22 resultados para discharge cost
Chart of estimate of cost of Port Dalhousie and Thorold Railway extension Line no. 1 signed by Mr. Shanly, Mar. 12, 1857.
Chart of the estimated cost of Line no. 1, n.d.
Chart outlining Port Dalhousie and Thorold Railway cost of planks, bridge, railway crossing and approaches thereto, n.d.
Approximate estimate of the cost of macadamizing, grading, bridging and putting in culverts from Hurst’s Bridge above Thorold to Port Robinson (2 pages, handwritten), n.d.
Note regarding discharge over waste weirs. This is initialed by S.D. Woodruff, May 4, 1846.
List of abstracts (2 pages, handwritten) stating the cost of S.D. Woodruff dwelling and barns, January, 1878.
Discharge of Mortgage signed by Henry Kalar, President of the Niagara Permanent Building Society stating that John McNeilly [?] has satisfied all money due and the mortgage is therefore discharged. The right hand side of this document is burned. Text is slightly affected, Aug. 8, 1853.