209 resultados para Hope, John, 1794-1858.


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Pair of photographs, 17 ½ cm x 12 cm of William Woodruff, son of Ezekiel and a 17 ½ cm x 12 cm photograph of Margaret Clement Woodruff in a folding silver frame. These photographs were described by R. Band in 1990 – description is included.


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Last Will and Testament of John Picard of the township of Niagara. He leaves his land which consists of part of Lot 113 in the township of Niagara to Annie Mariah Steel. The executors are John Stevens and Gilbert Anderson. The document was registered July 3, 1882 – instrument no. 1743, May 9, 1882.


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This case study explored strategies and techniques in order to assist individuals with learning disabilities in their academic achievement. Of particular focus was how a literacy-based program, titled The Spring Reading Program, utilizes effective tactics and approaches that result in academic growth. The Spring Reading Program, offered by the Learning Disabilities Association of Niagara Region (LDANR) and partnered with John McNamara from Brock University, supports children with reading disabilities academically. In addition, the program helps children increase their confidence and motivation towards literacy. I began this study by outlining the importance of reading followed by and exploration of what educators and researchers have demonstrated regarding effective literacy instruction for children with learning disabilities. I studied effective strategies and techniques in the Spring Reading Program by conducting a qualitative case study of the program. This case study subsequently presents in depth, 4 specific strategies: Hands-on activities, motivation, engagement, and one-on-one instruction. Each strategy demonstrates its effectiveness through literature and examples from the Spring Reading Program.


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The wrestler's name is John Katan and the number stamped on the reverse is 341. He was born in the Ukraine and moved to Lethbridge, Alberta and became a coal miner. He wrestled after work until he was discovered and went pro. He bought two wrestling franchises based in Hamilton and became a promoter when he retired from active wrestling. His honours include the Canadian Wrestling Hall of Fame.


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Indenture of release regarding a loan of 12, 500 pounds which Samuel Zimmerman (deceased) is said to have lent and advanced to the Woodstock and Lake Erie Railway and Harbour Company. This is put forward by the executors who include: Joseph A. Woodruff, Richard Woodruff, John L. Ranney and Richard Miller. This document releases and exonerates the Railway Company from any debts to the executors. [The outside of the document says 1857, but the actual date is Feb. 10, 1858].


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Indenture of release by executors between Richard Miller, John L. Ranney and Richard Woodruff, all of St. Catharines and Joseph A. Woodruff of Clifton, all executors of the will of Samuel Zimmerman of the first part and The Great Western Railway Company of the second part. Parties of the second part have exonerated parties of the first part to undertake and complete the Sarnia branch of the railway. Also, parties of the first part believe they are entitled to compensation as the death of Zimmerman was caused while travelling on one of the carriages belonging to said company. A sum of $150,000 was agreed upon to be paid to the executors by the Great Western Railway Company, September 7, 1858.


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Indenture (vellum) regarding land sold by John Fink and Polly Fink of Clinton Township to Jacob Cross of Clifton Township. The land includes 100 acres in Lot no. 9 in the 4th Concession in the Township of Clinton - instrument no. 6543, May 27, 1818.


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Indenture regarding land sold by John Robertson of Niagara to John Jackson of Niagara. This transaction is for part of Lot no. 93 in Niagara Township. This document was registered in the Lincoln and Haldimand Registry on September 10, 1823 in Book J folio 322 - instrument no. 6357. Date of transaction was May 5, 1823.


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Indenture between David Secord of Niagara Township and John Jackson of Niagara Township regarding the sale of part of Lot no. 90 situated in St. Davids, June 10, 1825.


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Indenture regarding an agreement for a partition wall between William Woodruff and John Plimpton, June 24, 1829.


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Indenture of bargain and sale between John Baptist Clement of Niagara and William Woodruff of St. Davids for part of Lot no. 90 in St. Davids. Instrument no. 9050, February 23, 1833.


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Indenture regarding a bond from William Woodruff of St. Davids that he is bound to John Moir of the Township of London for six hundred pounds to be paid to Mr. Moir for a lot of land in the Township of Nissouri in the township of Middlesex, Lot no. 34, Concession no. 2, July 6, 1853.


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Indenture of bargain and sale between Gilbert Anderson the younger of the Township of Niagara and Phoebe Anderson (his wife) and John Picard of the Township of Niagara. The instrument no. is 6268. April 14, 1855.


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Indenture of mortgage in fee between John Picard of the Township of Niagara and Peter Servos of the Township of Niagara regrading part of Lot no. 113 in the Township of Niagara - instrument no. 6269. This is listed in book B, folio 33, August 17, 1855.


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Indenture of bargain and sale between Robert Loring of Toronto and John Connolly of St. Catharines for lot no. 8 in the 12th concession of Durham. The instrument no. is 24283, January 28, 1861.