100 resultados para AMORPHOUS STATES
A set of forms which was held together by a string. The title page is brittle and crumbling. Each page is dated and signed either by the Colonel or Lieutenant Colonel A.A.G. [Assistand Adjutant General] Niagara.
Indenture between Alfred Sanderson Woodruff and the United States Trust Company of New York. The proceeds would be paid to his estate for his successors. January 12, 1894.
Indenture between Hamilton Killaly Woodruff and the United States Trust Company of New York. The proceeds would be paid to his successors. (This is a handwritten copy)
Indenture between Hamilton Killaly Woodruff and the United States Trust Company of New York. This is listed as the 3rd trust deed. The proceeds would be paid to successors (2 copies). Most of the first page of copy no. 2 is torn away which does affect the text. These 2 documents are in an envelope marked "vouchers", June 20, 1899.
Declaration from John Brown, culler who states that there are 1167 pieces which equal 75704 cubic feet of timber to be culled, April 9, 1878.
Letter with the salutation “Dear Sir” It is signed by John I. Mackenzie in which he states that he got the Globe to publish a letter about the Long Point expats which had been sent to the Ottawa Times. Most of the handwriting is illegible, Oct. 26, 1870.
Letter to W.D. Woodruff from Henry E. Ahern of United States Trust Company of New York (1 page, printed) which was sent with a cheque for $2,106 in trust for his account. This is accompanied by an envelope addressed to the trust company, a balance sheet and a receipt, July 14, 1908.
Letter to W.D. Woodruff from Henry E. Ahern of United States Trust Company of New York (1 page, printed) which was sent with a cheque for $560.63 in trust for his account. This is accompanied by an envelope addressed to Mr. Woodruff, a balance sheet and a receipt, Oct.10, 1908.
Letter to Mrs. Maria DeV. Haynes from Henry Ahern of the United States Trust Company of New York (1 page, printed) stating that the funding of bonds has been paid, Jan. 4, 1909.
Letter to Mr. W. D. Woodruff from Henry Ahern of the United States Trust Company of New York (1 page, printed) stating that the funding of bonds has been paid. This is accompanied by an envelope addressed to Mr. Woodruff, a balance sheet and a receipt, Jan. 4, 1909.
Letter to Mr. W. D. Woodruff from Henry Ahern of the United States Trust Company of New York (1 page, printed) which was sent with a cheque for $2,925. This is accompanied by an envelope addressed to the trust company, a balance sheet and a receipt, Jan. 11, 1909.
Letter to Mr. W. D. Woodruff from Henry Ahern of the United States Trust Company of New York (1 page, printed) which was sent with a cheque for $410.41. This is accompanied by an envelope addressed to the trust company, a balance sheet and a receipt, Jan. 21, 1909.
Receipt sent to Mr. Welland D. Woodruff from the United States Trust Company of New York, [this receipt is not accompanied by a letter, but belongs in this file with the other trust company items], Apr. 5, 1909.
Letter to Mr. W. D. Woodruff from Henry Ahern of the United States Trust Company of New York (1 page, printed) which was sent with a cheque for $2223. This is accompanied by an envelope addressed to Mr. Woodruff, a balance sheet, Jul. 9, 1909.
Letter to Mr. W.D. Woodruff from Henry Ahern of the United States Trust Company of New York (1 page, printed) which was sent with a cheque for $433.38. This is accompanied by an envelope addressed to Mr. Woodruff, a balance sheet and 2 receipts, Apr. 6, 1910.