58 resultados para historical sociology


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The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle was a monthly periodical published in England during the years of 1736-1833. The volumes of interest from 1812-1815 were written and compiled by Sylvanus Urban, Gentleman. These volumes were Printed in London by Nichols, Son and Bentley at Cicero's Head, Red Lion Passage and Fleet Street. Click on the pdf links to the right to view the monthly issue. This bound volume has been divided by months. The page divisions are as listed. Index pages 705-732 July pages 1-96 August pages 97-200 September pages 201-304 October pages 305-408 November pages 409-512 December pages 513-632 Supplement pages 633-704


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The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle was a monthly periodical published in England during the years of 1736-1833. The volumes of interest from 1812-1815 were written and compiled by Sylvanus Urban, Gentleman. These volumes were Printed in London by Nichols, Son and Bentley at Cicero's Head, Red Lion Passage and Fleet Street. Click on the pdf links to the right to view the monthly issue. This bound volume has been divided by months. The page divisions are as listed. Index pages 705-732 July pages 1-96 August pages 97-200 September pages 201-304 October pages 305-408 November pages 409-512 December pages 513-632 Supplement pages 633-704


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The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle was a monthly periodical published in England during the years of 1736-1833. The volumes of interest from 1812-1815 were written and compiled by Sylvanus Urban, Gentleman. These volumes were Printed in London by Nichols, Son and Bentley at Cicero's Head, Red Lion Passage and Fleet Street. Click on the pdf links to the right to view the monthly issue. This bound volume has been divided by months. The page divisions are as listed. *In this volume only the Index and selected relevant pages have been digitized, for the full Periodical please contact the Brock University Special Collections and Archives. Listed are the pages that have been digitized. Index pages 653-680 Supplement page 577 January pages 1-96 February page 97 March pages 193,260-272 April pages 289,353-357 May pages 385,463,576 June page 481


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A satire on Brigadier-General William Hull's failed campaign against Upper Canada in 1812 and the reaction from the United States government under President Madison. Full Title: The wars of the gulls; : an historical romance in three chapters; chap. I, Shewing how and why and with whom the gulls went to war: chap. II, Shewing how the gulls make the deep to boil like a pot: chap. III, Shewing how a certain doughty general of the gulls goes forth to play the game of hull-gull in Upper Canada Transcribed on front paste-down: W.G. Phelps Oct. 29 1890. A Federalist satire by J. Bigelow and N. Hale.


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This thesis considers that the purport of the Bhagavadgita is to prioritize the philosophy of loving devotion to God (bhakti), not the propagation of color-coded-caste (varna system). The distinction between bhakti and caste becomes clear when one sees their effect on human life and on the society. Jnana and karma, two of the other polarities with which the Gita contends, finally support bhakti towards betterment, not deterioration, if done selflessly and with balance. Caste, however, is a totally different tension, which is always detrimental to the well-being of the person and the society. In the Gita, the devotees' mystical or emotional love of, God apprehends their ~ oneness with the Supreme God and with all beings, and transcends the pitiless segregation of the caste system, and opens the path of salvation to all irrespective of race, color, caste, class or gender in life. In spite of much opposition from orthodoxy, the bhakti movement spread allover India, and bhakti itself rose to the level of orthodoxy and has become the faith of millions of people especially of the south, and surprisingly, of even of those of the so called highest caste. And yet, caste still remains as an indelible mark of every Hindu, even after they change their religion. Although caste is less venomous now, it is still openly present in all walks of Indian life and shows up its ugly head at important moments such as marriage, elections for public office, admission to school or employment. True, bhakti is the antidote for. caste; but only real bhakti can remove caste completely, not mere lip-service to it. This thesis claims that bhakti is the deliberate major thrust of the teaching of the Gita while caste seems to be a contradiction of this thrust.


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In challenging normative social relations, queer cultural studies has shied away from deploying historical materialist theoretical tools. My research addresses this gap by drawing these two literatures into conversation. I do so by investigating how global economic relations provide an allegorical and material context for the regulation, representation and re-imagining of working-class queer childhood through anti- capitalist queer readings of three films: Kes, Billy Elliot, and Boys Village. I deploy this reading practice to investigate how these films represent heteronormative capitalism’s systematic extermination of the life possibilities of working class children, how children resist forces of normalisation by creating queer times and spaces, and how nostalgia engenders a spatio-temporal understanding of queerness through a radical utopianism. My analysis foregrounds visual cultural productions as sites for understanding how contemporary social worlds exclude queer working class children, who struggle to insert themselves into and thereby shift the grounds of normative social relations.


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Historical sketch of Niagara on the Lake and Niagara Camp.


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The book is hardcover and inscribed with an illegible signature, dated 1880 and below that is the signature Margaret J. Woodruff. The preface of the book begins, "The present work is designed to fulfil an important purpose in Education - that of bringing clearly into view the leading facts which are supposed to be gained through a long course of instruction. Without proposing to supersede the elementary books usually employed, it offers a certain test of what is presumed to have been previously learned. With such a work in their hands, Schoolmasters, Tutors, Governesses, or Parents, may at once satisfy themselves as to the degree of knowledge on a variety of subjects attained by the young person under their charge, and for whose intellectual culture they feel a special interest." The full text is available in the Brock University Special Collections and Archives.


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Genealogical and Historical Sketch of the name and family of Woodruff compiled by the Media Research Bureau of Washington, D.C. This document traces the Woodruff name to its Anglo-Saxon origins and lists members of the family who have distinguished themselves in America in more recent times, n.d.


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Small, black, soft cover notebook which has “Niagara Historical Society” taped to the front cover. It contains handwritten entries which include: names of early settlers; buildings; veterans at Queenston Heights, 1859; group of Indians; and list of people whose picture was taken in 1870[?] at Queenston, n.d.


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Note papers with historical facts which were included with this collection [possibly written by the Niagara Historical Society] . The papers have been photocopied and inserted within the collection where they belong. The original notes have been maintained in one envelope, n.d.


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Note papers with historical facts which were included with this collection [possibly written by the Niagara Historical Society] . The papers have been photocopied and inserted within the collection where they belong. The original notes have been maintained in one envelope, n.d.


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Note papers with historical facts which were included with this collection [possibly written by the Niagara Historical Society] . The papers have been photocopied and inserted within the collection where they belong. The original notes have been maintained in one envelope, n.d.