36 resultados para Third Man Argument
A man and woman dressed for swimming. He is sitting and she is standing on the dock.
A photograph of a man and child swimming together in a lake.
A man on the sideboard of his car reaching over the side of the vehicle. The top is down on the vehicle and it is in a field.
A photograph of a man on a tennis court holding a tennis racket. A house can be seen in the distance with large trees in front. See reverse for handwritten note.
Summons to Legislative Council of Upper Canada bestowed on William Dickson by George the Third, signed by the Attorney General. The Crown Seal is faded, but intact, Nov. 16, 1815.
Letter (copy) in three sections (1 ½ pages, handwritten). The first part is addressed to Henry Nelles from M. Douglass in which Mr. Douglass says he has enclosed $50. This section is dated Feb. 8, 1830. The second part is also addressed to Henry Nelles and is signed Mr. D. This is the section that says “your letter has just come stating that you had received a letter but the $50 was not in the letter. There was $50 in it when it left this post office. This is dated Feb. 14, 1830. The third part is addressed to Mr. Griffen from George M. Richardson. It says that this is to certify that Mr. Douglass did mail $50 on the 18th of this month. This letter is stained and slightly torn. Some of the text is affected. [This letter has to do with the case about the missing money which is included in this collection], Feb. 8, 1830.