474 resultados para Georgian Bay, Ontario
Kimberly, Clark & Company was founded in Wisconsin in 1872. The founding partners were John A. Kimberly, Havilah Babcock, Charles B. Clark, and Frank C. Stattuck. That same year, the company built the Globe Mill, which made newsprint from linen and cotton rags. The company soon established a reputation for developing new and innovative paper products and processes. In the 1920s, Kimberly-Clark opened a Canadian Pulp Mill and Power plant known as the Spruce Falls Power and Paper Company, in Kapuskasing, Ontario. Other branches of Kimberly-Clark were established in Ontario at Huntsville and Terrace Bay.
The Ontario Federation of Agriculture was established in 1936 and is the largest voluntary farm organization in Canada, representing 37,000 farm families. The Federation came about in response to the creation of the Canadian Chamber of Agriculture (later renamed the Canadian Federation of Agriculture) in 1935. The establishment of an Ontario branch was needed to provide a forum through which similar organizations from other provinces could communicate about farm issues that were of interprovincial, national, or international importance. The organization is led by farmers and is based in Guleph, Ontario. Their missionis to enable prosperous and sustainable farms. They accomplish this through lobbying, government and media relations, and community representation.
The Act to establish the Association of Professional Engineers of Ontario (APEO) was passed on June 14, 1922. The creation of the APEO was part of a larger movement in Canada to license the engineering profession. At first, membership in the APEO was not mandatory in order to work as an engineer, but this changed in 1937 when the Professional Engineers Act was amended so that licensing by the APEO was required. In 1945, the initials “P. Eng.” were adopted by the APEO as the official abbreviation of the professional engineer. Many other amendments have been made over the years in order to strengthen the APEO’s ability to regulate the profession. Members of the APEO must also abide by a Code of Ethics, which emphasizes the regard for public welfare as paramount. There are currently 36 chapters of the APEO. In 1993, the APEO’s name was changed to Professional Engineers of Ontario, in part to emphasize the group’s role as a licensing body for engineers as opposed to an association of member engineers.
The Ontario Forest Industries Association (OFIA) was founded in 1944. It is a provincial trade association that represents member companies who produce a wide range of products, including pulp, paper, paperboard, lumber, panelboard, plywood and veneer. The OFIA works with its member companies to address issues of common interest and concern, and communicates these issues to the appropriate government, industrial or business sector. The Ontario Forest Information Service represented the OFIA from 1951 to 1988 as the publishers of their industry periodicals. Bush News was the first periodical published by the Service for the OFIA and ran until 1964, when it was replaced by Ontario Logger. In 1968, the name was changed to The Logger. In 1970, this was replaced by The Forest Scene. This new periodical was a departure from the earlier versions, which had served primarily as an internal communication system for the industry. The Forest Scene adopted a new format and editorial approach, emphasizing outdoor activities, recreation, hunting and fishing, conservation, and forestry operations and methods, thus appealing to a much wider readership. The Forest Scene ceased publication in 1988.
A black and white postcard of H.K. Woodruff's residence at 168 Ontario Street, St. Catharines, Ontario. It is described on the reverse by R. Band in 1977.
A black and white postcard of the W.D. Woodruff homestead, DeVeaux Hall, St. Catharines, Ontario. See reverse for note.
A paperback booklet of the Ontario Game and Fishery Laws 1916. The booklet is 91 pages in length and includes an index. See the full text in the Brock University Special Collections and Archives.
These are the annual proceedings of the Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Canada in the Province of Ontario covering a single year of activity. The entire collection of proceedings cover the years 1855 to 2014. Future proceedings will be added to the website. Freemasonry is the oldest and largest worldwide fraternity dedicated to the Brotherhood of Man under the Fatherhood of a Supreme Being. In Ontario, the governing body is called the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Canada in the Province of Ontario. It is under the leadership of the Grand Master. He presides over the 53,000 Masons who belong to one or more of the 571 lodges in his jurisdiction.
These are the annual proceedings of the Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Canada in the Province of Ontario covering a single year of activity. The entire collection of proceedings cover the years 1855 to 2014. Future proceedings will be added to the website. Freemasonry is the oldest and largest worldwide fraternity dedicated to the Brotherhood of Man under the Fatherhood of a Supreme Being. In Ontario, the governing body is called the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Canada in the Province of Ontario. It is under the leadership of the Grand Master. He presides over the 53,000 Masons who belong to one or more of the 571 lodges in his jurisdiction.
These are the annual proceedings of the Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Canada in the Province of Ontario covering a single year of activity. The entire collection of proceedings cover the years 1855 to 2014. Future proceedings will be added to the website. Freemasonry is the oldest and largest worldwide fraternity dedicated to the Brotherhood of Man under the Fatherhood of a Supreme Being. In Ontario, the governing body is called the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Canada in the Province of Ontario. It is under the leadership of the Grand Master. He presides over the 53,000 Masons who belong to one or more of the 571 lodges in his jurisdiction.
These are the annual proceedings of the Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Canada in the Province of Ontario covering a single year of activity. The entire collection of proceedings cover the years 1855 to 2014. Future proceedings will be added to the website. Freemasonry is the oldest and largest worldwide fraternity dedicated to the Brotherhood of Man under the Fatherhood of a Supreme Being. In Ontario, the governing body is called the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Canada in the Province of Ontario. It is under the leadership of the Grand Master. He presides over the 53,000 Masons who belong to one or more of the 571 lodges in his jurisdiction.
These are the annual proceedings of the Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Canada in the Province of Ontario covering a single year of activity. The entire collection of proceedings cover the years 1855 to 2014. Future proceedings will be added to the website. Freemasonry is the oldest and largest worldwide fraternity dedicated to the Brotherhood of Man under the Fatherhood of a Supreme Being. In Ontario, the governing body is called the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Canada in the Province of Ontario. It is under the leadership of the Grand Master. He presides over the 53,000 Masons who belong to one or more of the 571 lodges in his jurisdiction.
The Fenians were a group intent on securing Irish independence from England. The movement had its origins in Ireland in1857, under the leadership of James Stephens, with the assistance of John O'Mahony, an American who had raised funds for the cause. The American branch of this movement was especially successful, having raised $500 000 and enlisting about 10 000 American Civil War veterans. The group split into two separate factions, one desiring an invasion of Canada and the other preferring an uprising in Ireland. It soon became apparent that an uprising in Ireland was not imminent, and a decision was made to invade Canada. In April, 1866, a raid was launched against New Brunswick. It proved unsuccessful, and another raid was attempted on June 1, 1866, this time in Ridgeway, near Fort Erie, Ontario. The Canadian militiamen were defeated, but the Fenians subsequently withdrew. A third incident occurred on June 7, this time at Missisquoi Bay in Quebec, when the Fenians crossed the border, remained there for 2 days, and withdrew. A failed uprising in Ireland in 1867 signaled the demise of the movement. The Fenian threat helped to promote a sense of union among Canadians and provided an incentive for Confederation.
The skill to identify and use best practices in literacy to promote achievement for students of all abilities cannot be underestimated by elementary educators. This qualitative case study investigates 1 year of a literacy initiative for primary and junior educators organized by a southern Ontario school board. The goals of the initiative were to design a literacy guide for teachers while building teacher capacity with literacy practices. Data were culled and analyzed from an examination of the guide, the meetings’ field notes and artifacts, as well as interviews with the educators at the end of the year. Several themes from the results emerged. The educators perceived the design process as unclear but the collaborative components were deemed valuable. The guide’s incompletion led to mixed reactions from the educators about the guide and its structure. Overall, the first year of the 3-year initiative acted as a catalyst for professional learning on literacy. The findings of this study accentuated the value of training educators to use empirical research to support their practices and professional knowledge. Also, the significance of promoting strong leadership with a comprehensive layout consisting of coherent tangible goals for professional development is highlighted.
The Association of Major Power Consumers in Ontario (AMPCO) was founded as the Niagara Basic Power Users' Association in the early 1960s. It was a coalition of seven companies in the chemical, pulp and paper, and abrasives industries within the Niagara region. The Association was formed to address increasing electricity rates. In 1974, the name changed to the Association of Direct Customers of Ontario. This change reflected the expansion of the regional Association to a provincial one, which grew in response to Ontario Hydro’s proposed rate increases of over 30 per cent. In 1975, the Association adopted its current name. AMPCO continues to advocate for “electricity rates that are competitive, fair and efficient, and a reliable supply of electrical energy across Ontario.”