78 resultados para Baie James
A photograph of the "last spike in the Baie Comeau railway. Photo shows, left to right; A.I.Cunningham, managing engineer of the Ontario Paper Company driving the spike: V.G. Younghusband, vice president of the Foundation Company of Canada; R.W. Shaver, construction manager for the paper company; K.W. Bash, general superintendent, Foundation Company; and His Lordship the Bishop of Quebec.
A photograph with the caption, "LaChasse dam looking from river to Lake LaChasse".
A photograph at Baie Comeau with the caption "Cement hoist at work on paper store house construction".
A photograph of the construction at Baie Comeau, with the caption "'Sinking' dynamite for blast in rock immediately behind temporary staff house."
A photograph of the construction of the dam at Lake LaChasse.
A photograph of the ship called "Shelter Bay" as it sits for unloading at the main wharf.
A photograph with the caption "Railway line, on trestle, immediately behind millsite".
A panoramic view of Baie Comeau, showing the entire site. The photograph has been cut in half and folded. The caption reads "Panorama taken from water tank showing millsite, paper warehouse, temporary townsite to left. Men's cook house in left centre, rock quarry to right, railway lines on right.
An announcement "inaugurating direct sales and Canadian shipments from our home distilleries James & George Stodart Established 1835, 80 West Nile St., Glasgow, Scotland, beg to announce appointment of Stodart's Canadian Agency Limited". Included in the brochure are prices, brands, guarantees and order information.
Last Will and Testament of James Senior of Niagara Township leaving all his goods and chattels and part of Lot 94 in Niagara Township to his friend, Richard Woodruff, August 6, 1832. There are three names listed as witnesses, William Woodruff, Moses Chase and a third name.
Notice regarding the late James Middough that anything concerning his will is granted to William Woodruff and Richard Woodruff (merchants) executors of the will, August 3, 1839.
A fragment of account information for James Elliot dated 1853 and 1854.
Indenture regarding land sold by Hart Smith of Lincoln County to James Fields of Newark in Oxford County, First Concession, Lot no. 3. October 11, 1797.
Indenture of bargain between James and Hannah Vine of the Town of Niagara and James Butler of Niagara Township for 1/2 an acre and 6/10 of an acre of Lot no. 113 in the Township of Niagara. The instrument no. is 6325. May 11, 1855.
Indenture (vellum) of bargain and sale between James Henderson of the City of Toronto and James Zimmerman of the Town of Clifton to Thomas S. Helliwell of St. Catharines for the east half of Lot no. 18 in the Township of Warwick. This was recorded on June 13, 1857 in Liber B for Warwick, folio 283 memorial no. 714, June 4, 1857.