41 resultados para Stradling, Edward, Sir, 1529-1609.
Letter from John I. Mackenzie with the salutation “Dear Sir” which states that Col. Tisdale and Hunter discussed the desirableness of transferring 5 of your shares over to Mackenzie (2 pages, handwritten). He also says that they will need funds for wages, March 28, 1878.
Letter (printed) with the salutation “Dear Sir”. The writer is John I. Mackenzie who outlines resolutions which were passed at the annual meeting of the Long Point Co., June 21, 1879.
Letter with the salutation “Dear Sir” and signed by Louis Cabot. He claims that he has written to George Richards to send a draft for $1,000.00 (2 pages, handwritten), March 23, n.d.
Memo to the warden and councilors for the County of Welland in council assembled regarding the contract of Edward Henderson. The terms of the contract have not been exceeded. This note is not signed, n.d.
County of Welland estimate of work done on section no.1 of the tap drain at Marshville by Edward Henderson, signed by S.D. Woodruff. Estimate no.1, June, 1856.
County of Welland estimate of work done on section no.1 and cleaning below the culvert of the tap drain at Marshville by Edward Henderson, signed by S.D. Woodruff. Estimate no.2, Oct., 1856.
Letter addressed to “My Dear Sir” from Thomas Fuller (1 ½ pages) stating that Isaac Fuller died without a will. His eldest son, John Fuller died under age without a will. This is accompanied by a 1 page note bearing the same information, n.d.
Letter to “My Dear Sir” regarding provincial politics from William Benjamin Robinson who was the member of the Simcoe legislature for many years, Jan. 9 (4 pages, handwritten), 1845.
Indenture of bargain and sale between Walter Hamilton Dickson and Augusta Maria Dickson of Niagara to Jane Dickson (widow of Robert Dickson), Thomas Clark Street of Stamford and Edward Clarke Campbell of Niagara for 150 acres for the south half of Lot no. 32 in the 7th concession and the north east quarter of Lot no. 22 in the 10th Concession of Dumphries. This was recorded in the County of Halton on the 29th day of January, 1849 in Folio 326, memorial 236, Jan. 12, 1849.
Letter to Robert Nelles from Edward Pilkington (1 double-sided page, handwritten) regarding having a house built for him, March 7, 1816
Diploma (vellum) from the Bar of Lower Canada to Edward Bradley Parkin of Quebec conferring upon him the right of practicing as an Advocate, Barrister, Attorney, Solicitor and Proctor-at-Law in all courts in Lower Canada, June 4, 1866.