84 resultados para America Recycles Day.


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The “Persia” was built in St. Catharines in 1873. From 1877 to 1894 the ship was owned by James Norris of St. Catharines. The Toronto and Montreal Steamboat Co. acquired the ship in 1894, followed by the Quebec Navigation Co. in 1907. A fire severely damaged the ship in 1911, and the following year the “Persia” was rebuilt as a barge.


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A hardcover Dictionary of the Zeta Psi Fraternity, edited by Arthur H. Motley and Harry B. Carpenter. An excerpt from the forward reads: "Having the sincere purpose of placing in the hands of all Brothers of the Fraternity a Directory of the full membership of our order, with addresses as perfectly correct as time and equipment would permit, supplemented with such alphabetical and geographical indices as will make the volume a handy and accurate cross-reference to our membership...". Included with this book is a typewritten letter from Gordon Waldie, treasurer of the Toronto Chapter of the Zeta Psi Fraternity thanking Mrs. Percy Band for the gift of the original initiation certificate of the late Hamilton K. Woodruff. Mr. Woodruff was one of the Charter members of the Fraternity and he was the 7th man initiated into this, the first Canadian chapter of any fraternity. The letter is dated Nov. 21, 1949. The full text is available in the Brock University Special Collections and Archives.


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The planner has an ivory cover and 6 celluloid pages which fan out. The days of the week were stamped on each page, except Sunday. In this case, the days of the week are faded away and someone has rewritten them and included Sunday on the back cover. The front cover has a metal escutcheon engraved with the letter C and it closes with a metal latch. The front ivory cover is cracked down the middle and the front page is also cracked. R. Band has written on the “Monday page that this belonged to Dr. Cleveland, this note is dated June 6, 2004. The “Tuesday page has the title “Julia’s house” and gives the numbers of doors, lights, windows and water closets etc. within the house. On the back of the “Friday page is the number 4784 and on the back of the Saturday page is the name and address of Dr. Mafarlan [?] of Pennsylvania.


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Mother's Day Card [mother is replaced by Gran] from Louisa [?] and Woody, n.d.


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Letter from the President’s Office of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah. The letter is addressed to Welland D. Woodruff in response to his request regarding his ancestry. It is confirmed that the family descended through Matthew Woodruff who was the original proprietor of Farmingham Connecticut. The writer says that he has had interviews with several Woodruffs from Chicago and other places. The letter is signed by Wilford Woodruff [4th president of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints from 1889-1898], Dec. 7, 1887.


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Day book for the Dominion Accountant (soft cover). This notebook has T. Benson on the front cover, but Hamilton K. Woodruff is written within the back cover and within the front cover. There are also other names written within the front cover. The book contains many loose notes regarding book-keeping [This is from Upper Canada College], 1876-1878.


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Letter (1 page, double sided) to Mr. John F. Day [from S.D. Woodruff] in which he asks Mr. Day to examine the land and make an account of the no. of pine trees, if any that are suitable for making 16 inch broad pine, Apr. 25, 1878.


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Letter to S.D. Woodruff from Mr. Day who says that his son will examine the land tomorrow. Mr. Day has impressed upon his son the importance of a careful inspection, Apr. 30, 1878.


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Letter (1 ½ handwritten pages) to S.D. Woodruff from F. B. Day stating that spent 12 days inspecting berths 192 and 198. He has found 28 trees left behind. 6 of these are doubtful and 4 are Norway Pines. He states that the spirit of Mr. Woodruff’s argument has been carried out, May 14, 1878.


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Letter to S.D. Woodruff from F.B. Day acknowledging receipt of the $36.00 and reporting on the lumber that is still standing in berths 192 and 198, May 31, 1878.


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Letter to F.B. Day (3 pages, unsigned) [from S.D. Woodruff] in which he says he is enclosing the $36.00 owed to him, Nov. 5, 1878.


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Letter (1 ½ handwritten pages) to John F. Day from [S.D. Woodruff] in regard to Mr. Woodruff’s sale of timber in berths 192 and 198. He asks Mr. Day to see if the wood is still uncut, July 9, 1880.


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Letter to S.D. Woodruff from John F. Day stating that his son will not be home until Saturday evening but he will lay his favour before him and reply by the first mail. This is accompanied by an envelope postmarked Bruce Mines, July 15, 1880.


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Letter to S.D. Woodruff from John F. Day saying that his son will be done his work in the first week of September if he can be of any service to you in further examination of your limits, July 20, 1880.