95 resultados para Mind map
Survey map of the Second Welland Canal created by the Welland Canal Company showing the area through Humberstone Township. Identified structures associated with the Canal are the north and south back ditches, Towing Path and spoil banks. Surveyor measurements and notes can be seen in red and black ink and pencil. Local area landmarks include Tram Way to Peat Beds. Roads running parallel to Canal are the Road to Port Colborn and the northern Road Allowance. Roads running parallel to Canal are Road Allowance between the 2nd and 3rd Concession, Road Allowance between the 3rd and 4th Concession. Properties and property owners are noted as follows: J. Thompson, J. Sullivan, J. Leady, John Neff and Peter Neff. Other properties include: Lot No. 27, 3rd Concession, Lot No. 26, 3rd Concession and Lot No. 25, 3rd Concession."Humberstone" - Scale 4 Chs. per Inch
Survey map of the Second Welland Canal created by the Welland Canal Company showing the areas in and around Petersburg and Humberstone. Identified structures associated with the Canal include North and South Back Ditches, Bridge Tender's Building, Towing Path, Old Back Ditch, and Covered Drain. Features of the First Welland Canal are noted in red ink. Surveyor measurements and notes can be seen in red and black ink and pencil. Local area landmarks include bridge, barns, ruins of Stone Mill (burnt), Wesbern (Wabern) Hotel and spoil banks. Roads labelled running parallel to Canal is the south Road Allowance. Roads perpendicular to Canal include Road Allowance between 1st and 2nd Concession, Road to Waterloo Ferry, Road Allowance between 2nd and 3rd Concessions. Properties and property owners/renters are identified as follows: A. Augustine, Captain Duffil, O. Farres, I. Schooley, George Augustine, E. Schooley (Schooly), R. and J. Kilmer (Killmer), J. Urich, J. Thompson (Tompson), M. Reeb, G. Wilson, J. Klee, John Steel, E. Augustine, Furry, J. Jackson, Robert House, R. White, J. Crame, D. Saff, J. Kinnard, J. Schooley, Dickson, C. Erhoff, and G. Rother."Village of Petersburgh" - Scale 2 Chs. per Inch "Humberstone" - Scale 4 Chs. per Inch,
Survey map of the Second Welland Canal created by the Welland Canal Company showing the areas in and around Port Colborne and Grantham Township. Identified structures associated with the Canal include Basin, Guard Lock, Two Lock Tender Houses, Lock House Lot, Collectors Office House, Towing Path, North and South Back Ditches, and land reserved for future improvemnt of basin. Surveyor measurements and notes can be seen in red and black ink as well as pencil. Local area landmarks dentified include Bridge, Rail Road Swing Bridge, Spoil Bank, Water Tank, Frazer Street Railway Station, Buffalo and Lake Huron Rail Road, Welland Rail Road, and land reserved for "Gardens for Lock Tenders". Local businesses identified include A.K Scholfield Store House Lot and Wharf, two stores and a tavern. Roads running parallel to Canal include King St., "present Travel Road", and the Southern Road Allowance. Roads running perpendicular to Canal include Kent St., Charlotte St., Clarence St., Princess St., Elgin St., George St., Frazer St., Alma St., Eastern Road Allowance. Properties and property owners are also identified and include P. White, John Flynn, George McMicking, Charles Carter, William H. Merritt, A.K. Scholfield, F. Gallgher, Ed McCabe, M. Smith, E. Lawder, J. Hanley, J. Harris, P. Gibbons, M. McGoveran, M. Madden, J. Hardison, T. Nihan, D. Gibbons, J. Cross, William Mellanby, Elis Gordon, Jane McCardy, L.G. Carter, T. Greenwood, C. Armstrong, J. McGillivray, T. Schofield, Mrs. Lanue, D. Mc_______, K. Minor, J. Manly and John McRae.
Survey map and description of Nathan Pawling's land created by The Welland Canal Company. Included is a written description of the land along with a drawing of the land. Noteable features include; the dock, pier and tow path. The original bed of 12 mile creek is also noted on the map. Surveyor notes are seen in pencil on the map. The map notes the division of land between Pawling and Robert Brown's land. Click on 'detail' to see Map.
As institutions of higher education struggle to stay relevant, competitive, accessible, and flexible, they are scrambling to attend to a shift in focus for new students. This shift involves experiential learning. The purpose of this major research paper was to examine the existing structures, to seek gaps in the experiential learning programs, and to devise a framework to move forward. The specific focus was on experiential learning at Brock University in the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences. The methodology was underscored with cognitive constructivism and appreciative theory. Data collection involved content analysis steps established by Krippendorff (2004) and Weber (1985). Data analysis involved the four dimensions of reflection designed by LaBoskey, including the purpose, context, content, and procedures. The results developed understandings on the state of formal processes and pathways within service learning. A tool kit was generated that defines service learning and offers an overview of the types of service learning typically employed. The tool kit acts as a reference guide for those interested in implementing experiential learning courses. Importantly, the results also provided 10 key points in experiential learning courses by Emily Allan. A flow chart illustrates the connections among each of the 10 points, and then they are described in full to establish a strategy for the way forward in experiential learning.
Self-efficacy (SE), a person’s confidence in the ability to perform a task, is an important predictor of the adoption and maintenance of physical activity. The present study examined the effects of SE manipulated through verbal persuasion on exercise intentions and behaviour during a 4-week follow-up period and investigated the role of social physique anxiety (SPA) as a moderator. Female college infrequent exercisers (n = 66) were randomly assigned into one of three groups (high-efficacy [HE], low-efficacy [LE], or control) and asked to complete several questionnaires at baseline. The HE and LE groups were provided with positive and negative exercise adherence feedback, respectively. The HE group reported higher SE from pre- to post-feedback. Both the HE and LE groups reported increases in exercise behaviour at the 4-week follow-up. Pre- to post-feedback changes in SE, exercise intention, and exercise behaviour did not depend on level of SPA reported.
A photograph for Business Niagara Magazine, featuring (from left to right) : John Howard, Vineland Estates Winery; William Lenko, Daniel Lenko Estate Winery; Gene Luczkiw, The Institute for Enterprise Education; Donald Ziraldo, Inniskillin Wines; Paul Speck, Henry of Pelham Family Estate; Joseph Pohorly, Joseph's Estate Wines. The photograph is dated Monday, January 19, 2004 and has a handwritten message that reads: "Donald. Thanks for making the industry what it is today! Cheers Gene"
Despite the growing trend towards recognizing that attention deficit hyperactive disorder occurs beyond childhood, the experience of adult students who are ADHD remains little researched or understood. Given the losses in efficiency and productivity in academic performance from adult ADHD, researching ADHD’s experiential aspects is significant for both educators and students in its potential to develop better strategies for accommodating those with the disorder. This study used hermeneutic phenomenology and existential psychology to describe the lived experience of adult students who are ADHD. Five adult students participated in the study, which involved two in-depth conversations with guiding questions such as: What is it like to be ADHD?; and What led to your perception that you have ADHD? Conversations were transcribed and thematic statements developed, using the life-world existentials of lived space, lived time, lived relationships and lived corporeality to deepen considerations of meaning.
A map of Lake Ontario near Niagara on the Lake. The map is titled Chautauqua Manoeuvre Map and is dated May 28, 1915.
This study examined anatomical and physiological connections between brain and body in relation to academic, physical, social, emotional, and behavioural benefits of physical activity in elementary schools. A handbook titled The Evolving Mind-Body Alliance: Physical Activities Incorporated Into the Ontario Science Curriculum—A Handbook for Educators, Schools, and School Boards was developed based on evidence that physical activity can benefit students academically, physically, and emotionally. Handbook activities were created for implementation into science lessons, with direct connections to the Ontario Science Curriculum (OSC), based on curriculum expectation goals and vision for science, including a majority of experiential learning and application knowledge, and because of students’ difficulty relating to science’s abstract concepts and terms. A review of literature about brain-body connection and benefits of movement in the classroom revealed that the defining features of the handbook should be (a) incorporation of physical activities that directly relate to the OSC, (b) require minimal resources to implement, and (c) provide a direct link to the OSC. Needs assessments were performed to gather the data from professionals in the field on the OSC and on the mandated daily physical activity. The handbook was reviewed by 3 teaching professionals in order to claim face validity of the document. The results of the project indicate that the handbook which was produced meets its goals of creating a product that is easy to use, practical, and effective for both educators and children in promoting the awareness of the brain-body connection and importance of learning through movement.
A map of Thorold showing the lots and names of the individuals who were granted the lots. In some cases, the year that the original grants were made are included. A note on the back of the map indicates that the information was taken from the Centennial History of Thorold or from the Patentees map.
An abstract map of a part of the “Smith & Kerby tract” lying within the City of Brantford, County of Brant, Ontario. There is no date on the map. The map shows parts from McMurray’s Survey, Mrs. G.S. Wilkes Survey, and the Howell Survey.
A map titled "Plan of Attack of a Iagdkommaudo west of Cantigny on 27 May 1918. There are two sketches and the legend indicates that sketch no. 1 is "Firing until 7A.M." and sketch no. 2 is "Firing after 7A.M."
A map of Monaco with legend of fifty locations.