27 resultados para Western hemlock
Cover title: Masonic light on the abduction and murder of Wm. Morgan.
Presentation from the Office of Macdonald and Rykert regarding the Case of O’Connor vs. the Great Western Railway Co. This is a handwritten, 9 ½ page double sided document). Some of the witnesses for the plaintiff included: Robert Johnson, John Ryder, Edward Duffy, Gilbert Gregory, John Cutter, James Patterson, Samuel Rush and Francis Bigger, among others. They claimed that the Great Western Railway Co. was destroying their land. Jacob Dittrick claimed that the culverts were not large enough to carry off water. Mr. Jackson noticed injury to his flats. Wild grass was destroying the bottom grass, May 6, 1836.
Advertisement (printed 1 page) advertising Charles Dwight, agent for The Western Bond Board of Kansas City, 1872, n.d.
Approximate estimate of the cost of extending the Port Dalhousie and Thorold Railway from Geneva Street to the Great Western Railway Station at Lock no. 12 (2 copies) [one appears to be a rough copy] (2 pages, handwritten), Feb. 2, 1855.
Mr. Woodward’s timetable regarding the suspension bridge to Toronto via the Great Western Railway and Port Dalhousie Railway (1 page, handwritten), Jan. 22, 1856
Telegram from Great North Western Telegraph Company of Canada to S.D. Woodruff from L. Cabot stating that he will take the shares, Jan. 16, 1886.
Telegram from Great North Western Telegraph Company of Canada to S.D. Woodruff from L. Cabot stating that the draft for $5000.00 will be forwarded on Monday or Tuesday, Jan. 16, 1886.
Post card with a notice of freight arrival addressed to S.D. Woodruff from the Great Western Railway for castings, a keg and grates, Aug.11, [1876].
Printed blank for arrival of goods by Great Western Railway at St. Catharines, Aug. 24, 1876.
Printed blank for arrival of goods by Great Western Railway at St. Catharines, Nov. 18 [1876].
Indenture of agreement between the Great Western Railway Company and the Erie and Ontario Railway Company in order for the companies to unite, March 20, 1854.