6 resultados para Acid pollution of rivers, lakes, etc.

em Brock University, Canada


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The literature on species diversity of phytoplankton of tropical lakes is scarce, and for the main part comes from studies of the big lakes in Africa, or deep lakes in South America, leaving a gap in the information about small shallow tropical lakes. In the present work the phytoplankton species composition and diversity of 27 shallow lakes and ponds in Costa Rica (Central America) was studied. The species composition was found to agree with other studies of tropical lakes, with a dominance of Chlorophyta, Cyanophyta, or in some cases Bacillariophyta or Euglenophyta; and a general paucity of Chrysophyta and Cryptophyta. Species richness varied considerably among the lakes, and tended to decrease with an increase in lake elevation. A low evenness in the species abundances was found, with one or more species outnumbering the rest by several orders of magnitude. Individual species abundances and species composition was found to vary with time in Rio Cuarto Lake, a meromictic lake situated in a region with low seasonal change in precipitation. In comparison with the phytoplankton of temperate lakes, the phytoplankton of the tropical lakes studied tended to have a lower evenness of species abundances, although species richness may be similar to temperate figures in some cases. Diversity indices sensitive to changes in the abundance of rare species tend to be higher in the tropical lakes studied; diversity indices sensitive to changes in the numbers of abundant species tend to be similar between the temperate and tropical lakes examined.


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As a result of increased acid precipitation, the pH of a large number of Canadian Shield lakes has been falling. Prior to this study there was no documentation available to explain the history of lake acidification for the Algoma area lakes. In order to obtain this information the diatom inferred pH technique was developed in this study. During two field seasons, July 1981 and July 1982, short sediment cores (circa 25-30 cm) were collected from 28 study lakes located north of Lake Superior, District Algoma, Ontario. The surface sediment diatoms (0-1 cm) from each of these lakes were carefully identified, enumerated, and classified in terms of their pH indicator status. The surface sediment diatom analysis indicated that lake pH is one of the most important factors affecting the species composition and relative abundance of diatom populations. Thus diatom assemblages can be sensitive indicators of lake acidification. When Nygaard's index alpha was plotted against observed lake pH, a statistically significant relationship resulted (r=-0.89; p=of 4 lakes (lakes X4, CS, U3, and WI). The repeatability of this technique was confirmed by comparing two downcore paleo-pH profiles of Lake WI. These two paleo-pH profiles represented almost identical paleo-pH patterns for Lake WI. The paleo-pH study of Lake X4 revealed that the lake has been rather acidic (pH <5.6) for the last 200 years. It appears that the recent increase in acid precipitation 3 over the last 30 years has not altered the water pH compared to the lake's pH history. However, the paleo-pH study of another acidic lake (Lake CS) indicated that its pH has significantl}* dropped over the last 30 years . During this time the Lake CS pH has dropped almost 2 pH units (7.1 to 5.2). The other two lakes studied for downcore pH were circumneutral in nature . One of these lakes (Lake U3) displayed a relatively stable pH history while the other lake (Lake WI) displayed significant pH fluctuations over post-Ambrosia time. The variable pH history of Lake WI was probably associated with the Algoma sintering plant plume and forest fires. A significant relationship between surface sediment diatoms and observed lake pH and secondly a statistically significant relationship between index alpha and observed pH suggested that diatoms are one of the best indicators of lake pH. Thus diatom inferred pH technique has great potential in explaining the rate of lake acidification.


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The objective of this study was to determine whether clearwater and brownwater lakes differed in their rate of acidification as inferred by subfossil diatoms analyzed in recent downcore sediments. Differences between associations of diatom populations in brownwater and clearwater environments were characterized. Sediment cores were taken from four lakes located north and east of Lake Superior, near Wawa, Ontario. Two of these lakes were humicrich, brownwater lakes ( lakes U1 and CB2). The two other lakes were clearwater lakes ( lakes Xl and CF). The regression of Nygaard log index-alpha for surficial diatom sediments on observed pH ( Inferred pH = 6.57 - 0.82 log index-alpha ), was utilized to infer lake pH in recent sediments of these lakes. Upon analyzing the downcore diatoms, it was discovered that no significant change, in downcore diatom inferred pH, could be detected in the two brownwater lakes. In contrast, the two clearwater lakes showed significant shifts in downcore diatom inferred pH. In one of these lakes, pH had dropped from 5.3 to 4.5, in the top 9.0 cm of the core, while in the second lake, pH had dropped from 5.4 to 5.0 in the top 1.5 cm of the core. These findings suggested that humic substances, found in brownwater lakes, imparted a buffering capacity to these lake waters. In the clearwater lakes, the decrease in pH was very probably a consequence of acid precipitation. The Ambrosia rise ( circa 1890 ) occurred at the same depth in both brownwater lakes ( 11.0 - 12.0 cm). In both clearwater lakes, the Ambrosia rise occurred at a depth of 14.0 - 15.0 cm. This suggested a lower sedimentation rate in the brownwater lakes. pH influenced the total percentage composition of diatom pH indicator groups. Greater numbers of alkaliphilous taxa were found in less acidic lakes ( e.g. Lake Ul ), While greater numbers of acidloving forms were found in highly acidic lakes ( e.g. Lake Xl ). There was a greater abundance of indifferent forms in the brownwater lakes, than in the clearwater lakes. A number of diatom genera and species were found to be associated with either clearwater or brownwater conditions. The centric diatom, ~elosira distans, significantly increased in abundance in the recent sediments of both clearwater lakes. This may be indicating a shift toward a more oligotrophic state within these acidic, clearwater lakes. This study suggested that a pH index based on subfossil diatoms may be a sensitive indicator of changing lake pH. This study also indicated that humic substances may playa more important role, than previously acknowledged, in controlling the pH dynamics of lake waters, and in determining diatom populations.


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The purpose of this study was to develop a classifi cation scheme for l ake trophic status based on the relative abundance of l ake sediment diatom trophic indicator species. A total of 600 diatom frustules were counted from the surface sediments of e a ch of 30 lakes selected to repr e seni~ a continuum from u.lt ra-oligotrophic t,o fairly eutrophic but not hype r-' eutrophic conditions. Published autecological information was used to determine the trophic indicator status of each of the s pecies. A quotieht was derived by dividing the s um of all the e utrophic indicator species by the sum of all oligotrophic indicai.-:.or species. Oligo'- mesotrophic. mesotrophic and meso-eutrophic species were added to both the numerator and denomina tor. Five categories of diatom i.nferred trophic status were recognized : ultra-oligotrophic - 0'-0.2:3, oligotrophic::: 0.24-0 . 70, mesotrophic :: 0.'71 -0.99, meso-elxtrophic :: 1. 00-1. '78 and eutrophic:: 1.. 79-2. 43. But only three of these (oligotrophic:: 0-0.69, mesotrophic ::: 0 . 70'-1.69 j and eutrophic:: 1.70-2.50) proved usef ul. The present study of the relationship between diatom inferred trophic status and the literature-derived trophic status of SO lake s (which were purposely chosen to represent a broad spectrum of lakes in Canada) indicated that: 1) Based on diatom species (assemblages ) it is possible to segregate the lakes from which. th",)se diatoms were taken into three basic categories : o ligotrophic, mesotrophic and eutrophic lake types. ~~) It was not possible t,o separate meso-eutrophic and o l igo-mesotrophic lakes f rom mesotrophic l akes as the the degree of overlap betwee n the diat,om species in these lake types was extremely high. 3) Ha d mo r e ul tra-oligotroph,ic lakes been sampled it might have been possible to more a ccurately s eparate them f rom oligotrophic Jakes. 4 ) Had. more humic lakes been sampled in this s tudy I f eel it would have been possible to identify a unique diatom a ssemblage which would h a ve chara cterized t his lake type . Re gression analyses were performed using the aforementioned diatom inferred trophic index as a f unction of 1) log Sec chi transparency (r = - 0.70) 2) total phosphorus (r = 0. 77 ) and 3) chlorophyll-a (r = 0.74). Once e ach of these rel ationships had been established , it was possible to infer paleotrophic (downcore) changes in an oligotrophic lake (Barbara Lake) and in a eutrophic lake (Chemung Lake) . Barbara Llake was dominated by oligotrophic s pecies and remained oligotrophic throughout the 200-·year history r epresented by i t s 32 em long sediment core. Chemung Lake is currently dominated. by eutrophic species but went through a mesotrophic st,age which was associated with a rise in the water level of the lake followi n g dam construction in its watershed in the early 1.900 J ::;. This was followed by its reversion to it,s present day eutrophic stage (dominated by eutrophic species) possibly as a r esult of shallowing process which can be attributed to " silting' up" of the reservoir and the invasion of the l ake by Myriophyllum spjcatum (Eurasian milfoil) i n the 1970's . In addition, nutrient .:r':l.ch run"'offwhich resulted from increased human a.ctivities associated with cottage development along its shores has contribut ed to its eutrophication. There is some evidence that the rat,e o :f its prog ressive eutrophication has declined during the last decade. This was correlated with legislation enacted in the 60's and 70's in Ontario which was aimed at reducing nutrient loading from cottages.


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A News Release draft to be sent to "100 newspapers, radio and television stations (virtually all those with offices within 20 miles of the Lakes), make them available to the Press Gallery, special interest groups, trade publication and Mayors etc. of Great Lake-side communities". The release discusses the need for an upgrade to "the 1972 Canada-U.S. Great Lakes Water Quality agreement". Within the document, O'Sullivan is quoted that the agreement "should be upgraded to become a treaty with the United States, so that after all the effort which has already been put into tyring to clean up the Great Lakes we the provision which provides for cancellation by either party giving twelve months (notice) to do so". The total report is 61 pages in length.