97 resultados para Halsey, William Frederick, 1882-1959.
A photograph of Mr. William Field, photographed by A.L. Lehnkering, no. 158 East Main St., Rochester, New York. The photograph reads "conductor" on back.
A vignette two homes in Grimsby. There are two homes in the image, one the residence of William W. Kitchen, the second the residence of Charles Kitchen.
Annual Convocation proceedings for the year 1882. The title varies slightly and convocation is held at different cities or towns in Canada. Twenty-fifth annual convocation.
Annual Convocation proceedings for the year 1959. The title varies slightly and convocation is held at different cities or towns in Canada. One-hundred and first annual convocation.
Business directory for the Province of Ontario for the year 1882.
Cover title: Masonic light on the abduction and murder of Wm. Morgan.
Niagara Falls State Park is the oldest state park in the United States. It is also referred to as the State Reservation (this title appears on page 2 of the program). Frederick Olmstead was the landscape architect of the park and he also designed Central Park in New York City. In July 1885, the state of New York passed laws to issue bonds for the establishment of the Niagara Reservation. This park is a National Historic Landmark and covers over 400 acres. Close to 140 acres of that land is under water. In attendance at the opening were: the Governor of the State of New York, the officers of the State, members of the Niagara Falls Association of New York City and civil and military personnel. The commissioners at the time of the opening were: William Dorsheimer, Andrew H. Green, Martin B. Anderson, T. Hampden Robb and Sherman S. Rogers.
Port Weller Dry Docks Limited was officially established on April 25, 1946, near Lock 1 of the Welland Canal. Charles A. Ansell was the company’s first President and General Manager. Initially, the company focused on repairing ships, but in June, 1951, built their first ship, the Scott Misener. In 1956, the Upper Lakes and St. Lawrence Transportation Co. purchased all of the shares of Port Weller Dry Docks Limited. In the mid-eighties, ULS (Upper Lakes Shipping) International (which owned the Port Weller dry docks), and Canada Steamship Lines, merged their operations. As a result, the Port Weller Dry Docks became a division of this newly formed company, known as Canadian Shipbuilding and Engineering Limited. In 2007, Seaway Marine & Industrial Inc. took over ownership of the Port Weller Dry Docks, but declared bankruptcy in July 2013.
An advertisement addressed to the "celebration committees" for May 24th and July 1st. William Hand details his services for fireworks and other lighting. Price ranges are included and reviews/comments quoted from several newspapers.
A certificate from the Grand Lodge of Ontario Independent Order of Odd Fellows to brother William H. Cowan. He has been admitted as a member of Livingstone Lodge No. 130 at Merritton 19 October 1909. The certificate is signed and dated by W. Brooks (Secretary) and S.A. Poplestoise (Grand Master) December 7, 1911. Cowan received the Degree of Truth.
A letter from Andrew Cowan to his son William Cowan 29 Septemer 1841. The letter reads "Dear William, I have taken my pen the third time since I have received any word from you, my first letter was about the beginning of the year, and the second in the month of April with John Armstrong of Northhouse, he sailed from Liverpool the fifteen of that month with his sisters Jane and Jenny and their two children. I received a letter from him dated Cleavland in the State of Ohio the 6 of June. He did not intend stopping in that place. The leaves us all well for any thing that I know, but I have not heard from Andrew since March altho I have writen to him three months since your Mother and I are both sore faild altho we have tolerable good health for which we desire to be thankfull to the giver of all our mercies, which are new every day, that we may be found in Christs and clothed in his imputed righteousness at the last, for in him is only found true happyness. We have had another cold wet Summer and the crops is far back ------ not light, the price of -----is high and trade bad, but sheep and cattle are high. Cattle have not been higher since the French war, but the cattle trade is very bad at present and the opperatives out of imployment and consequently verrry badly of. If none of my former letters have reached you this will inform you that James is at Lanshawburn, and gets imployment all the year, he keeps a cow and five or six sheep, they have three children, Mary, Hannah, and Andrew; I was there after clipping time seeing them, they seem to be verry happy. James Lamb is well he was here the other night, he has got two letters from his son Adam this Summer; they are still in the same place and will finish their job this fall, and seem to be doing well, your Uncle Adam Scott and family are well. John was there lately there is little prospect of his getting to America as the money that was left him is not got yet and will not for some time, If ever this reach you, you must let us know how all the Scotch people that are near you, that went from this place of the Country are doing, as their freinds are anxious to hear from them, perticularly if you know what is becomed of Alexander Hoggs widow and family of ------hill, as I was desired to write to you about them - I got a letter from John Miller dated Gatt but I understand it is a long way from your place he was a gentleman and had the charge of a farm and seems verry ----- Now William if this ever reach you, you must excuse me for not filling this letter up, but if I receive an answer I promise to fill the next better, We all join in our love and respect to you and family. From your loving Father Andrew Cowan
William Hamilton Merritt (1793-1862) was a soldier, merchant, and politician who was instrumental in the promotion and development of the Welland Canal. After serving with the Lincoln militia during the War of 1812, Merritt became a merchant in St. Catharines, and purchased some land on Twelve Mile Creek on which he ran a sawmill and constructed a grist mill. He initially envisioned a canal between the Welland River and Twelve Mile Creek, which evolved into a plan to link Lake Ontario and Lake Erie. This would enable goods from western Canada to be conveniently shipped to Montreal and Great Britain through the St. Lawrence, while bypassing the Niagara portage. His plan met with opposition for financial and political reasons, as well as from those along the Niagara portage whose businesses would suffer if the canal were built. Despite this opposition, the Welland Canal Company was chartered by the Upper Canadian assembly in January, 1824. Construction on the canal began later that year, and was completed in 1829.
William Hamilton Merritt (1793-1862) was a soldier, merchant, and politician who was instrumental in the promotion and development of the Welland Canal. After serving with the Lincoln militia during the War of 1812, Merritt became a merchant in St. Catharines, and purchased some land on Twelve Mile Creek on which he ran a sawmill and constructed a grist mill. He initially envisioned a canal between the Welland River and Twelve Mile Creek, which evolved into a plan to link Lake Ontario and Lake Erie. This would enable goods from western Canada to be conveniently shipped to Montreal and Great Britain through the St. Lawrence, while bypassing the Niagara portage. His plan met with opposition for financial and political reasons, as well as from those along the Niagara portage whose businesses would suffer if the canal were built. Despite this opposition, the Welland Canal Company was chartered by the Upper Canadian assembly in January, 1824. Construction on the canal began later that year, and was completed in 1829
William Dickson (1799-1877) was the son of the prominent Niagara businessman and politician William Dickson (1769-1846). William was educated in Edinburgh, Scotland, and settled in Galt, Ontario, upon his return to Canada. His father had business affairs in Dumfries and Galt, which he left in his sons charge when he retired to Niagara in 1837. William had an older brother, Robert, and younger brother, Walter, both of whom served in the Militia and became involved in politics.