101 resultados para Tucker, George, 1775-1861.
Returns (copy) showing the quantities of each article transported on the Welland Canal during the year 1859-1861 and the amount of tolls collected thereon for each year. The title on this document is General Return 1859, but this has been crossed out in pencil within the document and the years have been changed (Port Robinson), 1859-1861.
General return showing the quantity of each article transported on the Welland Canal during the year ending the 31st of December 1861 (office at Port Maitland) (2 pages), 1861.
General return (copy) showing the quantity of each article transported on the Welland Canal during the year ending the 31st of December 1861 and the amount of tolls collected thereon (office at Port Robinson), 1861.
Office at Port Dalhousie statement of trade upwards on the Welland Canal during the years, 1857-1861
Office at Port Dalhousie statement of trade upwards on the Welland Canal during the years (10 pages of hand drawn charts), 1857-1861.
Comparative statement of different classes of trade passing downward through the Welland Canal at Port Colborne during the years 1857-1861 (1 page, hand drawn chart), Jan.25, 1862.
Statement of vessels and merchandise passed downward through the Welland Canal at Port Colborne during the year 1861 showing nationalities of ports of clearance and discharge. This is torn in a number of places and stained. This does not affect the text, Jan. 30, 1862.
Statement showing the totals of the quantity of each class of articles transported on the Welland Canal during the years ending on the 31st of December 1857-1861 and the amount of tolls collected thereon 2 ½ page, hand drawn chart), Dec. 31, 1861.
Statement of the quantity of each article transported on the Welland Canal during the years 1857- 1861 from the Welland Canal Office, Dunnville. [This is a package containing charts and sections of charts – in total, 26 pieces of hand drawn charts wrapped in a piece of paper], 1862.
Letter to S.D. Woodruff from George C. Flint and Co., Upholsterers and Furniture Manufacturers of New York regarding items such as mantle glass, cornices and fabrics. They have enclosed a handwritten price list with this letter (4 pages, handwritten), Sept. 13, 1876.
Letter to S.D. Woodruff from George C. Flint and Co. stating that they will deliver furniture to his house, Sept. 13, 1876.
Receipt from George Begy for painting.
Indenture between Isaac Fuller of the Township of Niagara and George Upper of the Township of Niagara for the west half of Lot no. 29 in the 2nd Concession of the Township of Nissouri, Jan. 29, 1830.
Indenture of quit claim between Thomas Fuller of the Township of Niagara and George Upper of the Township of Niagara for 100 acres in the back half of Lot no. 29 in the 2nd Concession in the Township of Niagara, Oct. 26, 1852.
Letter to Mona [Foster] (1 page, typed) regarding Mary and George and life in America. This is a partial letter and the signature is not included. The writer lives in America, Dec. 9, 1919.
Receipt from George Wilson, Contractor and Builder, St. Catharines for work done, March 4, 1887.