136 resultados para Colorado and Southern Railway
Port Dalhousie and the Thorold Railway pay roll for services of engineering and contingencies furnished for the months of October, November and December, 1854, signed by S.D. Woodruff, Jan. 8, 1855.
Port Dalhousie and the Thorold Railway pay roll for services of engineering and contingencies furnished for the months of January and February, 1855.
Port Dalhousie and the Thorold Railway pay roll for services of engineering and contingencies furnished for the months of October, January, February and March, 1855, signed by S.D. Woodruff, Mar. 22, 1855.
Port Dalhousie and the Thorold Railway pay roll for services of engineering and contingencies furnished for the months of April and May, 1855, signed by S.D. Woodruff, June 13, 1855.
Port Dalhousie and the Thorold Railway pay roll for services of engineering and contingencies furnished for the months of June, July and August, 1855, signed by S.D. Woodruff. There is an envelope included with this document, Aug. 21, 1855.
Port Dalhousie and the Thorold Railway pay roll for services of engineering and contingencies furnished for the months of March, April and May, 1856.
Port Dalhousie and the Thorold Railway pay roll for services of engineering and contingencies furnished for the months of March, April and May, 1856, signed by S.D. Woodruff, June 3, 1856.
Port Dalhousie and the Thorold Railway pay roll for services of engineering and contingencies furnished for the months of June, July and August, 1856, signed by S.D. Woodruff, Sept. 2, 1856.
Port Dalhousie and the Thorold Railway pay roll for extension of the service during Nov. 1856. This is signed by S.D. Woodruff, Dec. 9, 1856.
Sedjrrlents deposited in the Late Quaternary marine sUbrnergences that follov'ted the deglaciation of Ontario} Quebec., and 6ritlst-1 Columbia often contaln an abundant nlarlne invertebrate macrofauna. The rnacrofauna~ dotYllnated by aragonitic pelecypods} is fully preserved In their original mineralogy and cherrlistry 8S deternl1ned by x-ray dlffractlon., scannlng electron tl-,lcroscoDY., trace and r1l1 nor elet11ent analyses and stable isotopes. Ttle trace elernent and stable isotope geochen-Ilstry of chernlcal1y unaltered aragorlitlc molluscs can be used to determine paleoter1-lperatures and paleosallnltles." HO\Never} corrections need to be tllade \fvtlen deterrTIlnlng oxygen-isotope paleotenlperi:ttures due to the lnfluence of isotopically 11gtlt glaciol rneltv-laters and reduced sal1nltles. Ttle eastern Laurentide Ice Sheet probably had an o:~ygen lS0tOP1C composition as low as -8e) 0/00 (Sr1[IW). In additl0fl} corrections need to be rnade to the carbonlsotope values, before salinity deterrnlnatlons are t11ade., due to the reJjuctlon of the terrestrial carbon bl0rnass during glac1al maxlrna. Using geochernlcal data frot11 537 marlne n-'8crolnvertebrates frorTI 72 localities in soutt-,easter Ontarl0 and southern Quebec, it tras been deterrnined that the Late Quaternary Char1lplaln Sea \N6S density stratified along salinity and temperatlJre gradients. The deep-\h/aters of tt-,e Charnplaln Sea tlad salinities that ranged frorn 31 to 36 ppt} and terrlperatures of 00 to 5°C. Conversely.. the st1alloy./-\f*later regirrle of ttle Ctlarnplaln Sea tlad sal1nltles that ranged fron-, 24 to 33 ppt} Y.tltt1 terrlperatures ranglng from 5° to 15°C. Tr,8 rrlajorl rnlnor1 and trace e1et1-,ent geochernlcal analysls of 155 marine lnvertebrates frorn 4 10C611t1es of tt-,e Late Quaternary Ft. Langley Forrnatlon and Capl1ano Sedlments;. souttl\Nestern Brltlsh Columblal suggest l t~lat the 'waters of the o-,arlne lnundation that fol1o....ved the retreating Cordl11eran Ice Sheet had sal1nltles ranglng frorn 32 to 3f. DPt.
The Oak Ridges Moraine is a major physiographic feature of south-central Ontario, extending from Rice Lake westward to the Niagara Escarpment. While much previous work has largely postulated a relatively simple the origin of the moraine, recent investigations have concentrated on delineating the discernible glacigenic deposits (or landform architectural elements) which comprise the complex mosaic of the Oak Ridges Moraine. This study investigates the sedimentology of the Bloomington fan complex, one of the oldest elements of the Oak Ridges Moraine. The main sediment body of the Bloomington fan complex was deposited during early stages of the formation of the Oak Ridges Moraine, when the ice subdivided, and formed a confined, interlobate lake basin between the northern and southern lobes. Deposition from several conduits produced a fan complex characterized by multiple, laterally overlapping, fan bodies. It appears that the fans were active sequentially in an eastward direction, until the formation of the Bloomington fan complex was dominated by the largest fan fed by a conduit near the northeastern margin of the deposit. Following deposition of the fan complex, the northern and southern ice margins continued to retreat, opening drainage outlets to the west and causing water levels to drop in the lake basin. Glaciofluvial sediment was deposited at this time, cutting into the underlying fan complex. Re-advancing northern ice then closed westerly outlets, and caused water levels to increase, initiating the re-advance of the southern ice. As the southern ice approached the Bloomington fan, it deposited an ice-marginal sediment complex consisting of glacigenic sediment gravity flows, and glaciolacustrine and glaciofluvial sediments exhibiting north and northwesterly paleocurrents. Continued advance of the southern ice, overriding the fan complex, ii produced large-scale glaciotectonic deformation structures, and deposited the Halton Till. The subaqueous fan depositional model that is postulated for the Bloomington fan complex differs from published models due to the complex facies associations produced by the multiple conduit sources of sediment feeding the fans. The fluctuating northern and southern ice margins, which moved across the study area in opposite directions, controlled the water level in the interlobate basin and caused major changes in depositional environments. The influence of these two lobes also caused deposition from two distinct source directions. Finally, erosion, deposition, and deformation of the deposit with the readvance of the southern ice contributed further to the complexity of the Bloomington fan complex.
The Buffalo and Brantford Railway Company was formed in 1850. The railway was renamed the Buffalo, Brantford & Goderich Railway in 1852 to reflect the plans to extend the line to Goderich. Financial problems led to a British group taking over the railway a few years later and the name was changed to the Buffalo & Lake Huron Railway. It was June 1858 before the line to Goderich was completed. Source: (http://brantford.library.on.ca/genealogy/railways.php#buffalo) March 8, 2010
Calculations regarding quantities needed for cutting and ditching (1 page, handwritten), March 19, 1884.
Memorandum of expenses for work done and materials provided by Messrs. Brown and McDonell, contractors for the Port Dalhousie and Thorold Railway to Sept. 1, 1854, signed by S.D. Woodruff, Sept. 2, 1854.
Memorandum of material furnished for superstructure on the line of the Port Dalhousie Thorold Railway by contract. This document includes: Bills of timber, memorandums of planking, fencing, ties, track laying, masonry and bolts and spikes. There are also diagrams of culverts. One of the pages is loose and the outer pages are somewhat discoloured (32 pages, handwritten and bound with ribbon, n.d.