51 resultados para missing


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Letter (incomplete) to S.D. Woodruff in order to give Mr. Woodruff an idea of how fast the interest payments are made to the company. The letter is slightly water damaged. The text is affected, but legible. The signature is missing. Feb. 8, 1883.


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The purpose of this study was to understand the experiences of Canada’s high performance athletes who have benefitted from Own the Podium (OTP)-recommended funding and support leading up to an Olympic or Paralympic Games. OTP, a nonprofit agency, is responsible for determining the overall investment strategy for high performance sport in Canada through recommendations to support national sport organizations (NSOs) with the aim to improve Canadian performances at the Olympic and Paralympic Games. For this study, data were collected through in-depth interviews with eleven Canadian high performance athletes (i.e., single-sport Summer/Winter Olympians and Paralympians and recently retired athletes). Analysis of the data resulted in twelve overarching themes; resources, pressure, missing gap, results, targeting, stress, expectations, boost in confidence, OTP relationship, OTP name, pre/post OTP, and lost funding. Overall, results from this exploratory research indicate that athletes generally had a favourable perception regarding OTP-recommended funding and support.


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Copy 2 of the Proceedings of the Long Point Company with copy of new by-laws. This copy (copy 1 is filed with by-laws) is missing the back cover (14 page printed booklet), June 1874.


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Scrap of a letter [most of the text including salutation and signature is missing], Dec. 1855


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A torn scrap of paper which gives estimates of times worked for Fred Holmes, Joe Simpson, John Simpson, William Baird and William Case. Much of the text is missing. This is signed by Fred Holmes, Dec. 1857.


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Letter (2 pages, handwritten) to S.D. Woodruff from Port Colborne saying that an expedition was missing from the submissions. This has now been submitted, but it is a rough job in want of neatness. The signature is J.W. Turner, Jan. 25, 1862.


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Partial piece of post office registration to J.M. Ball of Toronto, Ont. Half of ticket is missing. Text is affected, Jul. 5, 1875.


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Envelope addressed to Mr. W.D. Woodruff with a St. Catharines postmark [stamp is missing], May 16, 1910.


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Booklet containing Jekyl Island Club charter, constitution, by-laws and members’ names (2 copies). The first copy is missing the membership list and the pages are loose. The spine is taped. The 2nd copy is in good condition, 1887.


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Indenture of sale (memorial) between the Honourable William Dickson of Galt and A. E. Godfrey of Dumphries for 40 acres in Lot no. 37 in the Township of Dumphries. A portion of the lower right hand side of this document is missing. This affects the signatures, April 11, 1829.


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Letter (copy) in three sections (1 ½ pages, handwritten). The first part is addressed to Henry Nelles from M. Douglass in which Mr. Douglass says he has enclosed $50. This section is dated Feb. 8, 1830. The second part is also addressed to Henry Nelles and is signed Mr. D. This is the section that says “your letter has just come stating that you had received a letter but the $50 was not in the letter. There was $50 in it when it left this post office. This is dated Feb. 14, 1830. The third part is addressed to Mr. Griffen from George M. Richardson. It says that this is to certify that Mr. Douglass did mail $50 on the 18th of this month. This letter is stained and slightly torn. Some of the text is affected. [This letter has to do with the case about the missing money which is included in this collection], Feb. 8, 1830.


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Letter (2 letters contained in one with a total of 2 pages) addressed to Henry Nelles. The first part is from Gilles Moffatt and he says that there is a balance of 277 pounds and 13 shillings in their favour. This is dated Jan. 10, 1831. The second part is addressed to Henry Nelles from R. Gillespie and it says that he intends to go to London district before paying Mr. Nelles a visit in Grimsby. The second page of this letter is stained and missing a section. Text is slightly affected, Jan. 29, 1831.


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Letter to Messrs. Summer and Nelles of Grimsby from T.A. Stayner, Postmaster General stating that the accompanying letter [letter is not enclosed] has been returned to the writer on payment of postage. (1 page, printed). This letter is barely legible. Much of the text is missing, July 1848.


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Province of Upper Canada Grant (paper mounted on canvas) to the Honorable Peter Russell of the Township of Newark. He is granted 10 acres in the Township of Newark in the County of Lincoln. This document is mounted on canvas. This was entered in the auditor’s office Sept.29, 1797. Part of the paper document is missing but this does not affect the text, Sept. 1, 1797.


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Province of Upper Canada Grant (paper mounted on canvas) to William Dickson. He is granted 24 acres with allowance for roads in the Town of Newark in the County of Lincoln. This was entered in the auditor’s office on June 12, 1798. Parts of the paper are missing. This affects the text slightly, Nov. 10, 1797.