em Brock University, Canada
Blood serum and egg-white protein samples from individuals representing seven colonies of Larusargentatus, and four colonies of Sterna hirundo were electrophoretically analysed to determine levels of genetic variability and to assess the utility of polymorphic loci as genetic markers. Variability occurred at five co-dominant autosomal loci. S. hirundo protein polymorphism occurred at the Est-5 and the Oest-l loci, while nineteen loci were monomorphic. L. argentatus samples were monomorphic at seventeen loci and polymorphic at the Ldh-A and the Alb loci. Intergeneric differences existed at the Oalb and the Ldh-A loci. Although LDH-A100 from both species possessed identical electrophoretLc mobilities, the intergeneric differences were expressed as a difference in enzyme the'ITIlostabilities. Geographical distribution of alleles and genetic divergence estimates suggest ~ hirundo population panmixis,at least at the sampled locations. The h argentatus gene pool appears relatively heterogeneous with a discreet Atlantic Coast population and a Great Lakes demic population. These observed population structures may be maintained by the relative amount of gene flow occurring within and among populations. Mass ringing data coupled to reproductive success information and analysis of dispersal trends appear to validate this assumption. Similar results may be generated by either selection or both small organism and low locus sample sizes. To clarify these results and to detect the major factor(s) affecting the surveyed portions of the genome, larger sample sizes in conjunction with precise eco-demographic data are required.
The anther smut fungus U stilago violacea has been developed as an important model organIsm for genetic, morphological and physiological studies. Valuable information on the nuclear genetics on U stilago violacea has been obtained in the last 20-25 years. However, in this organism almost nothing is known about mitochondria which make up an important aspect of the fungal genetic system. One fundamental aspect, mitochondrial inheritance, was addressed by this investigation. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of U. violacea was purified and restriction fragments cloned. MtDNA restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) were identified among different isolates and were used as genetic markers for studying mitochondrial inheritance in crosses between polymorphic isolates. Matings of the yeast-like haploid cells of opposite mating types resulted in dikaryons containing mitochondria from both parents. The dikaryons were induced to form hyphae and then allowed to revert to haploid growth, resulting 1ll a colony that is bisectored for the two nuclear types. Both nuclear-type progeny of each cross were examined for parental mitochondrial type: Either mitochondrial type was observed 1ll the progeny. Thus, mitochondrial inheritance is biparental in this organism. The recovery of both mitochondrial types in the progeny was non-random. In progeny with the nuclear genotype of the al mating type parent mitochondria from both parents were inherited equally well. However, 1ll progeny with the a2 mating type, mitochondria were inherited almost exclusively (94%) from the a2 parent.