21 resultados para twist of sawn timber
Letter to S.D. Woodruff from the Office of F. W. Gilchrist, Manufacturer of and Dealer in Norway and White Pine Lumber Timber Lath and Shingles, Alpena, Michigan. F. W. Gilchrist would like to be informed of the offer and terms of payment for berth 192. He says that they own lands on that river, but are desirous of owning more, Feb. 5, 1881.
Letter containing a memorandum of the work done during Nov. 1855 by Messrs. Brown and McDonell. The work done includes track laying and timber in culverts. There is also a section of the road between St. Catharines and the Great Western Railway where earth has been removed, posts set and laid. This is signed by Francis Lalor, Dec. 12, 1855.
Memorandum of material furnished for superstructure on the line of the Port Dalhousie Thorold Railway by contract. This document includes: Bills of timber, memorandums of planking, fencing, ties, track laying, masonry and bolts and spikes. There are also diagrams of culverts. One of the pages is loose and the outer pages are somewhat discoloured (32 pages, handwritten and bound with ribbon, n.d.
Letter of notification of the annual meeting of the Long Point Company sent to S.D. Woodruff from George H. Gillespie. Col. Clark is to present his proposal about timber on the point, June 24, 1868.
Letter to J.P. Bradley from William Harmon of Bytown regarding money due from a timber sale, Sept. 25, 1847.
Broadside, 60 cm. x 45 cm. of a notice of laborers wanted. 300 woodsmen were required including choppers, scorers, hewers and teamsters for work on Long Point. It also states that there is a large quantity of timber for sale. Dec. 1868.