56 resultados para University of St. Andrews
Indenture between Victoria Lawn Cemetery of the Corporation of the City of St. Catharines and Samuel D. Woodruff for 112 sq.ft. known as part of section P. This is deed no. 1905, Oct. 21, 1901.
Indenture between Victoria Lawn Cemetery of the Corporation of the City of St. Catharines and Hamilton K. Woodruff for 216 square feet, Lot no.2 in division 9, section G of the Victoria Lawn Cemetery. This is a handwritten copy. The deed no. is 1937, Jan. 6, 1903.
Receipt from the city clerk’s office of St. Catharines to H.K. Woodruff for payment of $11.20 for additional cemetery land. Accompanying this document is a crudely drawn map of graves along Queenston Road and rough notes on Deed no. 419, Oct. 16, 1901.
Map measuring 50 cm. x 80 cm. of Glen Ridge, City of St. Catharines by St. Catharines Improvement Company Ltd., n.d.
Report (20 page booklet) on a water supply for the town of St. Catharines by Thomas Monro, civil engineer. This is addressed to Lucious S. Oille, M.D., chairman of the Water Committee of St. Catharines, June 10, 1875.
Receipt for payment to the wardens of St. George’s Church for payment received from S.D. Woodruff for payment of 1 quarters rent of pew 15, April 1, 1880.
Letter and envelope addressed to Mr. Samuel D. Woodruff of St. Catharines. The envelope is postmarked St. Catharines, Dec. 31, 1887, Port Robinson, Dec. 31, 1887 and Welland, Dec. 31, 1887. The letter to S.D. Woodruff from Calvin Cudney and it says that he has enclosed $35 in interest, Dec. 29, 1887.
Almanac of S.D. Woodruff of St. Catharines (soft cover) containing records of items sold to various people, 1858-1866.
University of Toronto exams. These are in and envelope which is marked “Arts 1st year”. Included in this package are some text book pages [Latin] with the name Ham K. Woodruff written on them. The exams include: Anatomy, Arithmetic and Algebra, Medicine Chemistry, English, Euclid, French, Greek, Latin, Latin Grammar, Latin Prose (2 copies), Materia Medica and Therapeutics and Physiology for 1879. The exams for 1880 include Arithmetic and Algebra, Greek and Trigonometry. The 1881 Greek exam is also included. There is writing on some of the exams and some are worn and stained. The envelope is torn and stained and the textbook pages are slightly burned. This does not affect the text, 1879-1881.
Letter sent from the Port Dalhousie and Thorold Railway to the Town Council of St. Catharines which states that the estimate that was submitted does not embrace the damages done to the buildings along Line no. 1 from Port Dalhousie to Chisholm Corner. The estimates are included in the document, Aug. 17, 1854.
Envelope addressed to S.D. Woodruff of St. Catharines and postmarked Jan. 2, 1886.
Letter to Dexter Deverardo, clerk of Fonthill from the Welland Canal Office of St. Catharines in order to see that the work is done in a satisfactory manner. This letter is signed in pencil by S.D. Woodruff (4 pages, handwritten), Jan. 8, 1855.
Letter to S.D. Woodruff from A. Jeffrey importer of Hardware, Iron, Steel, and Window Glass of St. Catharines, Ont. A. Jeffrey says that he will be able to supply Mr. Woodruff with glass and iron pipe, June 7, 1875.
Letter to S.D. Woodruff from A. Jeffrey importer of Hardware, Iron, Steel, and Window Glass of St. Catharines, Ont. regarding breakage and freight, June 23, 1875.
Letter (2 pages, handwritten) from the office of Hart, Ball and Hart of Buffalo, New York to William R. Allen of St. Catharines, Ont. proposing work to be done regarding the hot water heating of the building. The owner of the building is expected to pay the railway fare of the men and to pay their board while they are in St. Catharines, July 8, 1876.