coarse grained sample. Clasts range from small to medium in size and sub-angular to angular. Patched of clay rich domains can be seen throughout the sample. Rotation with and without a central grain can be seen throughout the sample. Edge-to-edge grain crushing and grain stacking can be seen throughout the sample.


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Dark brown sediment with sub-angular to sub-rounded grains, that range from small to medium in size. Lineations with fractured grains are abundant, and grain crushing can also be seen. Minor rotation can also be seen.


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Coarse grained sediment with fine grained domains, clay material, rotation structures and lineations. Clasts range from sub-angular to sub-rounded. Mainly brown sediment with darker patches of brown throughout. Major amounts of grain crushing can be seen in the coarse grained material.


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Dark brown sediment with sub-angular to sub-rounded clasts. Rotation structures and lineations are common. Clasts ranging from small to large in size. Many large grains are fractured. Minor amounts of grain stacking and crushing can be seen. A few clay and organic rich domains can be seen.


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Coarse grained sample with sub-angular to sub-rounded clasts ranging from small-large in size. Rotation structures, grain crushing and lineations were seen throughout the sample.