9 resultados para Cell Types

em Brock University, Canada


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Spontaneous teratocarcinomas are ovarian or testicular tumors which have their origins in germ cells. The tumors contain a disorganized array of benign differentiated cells as well as an undifferentiated population of malignant stem cells, the embryonal carcinoma or EC cells. These pluripotent stem cells in tissue culture share many properties with the transient pluripotent cells of the early embryo, and might therefore serve as models for the investigation of developmental events ill vitro. The property of EC cells of prime interest in this study is an in vivo phenomenon. Certain EC cell lines are known to be regulated ill vivo and to differentiate normally in association with normal embryonic cells, resulting in chimeric mice. These mice have two genetically distinct cell populations, one of which is derived from the originally malignant EC cells. This has usually been accomplished by injection of the EC cells into the Day 3 blastocyst. In this study, the interactions between earlier stage embryos and EC cells have been tested by aggregating clumps of EC cells with Day 2 embryos. The few previous aggregation studies produced a high degree of abnormality in chimeric embryos, but the EC cells employed had known chromosomal abnormalities. In this study, two diploid EC cell lines (P19 and Pi0) were aggregated with 2.5 day mouse embryos, and were found to behave quite differently in the embryonic environment. P19 containing aggregates generally resorbed early, and the few embryos recovered at midgestation were normal and non-chimeric. Pi0 containing aggregates survived in high numbers to midgestation, and the Pi0 cells were very successful in colonizing the embryo. All these embryos were chimeric, and the contribution by the EC cells to each chimera was very high. However, these heavily chimeric embryos were all abnormal. Blastocyst injection had previously produced some abnormal embryos with high Pl0 contributions in addition to the live born mice, which had lower EC contributions. This study now adds more support to the hypothesis that high EC contributions may be incompatible with normal development. The possibility that the abnormalities were due to the mixing of temporally asynchronous embryonic cell types in the aggregates was tested by aggregating normal pluripotent cells taken from 3.5 day embryos with 2.5 day embryos. Early embryo loss was very high, and histological studies showed that the majority of these embryos died by 6.5 days development. Some embryos escaped this early death such that some healthy chimeras were recovered, in contrast to recovery of abnormal chimeric embryos following Pl0-morula aggregations, and non-chimeric embryos following P19-morula aggregations. This somewhat surprising adverse effect on development following aggregation of normal cell types suggests that there are developmental difficulties associated with the mixing of asynchronous cell types in aggregates. However, the greater magnitude of the adverse effects when the aggregates contained tumor derived cells suggests that EC cells should not be considered the complete equivalent of the pluripotent cells of the early embryo.


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Cyanobacteria are able to regulate the distribution of absorbed light energy between photo systems 1 and 2 in response to light conditions. The mechanism of this regulation (the state transition) was investigated in the marine cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. strain PCC 7002. Three cell types were used: the wild type, psaL mutant (deletion of a photo system 1 subunit thought to be involved in photo system 1 trimerization) and the apcD mutant (a deletion of a phycobilisome subunit thought to be responsible for energy transfer to photo system 1). Evidence from 77K fluorescence emission spectroscopy, room temperature fluorescence and absorption cross-section measurements were used to determine a model of energy distribution from the phycobilisome and chlorophyll antennas in state 1 and state 2. The data confirm that in state 1 the phycobilisome is primarily attached to PS2. In state 2, a portion of the phycobilisome absorbed light energy is redistributed to photo system 1. This energy is directly transferred to photo system 1 by one of the phycobilisome terminal emitters, the product of the apcD gene, rather than via the photo system 2 chlorophyll antenna by spillover (energy transfer between the photo system 2 and photo system 1 chlorophyll antenna). The data also show that energy absorbed by the photo system 2 chlorophyll antenna is redistributed to photo system 1 in state 2. This could occur in one of two ways; by spillover or in a way analogous to higher plants where a segment of the chlorophyll antenna is dissociated from photo system 2 and becomes part of the photo system 1 antenna. The presence of energy transfer between neighbouring photo system 2 antennae was determined at both the phycobilisome and chlorophyll level, in states 1 and 2. Increases in antenna absorption cross-section with increasing reaction center closure showed that there is energy transfer (connectivity) between photosystem 2 antennas. No significant difference was shown in the amount of connectivity under these four conditions.


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Madagascar periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus) produces the well known and remarkably complex dimeric anticancer alkaloids vinblastine and vincristine that are derived by coupling vindoline and catharanthine monomers. This thesis describes the novel application of carborundum abrasion (CA) technique as a tool for large scale isolation of leaf epidermis enriched proteins. This technique was used to facilitate the purification to apparent homogeneity of 16-hydroxytabersonine-16-0-methyltransferse (l60MT) that catalyses the second step in the 6 step pathway that converts tabersonine into vindoline. This versatile tool was also used to harvest leaf epidermis enriched mRNAs that facilitated the molecular cloning of the 160MT. Functional expression and biochemical characterization of recombinant 160MT enzyme showed that it had a very narrow substrate specificity and high affinity for 16-hydroxytabersonine, since other closely related monoterpene indole alkaloids (MIAs) did not act as substrates. In addition to allowing the cloning of this gene, CA technique clearly showed that 160MT is predominantly expressed in Catharanthus leaf epidermis, in contrast to several other OMTs that appear to be expressed in other Catharanthus tissues. The results provide compelling evidence that most of the pathway for vindoline biosynthesis including the 0- methylation of 16-hydroxytabersonine occurs exclusively in leaf epidermis, with subsequent steps occurring in other leaf cell types. Small molecule O-methyltransferases (OMTs) (E.C. catalyze the transfer of the reactive methyl group of S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAM) to free hydroxyl groups of acceptor molecules. Plant OMTs, unlike their monomeric mammalian homologues, exist as functional homodimers. While the biological advantages for dimer fonnation with plant OMTs remain to be established, studies with OMTs from the benzylisoquinoline producing plant, Thalictrum tuberosum, showed that co-expression of 2 recombinant OMTs produced novel substrate specificities not found when each rOMT was expressed individually (Frick, Kutchan, 1999) . These results suggest that OMTs can fonn heterodimers that confer novel substrate specificities not possible with the homodimer alone. The present study describes a 160MT model based strategy attempting to modify the substrate specificity by site-specific mutagenesis. Our failure to generate altered substrate acceptance profiles in our 160MT mutants has lead us to study the biochemical properties ofhomodimers and heterodimers. Experimental evidence is provided to show that active sites found on OMT dimers function independently and that bifunctional heterodimeric OMTs may be fonned in vivo to produce a broader and more diverse range of natural products in plants.


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Catharanthus roseus is the sole biological source of the medicinal compounds vinblastine and vincristine. These chemotherapeutic compounds are produced in the aerial organs of the plant, however they accumulate in small amounts constituting only about 0.0002% of the fresh weight of the leaf. Their limited biological supply and high economical value makes its biosynthesis important to study. Vinblastine and vincristine are dimeric monoterpene indole alkaloids, which consists of two monomers vindoline and catharanthine. The monoterpene indole alkaloids (MIA's) contain a monoterpene moiety which is derived from the iridoid secologanin and an indole moiety tryptamine derived from the amino acid tryptophan. The biosynthesis of the monoterpene indole alkaloids has been localized to at least three cell types namely, the epidermis, the laticifer and the internal phloem assisted parenchyma. Carborundum abrasion (CA) technique was developed to selectively harvest epidermis enriched plant material. This technique can be used to harvest metabolites, protein or RNA. Sequencing of an expressed sequence tagged (EST) library from epidermis enriched mRNA demonstrated that this cell type is active in synthesizing a variety of secondary metabolites namely, flavonoids, lipids, triterpenes and monoterpene indole alkaloids. Virtually all of the known genes involved in monterpene indole alkaloid biosynthesis were sequenced from this library.This EST library is a source for many candidate genes involved in MIA biosynthesis. A contig derived from 12 EST's had high similarity (E'^') to a salicylic acid methyltransferase. Cloning and functional characterization of this gene revealed that it was the carboxyl methyltransferase imethyltransferase (LAMT). In planta characterization of LAMT revealed that it has a 10- fold enrichment in the leaf epidermis as compared to the whole leaf specific activity. Characterization of the recombinant enzyme revealed that vLAMT has a narrow substate specificity as it only accepts loganic acid (100%) and secologanic acid (10%) as substrates. rLAMT has a high Km value for its substrate loganic acid (14.76 mM) and shows strong product inhibition for loganin (Kj 215 |iM). The strong product inhibition and low affinity for its substrate may suggest why the iridoid moiety is the limiting factor in monoterpene indole alkaloid biosynthesis. Metabolite profiling of C. roseus organs shows that secologanin accumulates within these organs and constitutues 0.07- 0.45% of the fresh weight; however loganin does not accumulate within these organs suggesting that the product inhibition of loganin with LAMT is not physiologically relevant. The limiting factor to iridoid and MIA biosynthesis seems to be related to the spatial separation of secologanin and the MIA pathway, although secologanin is synthesized in the epidermis, only 2-5% of the total secologanin is found in the epidermis while the remaining secologanin is found within the leaf body inaccessable to alkaloid biosynthesis. These studies emphasize the biochemical specialization of the epidermis for the production of secondary metabolites. The epidermal cells synthesize metabolites that are sequestered within the plant and metabolites that are secreted to the leaf surface. The secreted metabolites comprise the epidermome, a layer separating the plant from its environment.


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The endocrine pancreas of the rock bass (Ambloplites rupestris) was examined by light and electron microscopy. Two cell types with staining properties similar to mammalian A and B cells, and a third, non-staining cell type were found in the spherical pancreatic islets that were surrounded by a connective tissue capsule and embedded in two small masses of exocrine tissue. From an analysis of the ultrastructure of the A and B cells, a secretory cycle for each of these cell types was proposed. The secretory cycle of the A cell consisted of three well defined stages: (1) A cell production stage: during which A granule formation occurred in the sacs of the Golgi apparatus and the cell was characterized by the presence of numerous secretory granules, some elements of lamellar endoplasmic reticulum, and a homogeneously granular nucleus. The cytoplasm contained few distended cisternae, variable numbers of free ribosomes, microtubules and small vesicles. (2) A cell release stage: during which the release of A granules occurred and the cell usually contained several large distended cisternae and variable numbers of secretory granules. Granule release mechanisms included exocytosis, by which individual granules were released into the extracellular space after their membranes fused with the plasmalemma, and emiocytosis, by which one or more granules were released into a large cisterna whose membrane fused with the plasmalemma and formed a pore through which the cisternal contents passed out of the cell. (3) A cell reorganization stage: during which the changeover from the release stage to the production stage occurred and the reorganization of organelles and membrane structures took place. The cell contained few secretory granules and numerous small endoplasmic reticular cisternae. The cytoplasm exhibited less electron density than either of the other two stages. The A granule after formation underwent a series of morphological changes which were described in four numerically identified phases. The secretory cycle of the B cell consisred of two stages: (1) B cell production stage: during which the B granule formation occurred in the sacs of the Go1gi apparatus. The cell was characterized by an irregular outline, the presence of numerous secretory granules, and an irregularly shaped nucleus which contained variable amounts of clumped chromatin. The cytoplasm contained moderate amounts of lamellar endoplasmic reticulum studded with ribosomes, several small vesicles, and an active Go1gi apparatus. (2) B cell release stage: during which the release of B granules occurred. The cell contained a rounded nucleus with dispersed chromatin, several distended endoplasmic reticular cisternae and a variable number of secretory granules. Granule release occu~ by emiocytosis and exocytosis similar to that found for the A cell.


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Monoterpenoid indole alkaloids (MIA) are among the largest and most complex group of nitrogen containing secondary metabolites that are characteristic of the Apocynaceae plant family including the most notable Catharanthus roseus. These compounds have demonstrated activity as successful drugs for treating various cancers, neurological disorders and cardiovascular conditions. Due to the low yields of these compounds and high pharmacological value, their biosynthesis is a major topic of study. Previous work highlighting the leaf epidermis and leaf surface as a highly active area in MIA biosynthesis and MIA accumulation has made the epidermis a major focus of this thesis. This thesis provides an in-depth analysis of the valuable technique of RNA in situ hybridization (ISH) and demonstrates the application of the technique to analyze the location of the biosynthetic steps involved in the production of MIAs. The work presented in this thesis demonstrates that most of the MIAs of Eurasian Vinca minor, African Tabernaemontana e/egans and five Amsonia species, including North American Amsonia hubrichitii and Mediterranean A. orienta/is, accumulate in leaf wax exudates, while the rest of the leaf is almost devoid of alkaloids. Biochemical studies on Vinca minor displayed high tryptophan decarboxylase (TOe) enzyme activity and protein expression in the leaf epidermis compared to whole leaves. ISH studies aimed at localizing TOe and strictosidine synthase suggest the upper and lower epidermis of V. minor and T. e/egans as probable significant production sites for MIAs that will accumulate on the leaf surface, however the results don't eliminate the possibility of the involvement of other cell types. The monoterpenoid precursor to all MIAs, secologanin, is produced through the MEP pathway occurring in two cell types, the IPAP cells (Gl0H) and epidermal cells (LAMT and SLS). The work presented in this thesis, localizes a novel enzymatic step, UDPG-7-deoxyloganetic acid glucosyltransferase (UGT8) to the IPAP cells of Catharanthus longifolius. These results enable the suggestion that all steps from Gl0H up to and including UGT8 occur in the IPAP cells of the leaf, making the IPAP cells the main site for the majority of secologanin biosynthesis. It also makes the IPAP cells a likely cell type to begin searching for the gene of the uncharacterized steps between Gl0H and UGT8. It also narrows the compound to be transported from the IPAP cells to either 7-deoxyloganic acid or loganic acid, which aids in the identification of the transportation mechanism.


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The monoterpenoid indole alkaloids (MIAs) of Madagascar periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus) are known to be among the most important source of natural drugs used in various cancer chemotherapies. MIAs are derived by combining the iridoid secologanin with tryptamine to form the central precursor strictosidine that is then converted to most known MIAs, such as catharanthine and vindoline that dimerize to form anticancer vinblastine and vincristine. While their assembly is still poorly understood, the complex multistep pathways involved occur in several specialized cell types within leaves that are regulated by developmental and environmental cues. The organization of MIA pathways is also coupled to secretory mechanisms that allow the accumulation of catharanthine in the waxy leaf surface, separated from vindoline found within leaf cells. While the spatial separation of catharanthine and vindoline provides an explanation for the low levels of dimeric MIAs found in the plants, the secretion of catharanthine to the leaf surface is shown to be part of plant defense mechanisms against fungal infection and insect herbivores. The transcriptomic databases of Catharanthus roseus and various MIA producing plants are facilitating bioinformatic approaches to identify novel MIA biosynthetic genes. Virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) is being used to screen these candidate genes for their involvement in iridoid biosynthesis pathway, especially in the identification of 7-deoxyloganic acid 7-hydroxylase (CrDL7H) shown by the accumulation of its substrate, 7-deoxyloganic acid and decreased level of secologanin along with catharanthine and vindoline. VIGS can also confirm the biochemical function of genes being identified, such as in the glucosylation of 7-deoxyloganetic acid by CrUGT8 shown by decreased level of secologanin and MIAs within silenced plants. Silencing of other iridoid biosynthetic genes, loganic acid O-methyltransferase (LAMT) and secologanin synthase (SLS) also confirm the metabolic route for iridoid biosynthesis in planta through 7-deoxyloganic acid, loganic acid, and loganin intermediates. This route is validated by high substrate specificity of CrUGT8 for 7-deoxyloganetic acid and CrDL7H for 7-deoxyloganic acid. Further localization studies of CrUGT8 and CrDL7H also show that these genes are preferentially expressed within Catharanthus leaves rather than in epidermal cells where the last two steps of secologanin biosynthesis occur.


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The plant family Apocynaceae accumulates thousands of monoterpene indole alkaloids (MIAs) which originate, biosynthetically, from the common secoiridoid intermediate, strictosidine, that is formed from the condensation of tryptophan and secologanin molecules. MIAs demonstrate remarkable structural diversity and have pharmaceutically valuable biological activities. For example; a subunit of the potent anti-neoplastic molecules vincristine and vinblastine is the aspidosperma alkaloid, vindoline. Vindoline accumulates to trace levels under natural conditions. Research programs have determined that there is significant developmental and light regulation involved in the biosynthesis of this MIA. Furthermore, the biosynthetic pathway leading to vindoline is split among at least five independent cell types. Little is known of how intermediates are shuttled between these cell types. The late stage events in vindoline biosynthesis involve six enzymatic steps from tabersonine. The fourth biochemical step, in this pathway, is an indole N-methylation performed by a recently identified N-methyltransfearse (NMT). For almost twenty years the gene encoding this NMT had eluded discovery; however, in 2010 Liscombe et al. reported the identification of a γ-tocopherol C-methyltransferase homologue capable of indole N-methylating 2,3-dihydrotabersonine and Virus Induced Gene Silencing (VIGS) suppression of the messenger has since proven its involvement in vindoline biosynthesis. Recent large scale sequencing initiatives, performed on non-model medicinal plant transcriptomes, has permitted identification of candidate genes, presumably involved, in MIA biosynthesis never seen before in plant specialized metabolism research. Probing the transcriptome assemblies of Catharanthus roseus (L.)G.Don, Vinca minor L., Rauwolfia serpentine (L.)Benth ex Kurz, Tabernaemontana elegans, and Amsonia hubrichtii, with the nucleotide sequence of the N-methyltransferase involved in vindoline biosynthesis, revealed eight new homologous methyltransferases. This thesis describes the identification, molecular cloning, recombinant expression and biochemical characterization of two picrinine NMTs, one from V. minor and one from R. serpentina, a perivine NMT from C. roseus, and an ajmaline NMT from R. serpentina. While these TLMTs were expressed and functional in planta, they were active at relatively low levels and their N-methylated alkaloid products were not apparent our from alkaloid isolates of the plants. It appears that, for the most part, these TLMTs, participate in apparently silent biochemical pathways, awaiting the appropriate developmental and environmental cues for activity.


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The various steps of monoterpene indole alkaloid (MIA) biosynthesis are known to occur in specialized cell types and subcellular compartments. Numerous MIAs display powerful biological activities that have led to their use as pharmaceutical treatments for cancer, hypertension and malaria. Many of these compounds accumulate on the leaf surface of medicinally important Apocynaceae plants, which led to the recent discovery and characterization of an ABC transporter (CrTPT2) that was shown to mobilize catharanthine from its site of biosynthesis in epidermal cells to the leaf surface of Catharanthus roseus. Bioinformatic analysis of transcriptomes from several geographically distant MIA-producing species led to the identification of proteins with high amino acid sequence identity to CrTPT2. Molecular cloning of a similar transporter (VmTPT2) from Vinca minor was carried out and expressed in a yeast heterologous system for transport experiments and functional characterization. In planta studies involved transcript expression analysis of the early MIA biosynthetic gene VmTDC and putative transporter VmTPT2, and alkaloid profile analyses. RT-qPCR results showed that VmTPT2 expression increased 15-fold between the first two leaf pairs, and high levels were maintained across older leaves. The alkaloid accumulation profile on leaf surfaces matched that of VmTPT2 expression, especially for the MIAs vincadifformine and vincamine. Gene expression and alkaloid profile analyses suggest that the functional protein may act as a similar transporter to CrTPT2. However, although VmTPT2 had 88.4% identity at the amino acid level to CrTPT2, it displayed an altered expression pattern in planta across developing leaves, and functional characterization using a previously developed yeast heterologous system was unsuccessful due to difficulties with reproducibility of transport assays.