7 resultados para 250502 Physical Chemistry of Macromolecules

em Brock University, Canada


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The interaction of biological molecules with water is an important determinant of structural properties both in molecular assemblies, and in conformation of individual macromolecules. By observing the effects of manipulating the activity of water (which can be accomplished by limiting its concentration or by adding additional solutes, "osmotic stress"), one can learn something about intrinsic physical properties of biological molecules as well as measure an energetic contribution of closely associated water molecules to overall equilibria in biological reactions. Here two such studies are reported. The first of these examines several species of lysolipid which, while present in relatively low concentrations in biomembranes, have been shown to affect many cellular processes involving membrane-protein or membrane-membrane interactions. Monolayer elastic constants were determined by combining X-ray diffraction and the osmotic stress technique. Spontaneous radii of curvature of lysophosphatidylcholines were determined to be positive and in the range +30A to +70A, while lysophosphatidylethanolamines proved to be essentially flat. Neither lysolipid significantly affected the bending modulus of the monolayer in which it was incorporated. The second study examines the role of water in theprocess of polymerization of actin into filaments. Water activity was manipulated by adding osmolytes and the effect on the equilibrium dissociation constant (measured as the criticalmonomer concentration) was determined. As water activity was decreased, the critical concentration was reduced for Ca-actin but not for Mg-actin, suggesting that 10-12 fewer water molecules are associated with Ca-actin in the polymerized state. Thisunexpectedly small amount of water is discussed in the context of the common structural motif of a nucleotide binding cleft.


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1-(0- and m-Ohlorobenzoyl)isoquinolines have been synthesized by two routes involving Reissert compounds. One route involves condensation of 2-benzoyl-l,2-dihydroisoquinaldonitrile with the appropriate chlorobenzaldehyde and the second involves rearrangement of the appropriate Z-(chlorobenzoyl)-l,Z-dihydroisoquinaldonitrile under basic conditions. The action of potassamide in anhydrous liquid ammonia on both ketones gave unexpectedly N-(l-isoquinolyl)benzamide (67) as the major product and the use of dibenzo-18-crown-6-ether 98% substantially improved the yd..e.ld in the case of l-chloroketone. This amide (67) exhibits unusual hydrogen bonding. 1-(o-chlorobenzoyl)-6,7-dimethoxyisoquinoline (79) was prepared in very s,amll quantities by the route involving condensation of 2-benzoyll, Z-dihydro-6,7-dimethoxyisoquinaldonitrile with o-chlorobenzaldehyde. The poor yields are due to the instability of the anion of 2-benzoyl1, Z-dihydro-6,7-dimethoxyisoquinaldonitrile. Attempted preparation of the ketone (79) by rearrangement of 2-(o-chlorobenzoyl)-l,2-dihydro6,7- dimethoxyisoquinaldonitrile under basic conditions yielded the start~ng material (Reissert compound) and 6,7-dimethoxyisoquinoline. The action of potassamide in anhydrous liquid ammonia on l-(o-bromo-4,5-dimethoxybenzoyl)isoquinoline (85), which was prepared by the route involving the condensation of 2-benzoyl-l,4-dihydroisoquinaldonitrile with o-bromo-4,5-dimethoxybenzaldehyde, gave two products, which have not yet been identified. The ketone (85) and its precursors are interest~ng in that their 20 eV and 70 eV mass spectra do not show molecular ions.


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The work described in this thesis has been divided into seven sections. The first section involves the preparation of N'-acyl-N'-arylN- benzothiohydrazides by the acylation of N'-aryl-N-benzothiohydrazides and is followed by a brief discussion of their possible conformation in solution. The second section deals with the preparation of 1,3,4-thiadiazolium salts by the action of perchloric acid/acetic anhydride on N'-acylN'- aryl-N-benzothiohydrazides and also by the reaction of N'-arylN- benzothiohydrazides with nitriles in an acidic medium. The preparation of 2-methylthio-I,3,4-thiadiazolium methosulfate by methylating the corresponding thione is also described. The third section deals with the reaction of 2-phenyl- and 2-methyl-I,3,4-thiadiazolium salts with alcohols in the presence of base. The stability and spectra of these compounds are discussed. Treatment of the 2-methyl-I,3,4-thiadiazolium salt with base was found to give rise to a dimeric anhydrobase and evidence supporting its structure is given. The anhydrobase could be trapped by a variety of acylating and thioacylating agents before dimerization occurred. In the fourth section, the reaction of N'-acyl-N'-aryl-N-benzothiohydrazides with a variety of acid anhydrides is described. These compounds were found to be identical with those obtained by acylating the anhydrobase. The mass spectral fragmentation of these compounds is described and the anomolous product obtained upon thiobenzoylation of 3-methyl-l-phenyl-pyrazal-5-one is also discussed. The fifth section deals with thioacyl derivatives of the anhydrobase which were prepared by the action of phosphorus pentasulfide upon the oxygen analogues and also obtained as the major product of the reaction of thioacetic acid with compounds related to N'-aryl-N-benzothiohydrazides. The mass spectra and p.m.r. spectra of these compounds are discussed. In the sixth section, the reaction of the 2-methylthio-l,3,4- thiadiazolium salt with active methylene compounds to give acyl and diacyl derivatives of the anhydrobase is described. Some aspects of these compounds are discussed. The seventh section describes the synthesis of ncyanine~' type dyes incorporating the l,3,4-thiadiazole ring and their spectra are briefly discussed.


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The work described in this thesis has been dtvided into six sections . The first section involves the reaction of 3,5-diphenyl-2-methyl-l,3,4-oxadiazolium perchlorate with acetic and benzoic anhydrides. The second section deals with the preparation and reactions of 1,3,4-thia diazolium salts. Some monomeric 1,3,4-thiadiazoline methine bases have also been prepared by reacting 1,3,4-thia d iaz ol ium s al t s with concen trated ammonium hydroxide solution. Variable temperature p.m.r. of 2-(3-acetylacetonylidene)-3,5-diphenyl-A4 -1,3,4-thiadiazoline has also been described. The third section deals with prepar a tion and reactions of some compounds in benzoxazole series. The fourth section deals with the prep a ration and reactions of N-alkyl-2-methylbenzothi azolium salts with base , a nd with some a cetylating and thioacetylating agents. Treatment of 2,3-dimethylbenzothiazolium iodide and of 3-ethyl-2-methylbenzothia zolium iodide with base wa s found to give the corresponding dimeric methine b a ses and evidence supporting their structure is also given. Thiol acetic acid was found to exchange 0 for S in its reactions with 2-acetonylidene-3-methylbenzothiazoline and 2-acetophenonylidene-3-methylbenzothi a zoline. (ii) In th e fifth section, the r eactions of 2,3-dimethylbenzselenazolium iodide with a variety of ac e tylating and thioacetylating agents has been described. The treatment of 2,3-dimethylbenzselenazolium iodide with base was found to give rise to a dimeric methine base and evidence supporting its structure is also given. The reactions of this dimeric methine b a se with benzoic anhydride and phenylisothiocyanate have also been described. The sixth section deals with the preparation and reactions of l-alkyl-2-methylquinolinium salts. Treatment of 1,2-dimethylquinolinium iodide and l-ethyl-2-methylquinolinium iodide was found to give the corresponding monomeric methine bases and evidence supporting their structure is also given. The E-type geometry of the olefinic bond in 2-acetonylidene-l-methylquinoline has been established on the basis of an N.O.E. experiment.


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Baerg, S., Cairney, J., Hay, J., Rempel, L. and Faught, B.E. (2009). Physical Activity of Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder in the Presence of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Does Gender Matter? Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, CANADA. Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) have difficulties in motor coordination. Attention-deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) is considered the condition most co-morbid with DCD at approximately 50%. Children with DCD are generally less physically active (PA) than their peers, while children with ADHD are often considered more physically active. It is not known if the physical activity patterns of children with DCD-ADHD resemble those of children with primarily DCD or that of their healthy peers. The primary objective of this research was to contrast physical activity patterns between children with DCD, DCD-ADHD, and healthy controls. Since boys are generally reported as more physically active than girls, a secondary objective was to determine if gender moderated the association between groups and physical activity. A sample of males (n=66) and females (n=44) were recruited from the Physical Health Activity Study Team (PHAST) longitudinal study. The Movement Assessment Battery for Children (2nd Ed.) was used to identify probable cases of DCD, and Connor's Revised Parent Rating Scale- Short Version to identify ADHD. Subjects (mean age=12.8±.4 yrs) were allocated to three groups; DCD (n=32), DCD-ADHD (n=30) and control (n=48). Physical activity was monitored for seven days with the Actical® accelerometer (activity count, step count and energy expenditure). Children completed the Participation Questionnaire (PQ) during the in-school session of data collection for the PHAST study. Height, weight and body mass index (BMI) were also determined. Analysis of variance showed significant group differences for activity count (F(2,56)=5.36, p=.007) and PQ (F(2,44 )=6. 71, p=.003) in males, while a significant group difference for step count (F(2,37)=3.55, p=.04) was found in females. Post hoc comparison tests (Tukey) identified significantly lower PQ and activity count between males with OCD and controls (p=.004) and males with DCD-ADHD and controls (p=.003). Conversely, females with DCD-ADHD had significantly more step counts than their controls (p=.01). Analysis of covariance demonstrated a gender by DCD groups negative interaction for males (activity count) (F(2,92):;:3.11, p=.049) and a positive interaction for females (step count) (F(1,92)=4.92, p=.009). Hyperactivity in females with DCD-ADHD appears to contribute to more physical activity, whereas DCD may contribute to decreased activity in males with DCD and DCDADHD. Further research is needed to examine gender differences in physical activity within the context of DCD and ADHD.


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The synthesis and studies of two classes of poly dentate ligands are presented as two projects. In project 1, four new carboxamide ligands have been synthesised via the condensation of 2,2',6,6'-tetrachloroformyl-4,4'-bipyridine or 2,6-dichloroformyl pyridine together with heterocyclic amines containing pyridine or pyrazole substituents. The coordination chemistry of these ligands has been investigated and studies have shown that with a Cu(II) salt, two carboxamide ligands LJ and L2 afford large clusters with stoichiometries [Cu8(L1)4Cl16].CHCl3.5H2O.7CH3OH (I) and [Cu9(L2)6Cl6].CH3OH.5H2O.(C2H5)3N (II) respectively. [molecular diagram availabel in pdf]. X-ray diffraction studies of cluster (I) reveal that it has approximate S4 symmetry and is comprised of four ligands and eight copper (II) centers. Here, coordination takes place via amide 0 atoms, and pyrazole nitrogens. This complex is the first reported example of an octanuclear copper cluster with a saddle-shaped structure. The second cluster comprises nine copper ions that are arranged in a cyclic array. Each ligand coordinates three copper centers and each copper ion shares two ligands to connect six ligands with nine copper ions. The amide nitrogens are completely deprotonated and both amide Nand 0 atoms coordinate the metal centres. The cluster has three-fold symmetry. There are six chloride ions, three of which are bridging two neighbouring Cu(II) centres. Magnetic studies of (I) and (II) reveal that both clusters display weak antiferromagnetic interactions between neighbouring Cu(II) centers at low temperature. In the second project, three complexes with stoichiometries [Fe[N302](SCN)2]2 (III), R,R-[Fe[N3O2](SCN)2 (IV) and R,R-]Fe[N3O2](CN)2] (V) were prepared and characterized, where [N302] is a pentadentate macrocycle. Complex (III) was prepared via the metal templated Schiff-base condensation of 2,2',6,6'-tetraacetyl-4,4'-bipyridine together with 3,6-dioxaoctane-I,8-diamine and comprises of a dimeric macro cycle where the two Fe(II) centres are in a pentagonal-bipyramidal environment with the [N302] ligands occupying the equatorial plane and two axial NCS ligands. Complexes (IV) and (V) were prepared via the condensation of 2,6-diacetylpyridine together with a chiral diamine in the presence of FeCh. The synthetic strategy for the preparation of the chiral diamine (4R,5R)-4,5-diphenyl-3,6-dioxa-I,8-octane-diamine was elucidated. The chirality of both macrocycles (IV) and (V) was probed by circular dichroism spectroscopy. The crystal structure of (IV) at 200 K contains two independent molecules in the unit cell, both of which contain a hepta-coordinated Fe(II) and axial NCS ligands. Variable temperature magnetic susceptibility and structural studies are consistent with a high spin Fe(II) complex and show no evidence of any spin crossover behaviour. In contrast, the bis cyanide derivative (V) crystallizes with two independent molecules in the unit cell, both of which have different coordination geometries consistent with different spin states for the two Fe(II) centres. At 250 K, the molecular structure of (V) shows the presence of both 7- and a 6-coordinate Fe(II) complexes in the crystal lattice. As the temperature is lowered, the molecules undergo a structural change and at 100 K the structural data is consistent with a 6- and 5-coordinate Fe(II) complex in the unit cell. Magnetic studies confirm that this complex undergoes a gradual, thermal, spin crossover transition in the solid state. Photomagnetic measurements indicate this is the first chiral Fe (II) sea complex to exhibit a LIESST.


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Diatoms are renowned for their robust ability to perform NPQ (Non-Photochemical Quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence) as a dissipative response to heightened light stress on photosystem II, plausibly explaining their dominance over other algal groups in turbulent light environs. Their NPQ mechanism has been principally attributed to a xanthophyll cycle involving the lumenal pH regulated reversible de-epoxidation of diadinoxanthin. The principal goal of this dissertation is to reveal the physiological and physical origins and consequences of the NPQ response in diatoms during short-term transitions to excessive irradiation. The investigation involves diatom species from different originating light environs to highlight the diversity of diatom NPQ and to facilitate the detection of core mechanisms common among the diatoms as a group. A chiefly spectroscopic approach was used to investigate NPQ in diatom cells. Prime methodologies include: the real time monitoring of PSII excitation and de-excitation pathways via PAM fluorometry and pigment interconversion via transient absorbance measurements, the collection of cryogenic absorbance spectra to measure pigment energy levels, and the collection of cryogenic fluorescence spectra and room temperature picosecond time resolved fluorescence decay spectra to study excitation energy transfer and dissipation. Chemical inhibitors that target the trans-thylakoid pH gradient, the enzyme responsible for diadinoxanthin de-epoxidation, and photosynthetic electron flow were additionally used to experimentally manipulate the NPQ response. Multifaceted analyses of the NPQ responses from two previously un-photosynthetically characterised species, Nitzschia curvilineata and Navicula sp., were used to identify an excitation pressure relief ‘strategy’ for each species. Three key areas of NPQ were examined: (i) the NPQ activation/deactivation processes, (ii) how NPQ affects the collection, dissipation, and usage of absorbed light energy, and (iii) the interdependence of NPQ and photosynthetic electron flow. It was found that Nitzschia cells regulate excitation pressure via performing a high amplitude, reversible antenna based quenching which is dependent on the de-epoxidation of diadinoxanthin. In Navicula cells excitation pressure could be effectively regulated solely within the PSII reaction centre, whilst antenna based, diadinoxanthin de-epoxidation dependent quenching was implicated to be used as a supplemental, long-lasting source of excitation energy dissipation. These strategies for excitation balance were discussed in the context of resource partitioning under these species’ originating light climates. A more detailed investigation of the NPQ response in Nitzschia was used to develop a comprehensive model describing the mechanism for antenna centred non-photochemical quenching in this species. The experimental evidence was strongly supportive of a mechanism whereby: an acidic lumen triggers the diadinoxanthin de-epoxidation and protonation mediated aggregation of light harvesting complexes leading to the formation of quencher chlorophyll a-chlorophyll a dimers with short-lived excited states; quenching relaxes when a rise in lumen pH triggers the dispersal of light harvesting complex aggregates via deprotonation events and the input of diadinoxanthin. This model may also be applicable for describing antenna based NPQ in other diatom species.