10 resultados para CONTRAST SENSITIVITY
em Brock University, Canada
Adults and children can discriminate various emotional expressions, although there is limited research on sensitivity to the differences between posed and genuine expressions. Adults have shown implicit sensitivity to the difference between posed and genuine happy smiles in that they evaluate T-shirts paired with genuine smiles more favorably than T-shirts paired with posed smiles or neutral expressions (Peace, Miles, & Johnston, 2006). Adults also have shown some explicit sensitivity to posed versus genuine expressions; they are more likely to say that a model i?,feeling happy if the expression is genuine than posed. Nonetheless they are duped by posed expressions about 50% of the time (Miles, & Johnston, in press). There has been no published study to date in which researchers report whether children's evaluation of items varies with expression and there is little research investigating children's sensitivity to the veracity of facial expressions. In the present study the same face stimuli were used as in two previous studies (Miles & Johnston, in press; Peace et al., 2006). The first question to be addressed was whether adults and 7-year-olds have a cognitive understanding of the differences between posed and genuine happiness {scenario task). They evaluated the feelings of children who expressed gratitude for a present that they did or did not want. Results indicated that all participants had a fundamental understanding of the difference between real and posed happiness. The second question involved adults' and children's implicit sensitivity to the veracity of posed and genuine smiles. Participants rated and ranked beach balls paired with faces showing posed smiles, genuine smiles, and neutral expressions. Adults ranked.but did not rate beach balls paired with genuine smiles more favorably than beach balls paired with posed smiles. Children did not demonstrate implicit sensitivity as their ratings and rankings of beach balls did not vary with expressions; they did not even rank beach balls paired with genuine expressions higher than beach balls paired with neutral expressions. In the explicit (show/feel) task, faces were presented without the beach balls and participants were first asked whether each face was showing happy and then whether each face wasfeeling happy. There were also two matching trials that presented two faces at once; participants had to indicate which person was actuallyfeeling happy. In the show condition both adults and 7-year-olds were very accurate on genuine and neutral expressions but made some errors on posed smiles. Adults were fooled about 50% of the time by posed smiles in thefeel condition (i.e., they were likely to say that a model posing happy was really feeling happy) and children were even less accurate, although they showed weak sensitivity to posed versus genuine expressions. Future research should test an older age group of children to determine when explicit sensitivity to posed versus genuine facial expressions becomes adult-like and modify the ranking task to explore the influence of facial expressions on object evaluations.
At head of title: For the International Geological Congress.
Developmental coordination disorder (DCD) is a motor coordination disorder that is characterized by impairment of motor skills which leads to challenges with performing activities of daily living. Children with DCD have been shown to be less physically active and have increased body fatness. This is an important finding since a sedentary lifestyle and obesity are risk factors for cardiovascular disease. One indicator of cardiovascular health is baroreflex sensitivity (BRS), which is a measure of short term BP regulation that is accomplished through changes in HR. Diminished BRS is predictive of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. The purpose of this study was to investigate BRS in 117 children aged 12 to 13 years with probable DCD (pOCO) and their matched controls with normal coordination. Following 15 minutes of supine rest, five minutes of continuous beat-by-beat blood pressure (Finapres) and RR interval were recorded (standard ECG). Spectral indices were computed using Fast Fourier Transform and transfer function analysis was used to compute BRS. High frequency and low frequency power spectral areas were set to 0.15-0.6 Hz and 0.04-0.15 Hz, respectively. BRS was compared between groups with an independent t-test and the difference was not significant. It is likely that a difference in BRS was not seen between groups since the difference in BMI between groups was small. As well, differences in BRS may not have manifested yet at this early age. However, the cardiovascular health of this population still deserves attention since differences in body composition and fitness were found between groups.
The present set of experiments was designed to investigate the development of children's sensitivity of facial expressions observed within emotional contexts. Past research investigating both adults' and children's perception of facial expressions has been limited primarily to the presentation of isolated faces. During daily social interactions, however, facial expressions are encountered within contexts conveying emotions (e.g., background scenes, body postures, gestures). Recently, research has shown that adults' perception of facial expressions is influenced by these contexts. When emotional faces are shown in incongruent contexts (e.g., when an angry face is presented in a context depicting fear) adults' accuracy decreases and their reaction times increase (e.g., Meeren et a1. 2005). To examine the influence of emotional body postures on children's perception of facial expressions, in each of the experiments in the current study adults and 8-year-old children made two-alternative forced choice decisions about facial expressions presented in congruent (e.g., a face displayed sadness on a body displaying sadness) and incongruent (e.g., a face displaying fear on a body displaying sadness) contexts. Consistent with previous studies, a congruency effect (better performance on congruent than incongruent trials) was found for both adults and 8-year-olds when the emotions displayed by the face and body were similar to each other (e.g., fear and sad, Experiment l a ) ; the influence of context was greater for 8-year-olds than adults for these similar expressions. To further investigate why the congruency effect was larger for children than adults in Experiment 1 a, Experiment 1 b was conducted to examine if increased task difficulty would increase the magnitude of adults' congruency effects. Adults were presented with subtle facial and despite successfully increasing task difficulty the magnitude of the. congruency effect did not increase suggesting that the difference between children's and adults' congruency effects in Experiment l a cannot be explained by 8-year-olds finding the task difficult. In contrast, congruency effects were not found when the expressions displayed by the face and body were dissimilar (e.g., sad and happy, see Experiment 2). The results of the current set of studies are examined with respect to the Dimensional theory and the Emotional Seed model and the developmental timeline of children's sensitivity to facial expressions. A secondary aim of the series of studies was to examine one possible mechanism underlying congruency effe cts-holistic processing. To examine the influence of holistic processing, participants completed both aligned trials and misaligned trials in which the faces were detached from the body (designed to disrupt holistic processing). Based on the principles of holistic face processing we predicted that participants would benefit from misalignment of the face and body stimuli on incongruent trials but not on congruent trials. Collectively, our results provide some evidence that both adults and children may process emotional faces and bodies holistically. Consistent with the pattern of results for congruency effects, the magnitude of the effect of misalignment varied with the similarity between emotions. Future research is required to further investigate whether or not facial expressions and emotions conveyed by the body are perceived holistically.
The developmental remodelling of motivational systems that underlie drug dependence and addiction may account for the greater frequency and severity of drug abuse in adolescence compared to adulthood. Recent advances in animal models have begun to identify the morphological and the molecular factors that are being remodelled, but little is known about the culmination of these factors in altered sensitivity to psycho stimulant drugs, like amphetamine, in adolescence. Amphetamine induces potent locomotor activating effects in rodents through increased dopamine release in the mesocorticolimbic dopamine system, which makes locomotor activity a useful behavioural marker of age differences in amphetamine sensitivity. The aim of the thesis was to investigate the neural basis for age differences in amphetamine sensitivity with a focus on the nucleus accumbens and the medial prefrontal cortex, which initiate and regulate amphetamine-induced locomotor activity, respectively. In study 1, I found pre- and post- pubertal adolescent rats to be less active (i.e., hypoactive) than adults to a first injection of 0.5, but not of 1.5, mg/kg of intraperitonealy (i.p.) administered amphetamine. Although initially hypoactive, only adolescent rats exhibited an increase in activity to a second injection of amphetamine given 24 h later, indicating that adolescents may be more sensitive to the rapid changes in amphetamineinduced plasticity than adults. Given that the locomotor activating effects of amphetamine are initiated in the nucleus accumbens, age differences in response to direct injections of amphetamine into this brain region were investigated in study 2. In contrast to i.p. injections, adolescents were more active than adults when amphetamine was given directly into the nucleus accumbens, indicating that hypo activity may be attributed to the development of regulatory regions outside of the accumbens. The medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) is a key regulator of the locomotor activating effects of amphetamine that undergoes extensive remodelling in adolescence. In study 3, I found that an i.p. injection of 1.5, and not of 0.5, mg/kg of amphetamine resulted in a high expression of c-fos, a marker of neural activation, in the pre limbic mPFC only in pre-pubertal adolescent rats. This finding suggests that the ability of adolescent rats to overcome hypo activity at the 1.5 mg/kg dose may involve greater activation of the prelimbic mPFC compared to adulthood. In support of this hypothesis, I found that pharmacological inhibition of prelimbic D 1 dopamine receptors disrupted the locomotor activating effects of the 1.5 mg/kg dose of amphetamine to a greater extent in adolescent than in adult rats. In addition, the stimulation of prelimbic D 1 dopamine receptors potentiated locomotor activity at the 0.5 mg/kg dose of amphetamine only in adolescent rats, indicating that the prelimbic D1 dopamine receptors are involved in overcoming locomotor hypoactivity during adolescence. Given my finding that the locomotor activating effects of amphetamine rely on slightly different mechanisms in adolescence than in adulthood, study 4 was designed to determine whether the lasting consequences of drug use would also differ with age. A short period of pre-treatment with 0.5 mg/kg of amphetamine in adolescence, but not in adulthood, resulted in heightened sensitivity to an injection of amphetamine given 30 days after the start of the procedure, when adolescent rats had reached adulthood. The finding of an age-specific increase in amphetamine sensitivity is consistent with evidence for increased risk for addiction when drug use is initiated in adolescence compared to adulthood in people (Merline et aI., 2002), and with the hypothesis that adolescence is a sensitive period of development.
O'Fallon and Butterfield (2005) in a review of the business ethics literature concluded that "ethical awareness" also called ethical sensitivity has received the least attention of the four steps in Rest's (1986) ethical decision making model. Available measures for ethical sensitivity are limited to specific contexts and suffer from several limitations. I extend the previous literature by creating a new measure for ethical sensitivity (AESS) that encompasses relevant dimensions for the accounting profession and is not specific to a particular setting. I also introduce a new individual differences variable to the accounting ethics literature. Specifically, I investigate the relationship between anti-intellectualism and ethical awareness. My findings support AESS as a measure of ethical sensitivity.
Adenoviruses are the most commonly used in the development of oncolytic therapy. Oncolytic adenoviruses are genetically modified to selectivity replicate in and kill tumor cells. The p53 molecule is a tumor suppressor protein that responds to viral infection through the activation of apoptosis, which is inhibited by adenovirus E1B55kDa protein leading to progressive viral lytic cycle. The non-specificity of replication has limited the use of wild type adenovirus in cancer therapy. This issue was resolved by using an E1b deleted Ad that can only replicate in cells with a deficiency in the p53 protein, a common feature of most cancer cells. Although demonstrating a moderate success rate, E1b55kDa deleted Ad has not been approved as a standard therapy for all cancer types. Several studies have revealed that E1b deleted Ad replication was independent of p53 status in the cell, as the virus replicated better in some p53 deficient cancers more than others. However, this mechanism has not been investigated deeply. Therefore, the objective of this study is to understand the relationship between p53 status, levels and functional activity, and oncolytic Ad5dlE1b55kDa replication efficiency. Firstly, five transient p53 expression vectors that contain different regulatory elements were engineered and then evaluated in H1299, HEK293 and HeLa cell lines. Data indicated that vector that contains the MARs and HPRE regulatory elements achieved the highest stability of p53 expression. Secondly, we used these vectors to examine the effect of various p53 expression levels on the replication efficiency of oncolytic Ad5dlE1b55kDa. We found that the level of p53 in the cell had an insignificant effect on the oncolytic viruses’ replication. However, the functional activity of p53 had a significant effect on its replication, as Ad5dlE1b55kDa was shown to have selective activity in H1299 cells (p53-null). In contrast, a decrease in viral replication was found in HeLa cells (p53-positive). Finally, the effect of p53’s functional activity on the replication efficiency of oncolytic Ad5dlE1b55kDa was examined. Viral growth was evaluated in H1299 cells expressing number of p53 mutants. P53-R175H mutant successfully rescued viral growth by allowing the virus to exert its mechanism of selectivity. The mechanism entailed deregulating the expression of specific genes, cell cycle and apoptosis, in the p53 pathway to promote its production leading to efficient oncolytic effect. These results confirmed that oncolytic Ad5dlE1b55kDa sensitivity is mutation-type specific. Therefore, before it is applied clinically as cancer therapy for p53 deficient tumors, the type of p53 mutation must be determined for efficient antitumor effect.
The preparation and characterization of coordination complexes of Schiff-base and crown ether macrocycles is presented, for application as contrast agents for magnetic resonance imaging, Project 1; and single-molecule magnets (SMMs), Projects 2 and 3. In Project 1, a family of eight Mn(II) and Gd(III) complexes of N3X2 (X = NH, O) and N3O3 Schiff-base macrocycles were synthesized, characterized, and evaluated as potential contrast agents for MRI. In vitro and in vivo (rodent) studies indicate that the studied complexes display efficient contrast behaviour, negligible toxicity, and rapid excretion. In Project 2, DyIII complexes of Schiff-base macrocycles were prepared with a view to developing a new family of mononuclear Ln-SMMs with pseudo-D5h geometries. Each complex displayed slow relaxation of magnetization, with magnetically-derived energy barriers in the range Ueff = 4 – 24 K. In Project 3, coordination complexes of selected later lanthanides with various crown ether ligands were synthesized. Two families of complexes were structurally and magnetically analyzed: ‘axial’ or sandwich-type complexes based on 12-crown-4 and 15-crown-5; and ‘equatorial’ complexes based on 18-crown-6. Magnetic data are supported by ab initio calculations and luminescence measurements. Significantly, the first mononuclear Ln-SMM prepared from a crown ether ligand is described.
Cardiovagal baroreflex sensitivity (cvBRS) demonstrates a strong relationship with arterial mechanical properties. Both cvBRS and arterial mechanics differ by sex such that males demonstrate greater cvBRS, yet lower large artery elasticity than females. Whether the relationship between cvBRS and arterial mechanics is similar in males and females remains unexamined. As a result, it is unclear whether arterial mechanics contribute to sex differences in cvBRS. This study investigated the cross-sectional relationship between cvBRS and arterial mechanical properties of the common carotid, carotid sinus and aortic arch (AA) in 36 (18 females) young, healthy normotensives. The cvBRS-arterial mechanics relationship did not reach statistical significance and did not differ by sex. Both cvBRS and AA distensibility were greater in females than males. Sex differences in cvBRS were eliminated after controlling for AA distensibility. These findings suggest that in this sample, AA elasticity may contribute to the greater cvBRS in females than males.
This thesis investigated the modulation of dynamic contractile function and energetics of work by posttetanic potentiation (PTP). Mechanical experiments were conducted in vitro using software-controlled protocols to stimulate/determine contractile function during ramp shortening, and muscles were frozen during parallel incubations for biochemical analysis. The central feature of this research was the comparison of fast hindlimb muscles from wildtype and skeletal myosin light chain kinase knockout (skMLCK-/-) mice that does not express the primary mechanism for PTP: myosin regulatory light chain (RLC) phosphorylation. In contrast to smooth/cardiac muscles where RLC phosphorylation is indispensable, its precise physiological role in skeletal muscle is unclear. It was initially determined that tetanic potentiation was shortening speed dependent, and this sensitivity of the PTP mechanism to muscle shortening extended the stimulation frequency domain over which PTP was manifest. Thus, the physiological utility of RLC phosphorylation to augment contractile function in vivo may be more extensive than previously considered. Subsequent experiments studied the contraction-type dependence for PTP and demonstrated that the enhancement of contractile function was dependent on force level. Surprisingly, in the absence of RLC phosphorylation, skMLCK-/- muscles exhibited significant concentric PTP; consequently, up to ~50% of the dynamic PTP response in wildtype muscle may be attributed to an alternate mechanism. When the interaction of PTP and the catchlike property (CLP) was examined, we determined that unlike the acute augmentation of peak force by the CLP, RLC phosphorylation produced a longer-lasting enhancement of force and work in the potentiated state. Nevertheless, despite the apparent interference between these mechanisms, both offer physiological utility and may be complementary in achieving optimal contractile function in vivo. Finally, when the energetic implications of PTP were explored, we determined that during a brief period of repetitive concentric activation, total work performed was ~60% greater in wildtype vs. skMLCK-/- muscles but there was no genotype difference in High-Energy Phosphate Consumption or Economy (i.e. HEPC: work). In summary, this thesis provides novel insight into the modulatory effects of PTP and RLC phosphorylation, and through the observation of alternative mechanisms for PTP we further develop our understanding of the history-dependence of fast skeletal muscle function.