33 resultados para FINE STRUCTURES
This sample contains a fine grained, dark grey ground mass with well dispersed clasts. Clasts are not abundant but range from small to large. The clast shape ranges from sub-angular to sub-rounded. A few faint rotation structures can be seen. Minor amounts of lineations can also be seen.
Dark brown sediment with clasts ranging from small to large in size. Clast shape ranges from angular to sub-rounded. Lineations can be seen throughout the sample, along with a few rotation and comet structures. This sample also contains a fine grained clay domain that is relatively structure-less. It can be seen scattered throughout the sample.
Brown sediment with clasts ranging from small to large. Clast shape ranges from angular to sub-rounded. Lineations are common throughout the sample. This sample also contains a clay domain, that appears very fine grained. Edge-to-edge grain crushing, comet structures, and rotation structures are also present.