122 resultados para Middlesex, County of


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Province of Upper Canada Grant (vellum) to Christian Myers of the Township of Cornwall, son of Michael Myers, United Empire Loyalist. He is granted 200 acres on Lot no. 18 in the 9th Concession in the Township of Mountain in the County of Dundas. This document is faded and part of the paper are missing or stained. Some of the text is affected. A small piece is missing from the crown land seal which is also faded. This was registered in Feb. 1803, Dec. 1, 1802


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Province of Upper Canada Grant (vellum) to Peter McCollum of the Township of Grimsby, son of James McCollum, United Empire Loyalist. He was granted 200 acres in Lot no.12 in the 5th Concession in the Township of Scott in the County of Yorke. This was entered with the auditor on Nov. 17, 1809. There is a partial crown land seal attached to this document but it is broken, Nov. 16, 1809.


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This is a land grant for Eleanor Ostrander for 200 acres, Lots 115 and 169, in the Township of Thorold, County of Lincoln, District of Niagara.


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The fonds consists of correspondence, legal documents, a land survey, and newspaper clipping. All items are related to a land dispute concerning lots 15 and 16 in the Township of Niagara, in the County of Lincoln, fronting on the Niagara River at Queenston. This land had been owned by the Wynn family at the time of the dispute.


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A land deed for a parcel of land in the district of Niagara purchased by Daniel Cline and his wife Jamima for the sum of two hundred pounds. The land purchased involved lot numbers 5 and 6 in the 2nd concession in the Township of Humberstone, County of Lincoln, District of Niagara. The land was sold by Cornelius Benner and the deed is dated January 17, 1839.


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Document appointing Thomas Millard, Esquire to as "Captain of a Troop in the North Somerset Regiment Cavalry". The appointment is signed and declared "By the Right Honourable John Earl Poulett, Viscount, and Baron of Hinton Saint George of the most Ancient Order of the Thistle and Lord Lieutenant of the County of Somerset". Dated 1814


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Transcript: Sir I understand that a reward of fifty dollars has been offered by the County of Haldimand for the arrest of any person convicted of horse stealing. I beg to state that I arrested Albert Hucker charged with having stolen a bay mare the property of Eward Hodges in the Township of Walpole Co. of Haldimand and that the said Albert Hucker has been convicted of the offence by A.G. Hill, Esq. police magistrate of the Town of Clifton County of Welland, and sentenced to three years servitude in the provincial penitentiary. I beg therefore to ask of I am entitled to the aforesaid reward and if so what steps are necessary to procure it. I am Sir, Yours respectfully, Thomas H. Young Ontario Police Clifton


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A summons to Henry Hoover of the Township of Thorold in the county of Welland, William Cowan of the Village of Dunville in the county of Haldimand, James Park and John H. Casper of the township of Thorold in the county of Welland.


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William Dickson (1799-1877) was the son of the prominent Niagara businessman and politician William Dickson (1769-1846). William was educated in Edinburgh, Scotland, and settled in Galt, Ontario, upon his return to Canada. His father had business affairs in Dumfries and Galt, which he left in his sons charge when he retired to Niagara in 1837. William had an older brother, Robert, and younger brother, Walter, both of whom served in the Militia and became involved in politics.


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John Cronyn (1827-1898) emigrated to Canada from Ireland in 1837. He studied medicine at the University of Toronto, but was not granted his degree upon completion of the requirements. He refused to take the test oaths meant to exclude Catholics from the profession and was not granted his degree until several years later, when the discriminatory laws were rescinded. In 1850, he married Elizabeth Willoughby of Toronto. They settled in Fort Erie and he established a successful medical practice there. He was active in the community, serving as Superintendent of schools and one term as Reeve. In 1859 he relocated to Buffalo and continued to practice medicine there. Cronyn was instrumental in the establishment of a medical department at Niagara University, where he was a professor and president of faculty. Nelson Forsyth was the son of William Forsyth (1771-1841), a prominent businessman in Niagara who owned and operated the Pavilion Hotel (later known as Forsyth’s Inn). Nelson was also a businessman and lived in Fort Erie with his wife Archange Warren.


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Catherine (Lemon) Everingham was the widow of James Everingham, a private with the first Battalion of Colo Delancys Regt. of the Jersey Volunteers. He died in the American Revolutionary War in 1796, leaving his wife and two children settled on two hundred acres of land in the Township of Willoughby. No certificate had been awarded to James Everingham for this land. Catherine subsequently petitioned the government to grant her the land that she had settled on with her family.


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A licence to sell foreign distilled spirits in the Town of Westfield in the County of Hampshire in the District of Massachusetts. The license is for Francis Flower to sell spirits from his store. The documents is signed by Collector of the Revenue, Abel Whitney and, the Supervisor of the Revenue for the District of Massachusetts, Nathaniel Gorman.


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A by-law begins: "It was then moved by R.S. Kinner and Seconded by George Barnes that by Law No. 12 be read. Whereas by Identure bearing date thirteenth day of August A.D. 1873 made between one George Barnes of the first part thereof and Andrew S. Kinner and Charles Robert Murray of the second part thereof which said Identure was duly registered in the Registry Office for Lands for the said County of Lincoln on the 14th day of August A.D. 1880 in Book 4 for the Township of Louth as No. 1534 the said George Barnes granted and conveyed the Lands and premises therein described to the said Andrew S. Kinner and Charles Robert Murray and their heirs and assigns as joint tenants and not as tenants as common upon the trusts and for the purposes therein expressed. And Whereas the said Andrew S. Kinner died on about the 13th day of June 1877 A.D. without having made any appointment under the provisions of the said in part recited Identure.."


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A by-law that reads in part, "Be it therefore enacted by the Ontario Grape Growing & Wines Manufacturing Company Limited, that the said George Plunkett Magann is hereby directed and required to convey premises, namely all and singular that certain parcel or track of land situate lying and being in the Township of Grantham and Louth in the County of Lincoln, containing by the same more or less being composed of parts of lots numbered twenty-one and twenty-three in the third and fourth follows, that is to say etc. etc. Adopted and passed this second day of September A.D. 1901."


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Indenture between Arthur Lambert or his attorneys or executors to Lewis Lambert of the County of Lincoln for 60 acres of land in the Township of Niagara in Lots no. 154-156, Jan. 1, 1829.