117 resultados para Hamilton, William D.
A photograph of Hamilton K. Woodruff and Julia holding a baby. Julia is standing with her back to the camera as the baby looks over her shoulder. They are outdoors with a couple of trees surrounding them. The reverse of the photo has a handwritten note that reads, "A good picture of a Tweed Skirt!", referring to Julia's skirt (since her face cannot be seen).
The book is by "Chipmunk", but the author is actually William Woodruff and illustrated by Henry Beech. The inside front cover is signed by Hamilton K. Woodruff, St. Catharines. There are also some handwritten notes penciled in by S.D. Woodruff from October 1878.
Letter regarding William Woodruff's estate. This consists of one typed page. It is not made out to anyone, nor is it signed by anyone. The intended recipients are: S.D. Woodruff, H.K. Woodruff, Messrs. A. Woodruff and H. Yale, William Woodruff M.D., Henry Woodruff and Mrs. Helena A. Boomer. The letter is slightly torn and fragile.
Claim (6 typed pages) by Julia C. Woodruff and Margaret W. Band in the matter of the estate of Hamilton K. Woodruff regarding bills paid by Mrs. Woodruff prior to her husband's death.
Indenture of deed of land situate between Samuel DeVeaux Woodruff and Jane Woodruff of St. Catharines to Hamilton Killaly Woodruff of St. Catharines regarding Lot no. 22 in the 1st Concession, the south half of Lot no. 20 in Concession B, Broken Lot no. 22 in Concession B, Lots numbered 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 in Concession C, Lots no. 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 in Concession D and Lot no. 21 in Concession D in the Township of Mersea (2 copies), Feb. 13, 1891.
Letter to S.D. Woodruff from Hamilton, Ont. [signature illegible] stating that $300 will be transferred to Mr. Woodruff by Friday, Aug. 23, 1870.
Printed blank from James McWhirter of Woodstock, official assignee, addressed to S.D. Woodruff in regard to the Oct. 10th meeting regarding William Little, an insolvent. This document is slightly stained. This does not affect the text, Sept. 20, 1866.
Printed blank regarding the Insolvent Act of 1864, this was sent to S. D. Woodruff in the matter of William Little, an insolvent. There was to be a meeting on the 10th day of October for public examination of the insolvent. The document was signed by James McWhirter, official assignee, Sept. 20, 1866.
Letter which is very stained, fragile and has holes in it. Text is partially illegible and faded. The letter is addressed to Samuel D. Woodruff and is signed by Thomas Steers. It is written in ink, but someone has added comments in pencil. It regards Richard and William Woodruff. There are questions on the document which include: “Has M. Clement died interstate?” [in pencil – “he has”]; “Has he an heir at law other than” [the rest is faded, someone has written in pencil “he has, Richard and William Woodruff”], March 23, 1847.
Letter to James D. Woodruff at the Welland Canal, St. Catharines. The letter is postmarked Philadelphia [date illegible] and Queenston, Feb. 7, 1847. In this letter William Young of Philadelphia describes some of the prices and features of his wares including compasses and levels, Feb. 3, 1847.
Letter to S.D. Woodruff from Fred Holmes noting how many days work were done by him, William Stoker and Thomas Secord, Aug. 27, 1860.
A 2 ½ page letter addressed to The Editor of the Presbyterian Magazine, care of [illegible], London, C.W. The writer describes the Village of Chippawa and its location in Ontario. He writes that there are many people there of Scotch [Scottish] descent. He says that a congregation was formed and 39 names were on the roll. The letter is from J.P. [John Porteous] with an added note from Wm. Porteous. The letter is from St. Catharines. There is one postmark – St. Catharines, April 6, 1823 A 1 ½ page letter addressed to Rev. W. Proudfoot, Ed. Of Presbyterian Mag., London, C.W. This letter is from Walter Mitchell in St. Catharines. He sends a list of peoples’ names and the amounts that they have paid toward the Presbyterian Magazine. Mr. Mitchell is acting as an agent for the magazine. This letter has 1 postmark – St. Catharines, Sept. 13, 1842 A 2 page letter addressed to Rev. W. Proudfoot, London, C.W. This letter is from John Jennings of St. Catharines. The writer claims that he is ill but he makes plans to meet Reverend Proudfoot in Toronto in order to go to a meeting in Rochester. The writer expects that Reverend Proudfoot will preach in Rochester. The letter has 1 postmark – St. Catharines, Aug. 14, 1843. A 2 page letter addressed to The Rev. Professor Proudfoot, London, C.W. from John Porteaus of St. Catharines. The writer says that he will not preach in Detroit. He says that the people of Detroit are expecting Mr. Dalrymple [who was sent as a missionary to Canada from Scotland in 1846] and also, he doesn’t want to leave his congregation for 2 Sabbaths. The letter has 2 postmarks – St. Catharines, August 1846 [this postmark is very faint] and Hamilton, August 2, 1846.
Letter to S.D. Woodruff from George H. Gillespie who says that Mackenzie has left many books and papers in the office. Mr. Gillespie makes inquiries about the purchase and license of Long Point. The letterhead on this document is “Gillespie and Powis, Commission Merchants, Brokers and Co., Hamilton, Ont.” (3 pages, handwritten), Apr. 30, 1878.
Indenture stating that Joseph A. Woodruff, sheriff, is paid $100 by S.D. Woodruff for half interests in the cottage and its furnishings situated at the club in Long Point, Lake Erie and is now in possession jointly with R. Lucas of Hamilton. This is signed by Joseph A. Woodruff, Jan. 23, 1886.
Estimate for Fred Holmes and William Baird for time on the Port Robinson and Thorold Macadamized Road during the months of September, October and November, 1856. This was sent to S.D. Woodruff by Fred Holmes, Nov.29, 1856.