159 resultados para Gneat, Treaty of, 1814.
A promise by Abraham and William Nelles to pay 50 pounds with interest, New York Currency, to John Pettit and Jonathan Woolverton, executors of the late Nathanial Pettit estate, five years after the date. Witness Will Crooks.
Full Title: Letter from George W. Campbell, esq., late Secretary of the Treasury, to the Chairman of the Committee appointed to inquire into the causes and particulars of the invasion of the City of Washington, and the neighboring town of Alexandria, in the month of August last Laid before the House by the Chairman of the said Committee, and ordered to be printed January 2, 1815. 13th Congress, 3rd Session. House. Doc. 38. Printed by Roger C. Weightman
"A list of British vessels captured by the United States' sloop of War Wasp, J. Blakeley esg. commander, between May 1st and July 6th, 1814".Folded table at end. October 17, 1814. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States.
13th Cong., 3d sess. House. Doc. no. 12. October 27, 1814. Laid before the House by the Chairman of the Committee and ordered to be printed.
Full Title: Letters from the Secretary of War to the Committee of Ways and Means, in relation to the number of Militia called into the public service in 1813, to a provision for paying the bounties and premiums to soldiers lately authorized, and to the strength of the army March, 3, 1814. Read, and ordered to be printed. U.S. 13th Congress 2nd Session, 1813-1814. House.
Document no. 1 in U.S. 13th Congress, 3d session, 1814-1815. House. September 20, 1814. Read and committed to a committee of the whole House on the State of the Union. Printed by Roger C. Weightman
Printed by Roger C. Weightman
Full Title: 47. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report of the Secretary of State, in obedience to a resolution of the thirteenth inst. "requesting the President to lay before this House such documents relative to the Russian mediation as in his opinion it may not be improper to communicate." United States,13th Congress, 2d session, 1813-1814. House. Doc. no. 35. January 18, 1814. Ordered to lie on the table. One letter in French with English translation Printed by Roger C. Weightman
January 6, 1814. Ordered to lie on the table. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At head of title: [22]. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13th Congress, 2nd Session, House. Doc. 22. Printed by Roger C. Weightman
13th Congress, 3d session. House. Doc. no. 13. October 28, 1814. Read, referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. Printed by A. and G. Way
Originally published in the Federal Republican of Baltimore. Printed by Benjamin Edes
Full Title: Report of the Committee appointed to inquire into the Present condition and distribution of the flags, standards and colors, which have been taken by the forces of the United States from their enemies, and whether it would be expedient to make any provision in relation to them Adam Seybet, Chairman. Exhibit folded at end of text. February 4, 1814. Read, and committed to a committee of the whole House on Monday next. Printed by A and G Way
Full Title: Speech of the Hon. Daniel Sheffey : on the Bill "to authorise the President of the United States to call upon the several States and Territories thereof for their respective quotas of eighty thousand men for the defence of the frontiers of the United States against invasion", delivered in the House of Representatives of the United States, on the tenth day of December, 1814 Printed by Rapine and Elliot
Full Title: Speech of the Hon. Daniel Webster, delivered in the House of Representatives of the United States, on the 14th January, 1814, on a bill making further provision for filling the ranks of the regular army, encouraging enlistments, and authorising the enlistments for longer periods of men whose terms of service are about to expire Printed by Snowden and Simms
Printed for Russell, Cutler and Co.