126 resultados para Edgren, A. W
Letter outlining the firsthand account of the Battle of Queenston Heights describing the day that General Brock was killed [a copy of this letter (taken from Mr. Thorburn’s files) has been published in the book The Story of Laura Secord and Canadian Reminiscences by Emma A. Currie and it is also printed in History of the Campaign upon the Niagara Frontier in the year 1812 by Lieutenant Colonel E. Cruikshank] (7 handwritten pages) written by W. Woodruff and addressed to David Therburn [Thorburn] of Queenston. There are 3 handwritten copies of this account. A transcript of this letter has been included in the file, July 29, 1840.
Letter to S.D. Woodruff from Thomas Steers and W. M. Kelly regarding the patent for Mrs. Clement. The writer says that he will write to Mr. Woodruff fully respecting the claim of the younger Clement, May 14, 1847.
Letter to Samuel D. Woodruff from Thomas Steers and W.M. Kelly stating that they have been successful in getting the patent through for Mrs. Clement for Lot no.30, Concession 2 in Enniskillen. James Clement is not of age and he cannot transfer his right to his brother Joseph. There is no obstacle of the patent being issued in Richard’s name. There are some notes in pencil on this document. The document is torn, and stained, but text is not affected. The postmark on the outside is Montreal, June 26, 1847, June 25, 1847.
Dennis, George W. and Mary E. Dennis, includes: Application for Loan on Real Estate, July 10, 1882; and Abstract of Title, Sept. 2, 1882.
Letter to Albert W. Sampson about his account. The letter has a large piece torn from it. This affects the text. It is signed by S.D. Woodruff, Sept. 6, 1882.
Telegraph to S.D. Woodruff from W.H. Johnson of Alpena, Michigan. He says “If I can have the refusal at the twenty five hundred until I can look, you can draw for the seventy two dollars”. The telegraph is torn, Mar. 5, 1880.
Letter to S.D. Woodruff from the Office of F. W. Gilchrist, Manufacturer of and Dealer in Norway and White Pine Lumber Timber Lath and Shingles, Alpena, Michigan. F. W. Gilchrist would like to be informed of the offer and terms of payment for berth 192. He says that they own lands on that river, but are desirous of owning more, Feb. 5, 1881.
Letter to F.W. Gilchrist of Alpena, Michigan from S.D. Woodruff (1 page, double sided) in which he says he will sell berth 192 in south Lake Huron for $2,500. He would expect ½ in cash and the balance in 1 year with interest of 7%. He explains that he has also had another enquiry regarding the land, Feb. 11, 1881.
Letter to S.D. Woodruff from F.W. Gilchrist in which he says that he would like to look over the property in the spring. If the timber proves satisfactory he will take it and pay cash for it. He asks if Mr. Woodruff knows anything about the streams, Feb. 21, 1881.
Letter to S.D. Woodruff from W.H. Johnson of Alpena, Michigan saying that he would like to examine berth 192 in the spring, with a view to buying it, Feb. 24, 1881.
Telegraph to S.D. Woodruff from W. Johnson of Alpena, Michigan stating that he has sent a New York draft for $2,500.00, May 27, 1881.
Voucher #7 from the Engineer Department of Port Dalhousie and Thorold Railway Extension to W.G. Thompson accompanied by an abstract of vouchers and summaries of account paid by W.G. Thompson for surveys, Jan. 31, 1857.
Voucher #9 from the Engineer Department of Port Dalhousie and Thorold Railway Extension to W. G. Thompson accompanied by an abstract of vouchers for surveys, Feb. 28, 1857
Pay roll voucher #13 from the Engineer Department of Port Dalhousie and Thorold Railway Extension for the Northern Division for the month of April, 1857 approved by F. Shanly, chief engineer and W.G. Thompson, assistant engineer, April 27, 1857.
Pay roll voucher # 17 from the Engineer Department of Port Dalhousie and Thorold Railway Extension, for the Northern Division for the month of May, 1857, approved by F. Shanly, chief engineer and W.G. Thompson, assistant engineer, May 27, 1857.