10 resultados para Consecutive rain days

em Brock University, Canada


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Recent dose-response sleep restriction studies, in which nightly sleep is curtailed to varying degrees (e.g., 3-, 5-, 7-hours), have found cumulative, dose-dependent changes in sleepiness, mood, and reaction time. However, brain activity has typically not been measured, and attentionbased tests employed tend to be simple (e.g., reaction time). One task addressing the behavioural and electrophysiological aspects of a specific attention mechanism is the Attentional Blink (AB), which shows that the report accuracy of a second target (T2) is impaired when it is presented soon after a first target (Tl). The aim of the present study was to examine behavioural and electrophysioiogical responses to the AB task to elucidate how sleep restriction impacts attentional capacity. Thirty-six young-adults spent four consecutive days and nights in a sleep laboratory where sleep, food, and activity were controlled. Nightly sleep began with a baseline sleep (8 hours), followed by two nights of sleep restriction (3,5 or 8 hours of sleep), and a recovery sleep (8 hours). An AB task was administered each day at 11 am. Results from a basic battery oftests (e.g., sleepiness, mood, reaction time) confirmed the effectiveness of the sleep restriction manipulation. In terms of the AB, baseline performance was typical (Le., T2 accuracy impaired when presented soon after Tl); however, no changes in any AB behavioural measures were observed following sleep restriction for the 3- or 5-hour groups. The only statistically significant electrophysiological result was a decrease in P300 amplitude (for Tl) from baseline to the second sleep restriction night for the 3-hour group. Therefore, following a brief, two night sleep restriction paradigm, brain functioning was impaired for the TI of the AB in the absence of behavioural deficit. Study limitations and future directions are discussed.


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Obesity is a condition associated with a wide variety of health problems including hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes mellitus, certain forms of cancer, cardiovascular disease, and gallstones (157). TTiere is growing evidence that obesity may also be related to compromised immune function due to altered metabolic, psychological, and physical attributes (93). The aim of this study was to compare: a) immunity-related variables such as frequency of upper respiratory tract infections (URTI) and salivary secretory immunoglobulin A (sIgA) levels between overweight/obese (OB) and normal weight (NW) early-pubertal and late-pubertal girls, and b) stress-related variables such as Cortisol, melatonin, the melatonin/cortisol ratio, testosterone and the testosterone/cortisol ratio. Physical activity levels, stress indicators, and fatigue were used to explain potential differences in the dependent variables. It was hypothesized that the OB females would have lower melatonin (M) and higher Cortisol (C) and testosterone (T) levels compared with NW girls, regardless of maturity status. The altered levels of melatonin, Cortisol, and testosterone, would result in decreased M/C and T/C ratios, despite the increase in testosterone in OB females. It was hypothesized that this altered hormonal status results in a compromised immunity marked by higher frequency of upper respiratory tract infections (URTI) and decreased levels of secretory immunoglobulin A (sIgA). It was also hypothesized that OB girls would participate in less hours of physical activity than their NW counterparts and that this would relate to their stress and immunity levels. Forty (16 early- and 24 late-pubertal) overweight and obese females were compared to fifty-three (27 eariy- and 26 late-pubertal) age-matched normal-weight control subjects. Participants were categorized as early-pubertal (EP) or late-pubertal (LP) using Tanner self-staging of secondary sex characteristics. Subjects were classified into the two adiposity groups according to relative body fat (%BF), where normal weight (NW) subjects had a %BF less than 25%, and overweight and obese (OB) subjects had a %BF greater than 27.5%. Participants completed a number of questionnaires and information was collected on menstrual history, smoking history, alcohol and caffeine consumption, and medical history. Following the determination of maturity status, a complete anthropometric assessment was made including height, body mass, and body composition. All questionnaires and measurements were completed during a one-hour visit between 1 500 and 1900 hours Relative body fat was assessed using bioelectrical impedance analysis. Resting saliva samples were obtained and assayed (ELISA) for testosterone, Cortisol, melatonin and secretory immunoglobulin A. Physical activity was self-reported using the Godin- Shephard Leisure time questionnaire, and quantified using Actigraph GTIM accelerometers, which participants wore for seven consecutive days from the time they woke up in the morning, until the time they went to bed. Late-pubertal girls also completed questionnaires on their perceived stress and fatigue. Finally, all participants also filled out a one-month health log to record frequency of symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections (URTI). Significant age effects were found for testosterone, Cortisol, incidence of sickness, and sIgA when controlling for physical activity, however there were no significant effects of adiposity on any of the variables. There was a trend which neared-significance for an effect of adiposity on sIgA (p=0.01). There were no significant differences between the groups on the total selfreported leisure-time physical activity in METs per week, however EP girls recorded significantly greater levels of moderate, hard, and very hard physical activity from accelerometers. Results of the perceived stress and fatigue questionnaires in late-pubertal girls demonstrated that contrary to what was hypothesized, NW girls reported more stress and more fatigue than OB girls. Results of the present study suggest that excess adiposity in early- and latepubescent girls may not have a negative impact on immunity as hypothesized.


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Inscription in ink, t.p. verso: James Ainsworth Esq With the respectful com'ts of the author.


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Sir George Yonge (1732-1812) was a baronet, politician and colonial governor. He was a Member of Parliament for Honiton from 1754-1761 and 1763-1796, British Secretary at War from 1782-1783 and 1783-1794, and Governor of the Cape colony from 1799-1801.


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Signed by Jacob Morris, President, and William Henderson, Secretary.


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Contents extracted from "Upward", the monthly magazine of the Preston Board of Hope Union, July 1897-January 1899 and June 1900, and from "The Temperance Mirror", February 1900, one of 20 copies. Inscribed on "Explanatory" page: Wm. Livesey. August 3rd 1900. Inscribed on title-page: J. Sherlock, with W. Livesey's Kind Regards.


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Many position stands and review papers have refuted the myths associated with resistance training (RT) in children and adolescents. With proper training methods, RT for children and adolescents can be relatively safe and improve overall health. The objective of this position paper and review is to highlight research and provide recommendations in aspects of RT that have not been extensively reported in the pediatric literature. In addition to the well-documented increases in muscular strength and endurance, RT has been used to improve function in pediatric patients with cystic fibrosis, cerebral palsy and burn victims. Increases in children’s muscular strength have been attributed primarily to neurological adaptations due to the disproportionately higher increase in muscle strength than in muscle size. Although most studies using anthropometric measures have not shown significant muscle hypertrophy in children, more sensitive measures such as magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasound have suggested hypertrophy may occur. There is no minimum age for RT for children. However the training and instruction must be appropriate for children and adolescents involving a proper warm-up, cool-down and an appropriate choice of exercises. It is recommended that low-to-moderate intensity resistance should be utilized 2-3 times per week on non-consecutive days, with 1-2 sets initially, progressing to 4 sets of 8-15 repetitions for 8-12 exercises. These exercises can include more advanced movements such as Olympic style lifting, plyometrics and balance training, which can enhance strength, power, co-ordination and balance. However specific guidelines for these more advanced techniques need to be established for youth. In conclusion, a RT program that is within a child’s or adolescent’s capacity, involves gradual progression under qualified instruction and supervision with appropriately sized equipment can involve more advanced or intense RT exercises which can lead to functional (i.e. muscular strength, endurance, power, balance and co-ordination) and health benefits.


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Note regarding the number of days Fred Holmes was employed upon the Port Robinson and Thorold macadamized road during the months of July and August. This is signed by S.D. Woodruff and Fred Holmes, November, 1857.