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em Brock University, Canada
A student crashes a car through the main entrance of Brock University and ransacks the office of the University President. The Buick La Sabre is driven through the glass doors of the Schmon Tower in the early morning, just as staff are beginning to report for work. The occupant of the vehicle proceeds to the tower's thirteenth floor, where he overturns furniture in the President's offices and breaks windows. University officials find him sitting in the President's chair, claiming he is God or Jesus.
Now, more than ever, sponsors of athletic events demand to see evidence of a commercial return, such as enhanced brand awareness, for their investment of cash or non-cash resources (Lough et aI., 2000). The most common way to measure the impact of perimeter signage (Le., any billboard or sign that displays a company's brand name and/or logo and which surrounds the playing area) on spectators' awareness of event sponsors has been through the use of brand name recall and recognition tests (Shilbury & Berriman, 1996). Recall testing requires spectators to list all of the sponsors they can remember seeing at, for example, an athletic event, strictly from memory and without any help (Cuneen & Hannan, 1993). With recognition testing, spectators are required to identify sponsors from a prepared list which include "dummy" brand names (i.e., sponsors that are present in the list but which do not actually sponsor the event). In order to determine whether sponsors' brand awareness objectives are being met, it is important for sport and recreation marketers to understand what influences a spectator's ability to remember (Le., recall and/or recognize) the brand names of companies who advertise on perimeter signage. The purpose this study was to examine the factors that influence spectators' recall and recognition of embedded sponsorship stimuli (i.e., company brand names on perimeter signage surrounding the play area) at a Canadian University's men's basketball game and football game. These factors included the number of games spectators attended over the course of the season (i.e., repeated exposure to sponsorship stimuli), spectators' level of involvement with the event, and spectators' level of involvement with the advertisements (i.e., perimeter signage). This study also examined the differences between recall and recognition as a means of measuring spectators' awareness of sponsors, and attempted to determine if there are sport differences in spectators' recall and recognition of perimeter signage. Upon leaving the football stadium or gymnasium, spectators were approached, at random, by trained research assistants located at each exit and asked to complete a brief survey questionnaire. Respondents completed the survey on-site. A total of 358 completed surveys were collected from spectators who attended the football (N = 277) and basketball (N = 81) games. The data suggest that football and basketball respondents recognized more sponsors' brand names than they recalled. In addition, football respondents who were highly involved with the event (i.e., those individuals who viewed attending the events as fun, interesting and exciting) attended more games over the course of the season and had significantly higher brand name recognition of sponsors who advertised on perimeter signage than those individuals with low involvement with the athletic event. Football respondents who were highly involved with the sponsors' advertisements (i.e., those individuals who viewed sponsors' perimeter signage as appealing, valuable and important) had significantly higher brand name recall of event sponsors than those individuals with low involvement with these sponsors' advertisements. Repeated exposure to perimeter signage did not have a significant influence on football or basketball respondents' recall or recognition of sponsors. Finally, the data revealed that football respondents had significantly higher recall of sponsors' brand names than basketball respondents. Conversely, basketball respondents had significantly higher recognition of sponsors' brand names than did football respondents.
Walter D’Arcy Ryan was born in 1870 in Kentville, Nova Scotia. He became the chief of the department of illumination at the General Electric Company of Schenectady, New York. He was a founder in the field of electrical illumination. He built the electric steam scintillator which had numerous nozzles and valves. The operator would release steam through the valves. The nozzles all had names which included: Niagara, fan, snake, plume, column, pinwheel and sunburst. The steam scintillator was combined with projectors, prismatic reflectors, flashers and filters to produce the desired effects. In 1920 a group of businessmen from Niagara Falls, New York formed a group who called themselves the “generators’. They lobbied the American and Canadian governments to improve the illumination of the Falls. They were able to raise $58, 000 for the purchase and installation of 24 arc lights to illuminate the Falls. On February 24th, 1925 the Niagara Falls Illumination Board was formed. Initially, the board had a budget of $28,000 for management, operation and maintenance of the lights. The power was supplied free by the Ontario Power Company. They had 24 lights installed in a row on the Ontario Power Company surge tank which was next to the Refectory in Victoria Park on the Canadian side. The official opening ceremony took place on June 8th, 1925 and included a light parade in Niagara Falls, New York and an international ceremony held in the middle of the Upper Steel Arch Bridge. Walter D’Arcy Ryan was the illuminating engineer and A.D. Dickerson who was his New York field assistant directed the scintillator. with information from American Technological Sublime by David E. Nye and the Niagara Falls info website Location: Brock University Archives Source Information: Subject Headings: Added Entries: 100 Ryan, W. D’A. |q (Walter D’Arcy), |d 1870-1934 610 General Electric Company 650 Lighting, Architectural and decorative 650 Lighting |z New York (State) |z Niagara Falls 700 Dickerson, A.F. 700 Schaffer, J.W. Related material held at other repositories: The Niagara Falls Museum in Niagara Falls, Ontario has a program (pamphlet) dedicating new lighting in 1958 and it has postcards depicting the illumination of the Falls. Some of Ryan’s accomplishments can be seen at The Virtual Museum of the City of San Francisco. Described by: Anne Adams Date: Sept 26,Upper Steel Arch Bridge. Walter D’Arcy Ryan was the illuminating engineer and A.D. Dickerson who was his New York field assistant directed the scintillator. with information from American Technological Sublime by David E. Nye and the Niagara Falls info website