28 resultados para Superconducting magnets


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The macroscopic properties of the superconducting phase in the multiphase compound YPd5B3 C.3 have been investigated. The onset of superconductivity was observed at 22.6 K, zero resistance at 21.2 K, the lower critical field Hel at 5 K was determined to be Hel (5) rv 310 Gauss and the compound was found to be an extreme type-II superconductor with the upper critical field in excess of 55000 Gauss at 15 K. From the upper and lower critical field values obtained, several important parameters of the superconducting state were determined at T = 15 K. The Ginzburg-Landau paramater was determined to be ~ > 9 corresponding to a coherence length ~ rv 80A and magnetic penetration depth of 800A. In addition measurements of the superconducting transition temperature Te(P) under purely hydrostatically applied pressure have been carried out. Te(P) of YPd5B3 C.3 decreases linearly with dTe/dP rv -8.814 X 10-5 J


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The Bi2Sr2CaCu20g single crystal with a superconducting transition temperature equal to 90 ± 2 K was prepared. The irreversibility line of the single crystal for a mgnetic field direction along the c-axis and T* in the ab-plane was determined. The reduced temperature (l - T ) is proportional to H 1.1 for fields below 004 T and proportional to HO.09 for fields above 0.4 T. The zero temperature upper critical field Hc2(0) and coherence length ~ (0) were determined from the magnetization meaurements to be H-lC2=35.9T , H//C2=31.2T, ~c(0)=35.0 A, and ~ab(0)=32.5A,and from the magnetoresistance measurements to be H-lc2 = 134.6T , H//C2=55.5T '~c(0)=38.1 A, and ~ab(0)=2404 A for both directions of the applied magnetic field. The results obtained for Hc2(0) and ~(O) are not reliable due to the rounding that the single crystal exhibits in the magnetization and magnetoresistance curves. The magnetization relaxation of the single crystal was investigated, and was found to be logarithmic in time, and the relaxation rate increases with temperature up to 50 -60 K, then decreases at higher temperatures.


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The superconducting transition temperature Tc of metallic glasses ZrxFelOO-x (x=80, 75), Zr75(NixFelOO-x)25 (x=75, 50, 25), and CU2SZr75 were measured under quasi-hydrostatic pressure up to 8 OPa (80kbar). The volume (pressure) dependence of the electron-phonon coupling parameters Aep for CU25Zr75 was calculated using the McMillan equatio11. Using this volume dependence of Aep and the modified McMillan equation which incorporates spin-fluctuations, the volume dependence of the spin fluctuation parameter, Asf, was determined in Zr75Ni25, ZrxFelOO-x , a11d Zr75(NixFelOO-x)25. It was found that with increasing pressure, spinfluctuations are suppressed at a faster rate in ZrxFe lOO-x and Zr75(NixFelOO-x)25, as Fe concentration is increased. The rate of suppression of spin-fluctuations with pressure was also found to be higher in Fe-Zr glasses than in Ni-Zr glasses of similar composition.


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Order parameter profiles extracted from the NMR spectra of model membranes are a valuable source of information about their structure and molecular motions. To al1alyze powder spectra the de-Pake-ing (numerical deconvolution) ~echnique can be used, but it assumes a random (spherical) dist.ribution of orientations in the sample. Multilamellar vesicles are known to deform and orient in the strong magnetic fields of NMR magnets, producing non-spherical orientation distributions. A recently developed technique for simultaneously extracting the anisotropies of the system as well as the orientation distributions is applied to the analysis of partially magnetically oriented 31p NMR spectra of phospholipids. A mixture of synthetic lipids, POPE and POPG, is analyzed to measure distortion of multilamellar vesicles in a magnetic field. In the analysis three models describing the shape of the distorted vesicles are examined. Ellipsoids of rotation with a semiaxis ratio of about 1.14 are found to provide a good approximation of the shape of the distorted vesicles. This is in reasonable agreement with published experimental work. All three models yield clearly non-spherical orientational distributions, as well as a precise measure of the anisotropy of the chemical shift. Noise in the experimental data prevented the analysis from concluding which of the three models is the best approximation. A discretization scheme for finding stability in the algorithm is outlined


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A system comprised of a Martin-Puplett type polarizing interferometer and a Helium-3 cryostat was developed to study the transmission of materials in the very-far-infrared region of the spectrum. This region is of significant interest due to the low-energy excitations which many materials exhibit. The experimental transmission spectrum contains information concerning the optical properties of the material. The set-up of this system is described in detail along with the adaptations and improvements which have been made to the system to ensure the best results. Transmission experiments carried out with this new set-up for two different varieties of materials: superconducting thin films of lead and biological proteins, are discussed. Several thin films of lead deposited on fused silica quartz substrates were studied. From the ratio of the transmission in the superconducting state to that in the normal state the superconducting energy gap was determined to be approximately 25 cm-1 which corresponds to 2~/kBTc rv 5 in agreement with literature data. Furthermore, in agreement with theoretical predictions, the maximum in the transmission ratio was observed to increase as the film thickness was increased. These results provide verification of the system's ability to accurately measure the optical properties of thin low-Tc superconducting films. Transmission measurements were carried out on double deionized water, and a variety of different concentrations by weight of the globular protein, Bovine Serum Albumin, in the sol, gel and crystalline forms. The results of the water study agree well with literature values and thus further illustrate the reproducibility of the system. The results of the protein experiments, although preliminary, indicate that as the concentration increases the samples become more transparent. Some weak structure in the frequency dependent absorption coefficient, which is more prominent in crystalline samples, may be due to low frequency vibrations of the protein molecules.


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The optical response to far infrared radiation has been measured on a mosaic of heavy fermion CeCoIns single crystals. The superconducting transition temperature of the crystals has been determined by van der Pauw resistivity and ac-susceptibility measurements as Tc = 2.3 K. The optical measurements were taken above and below the transition temperature using a ^He cryostat and step and integrate Martin-Puplett type polarizing interferometer. The absolute reflectance of the heavy fermion CeCoIns in the superconducting state in range (0, 100)cm~^ was calculated from the measured thermal reflectance, using the normal state data of Singley et al and a low frequency extrapolation for a metallic material in the Hagen-Rubens regime. By means of Kramers-Kronig analysis the absolute reflectance was used to calculate the optical conductivity of the sample. The real part of the calculated complex conductivity a{u)) of CeCoIns indicates a possible opening of an energy gap close to 50 cm~^.


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Pressure variations of the superconducting transition temperature Ic of a series of amorphous NixZr 1 OO-x alloys have been studied under quasmydrostatic pressures upto 8 G Pa. For amorphous samples having Ni-concentration less than 40%, i)Tc/dP is positive in sign and it decreases non linearly with increase in I. whereasdTcldP is negative in sign for Ni concentration of 45%. Comparison with the Hall coefficient (I) and the thermoelectric power (2) results for the same amorphous alloys leads to the conclusion that s-d hybridization nature of the d-band (Nil plays a central role in the sign reversal behaviour. Application of pressures greater than 2 G Pa to Ni20ZrgO led to the formation of a new phase, w-Zr. which retains its form after the pressure is released.


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Single crystals of (Bal - xKx)Fe2As2 were prepared using the Sn flux method. Two heating methods were used to prepare the single crystals: the slow heating and rapid heating methods. It was found that the single crystals grown using the slow heating method were not superconducting due to a significant loss of potassium. When the rapid heating method was used, the single crystals were observed to be superconducting with the desired potassium concentration. The energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy analysis indicated the presence of multiple phases in the single crystals. Using single crystal X-ray diffraction, the crystal structure of the single crystals was found to be 14/mmm tetragonal at room temperature. The magnetic measurements on the single crystals indicated the presence of multiple phases and magnetic impurities.


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Reflectance measurements along the c-axis of La1.875 Bao.125CU04 at temperatures above(6K) and below(O.5K) the bulk superconducting transition temperature(3K) were performed using a Bruker rapid scan spectrometer and a Martin-Puplett polarizing spectrometer. It was found that when polarized light reflected from a sample the Bruker rapid scan spectrometer has a low frequency cutoff of lOcm-1 while the Martin-Puplett polarizing spectrometer has a low frequency cutoff of 6cm-1 A superconducting pla ma edge was absent in all measurements taken. It was concluded that if a superconducting plasma edge exists in La1.875Bao.125CU04 it is below 6cm-1.


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The enigmatic heavy fermion URu2Si2, which is the subject of this thesis, has attracted intensive theoretical and experimental research since 1984 when it was firstly reported by Schlabitz et al. at a conference [1]. The previous bulk property measurements clearly showed that one second order phase transition occurs at the Hidden Order temperature THO ≈ 17.5 K and another second order phase transition, the superconducting transition, occurs at Tc ≈ 1 K. Though twenty eight years have passed, the mechanisms behind these two phase transitions are still not clear to researchers. Perfect crystals do not exist. Different kinds of crystal defects can have considerable effects on the crystalline properties. Some of these defects can be eliminated, and hence the crystalline quality improved, by annealing. Previous publications showed that some bulk properties of URu2Si2 exhibited significant differences between as-grown samples and annealed samples. The present study shows that the annealing of URu2Si2 has some considerable effects on the resistivity and the DC magnetization. The effects of annealing on the resistivity are characterized by examining how the Residual Resistivity Ratio (RRR), the fitting parameters to an expression for the temperature dependence of the resistivity, the temperatures of the local maximum and local minimum of the resistivity at the Hidden Order phase transition and the Hidden Order Transition Width ∆THO change after annealing. The plots of one key fitting parameter, the onset temperature of the Hidden Order transition and ∆THO vs RRR are compared with those of Matsuda et al. [2]. Different media used to mount samples have some impact on how effectively the samples are cooled because the media have different thermal conductivity. The DC magnetization around the superconducting transition is presented for one unannealed sample under fields of 25 Oe and 50 Oe and one annealed sample under fields of 0 Oe and 25 Oe. The DC field dependent magnetization of the annealed Sample1-1 shows a typical field dependence of a Type-II superconductor. The lower critical field Hc1 is relatively high, which may be due to flux pinning by the crystal defects.


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Purple bronze Li0.9Mo6O17 has attracted researchers for its low dimensionality and corresponding properties. Although it has been studied for nearly two decades, there are still some unsolved puzzles with this unique material. Single crystals of Li0.9Mo6O17 were grown using the temperature gradient flux technique in this research. The crystal growth was optimized by experimenting different conditions and good quality crystals were obtained. X-ray diffraction results have confirmed the right phase of the crystals. Resistivity measurements and magnetic susceptibility measurements were carried out, and anomalous electronic behaviors were found. All of the samples showed the metal-insulator transition near 20K, followed by behavior that differs from sample to sample: either superconducting, metallic or insulating behavior was observed below 2K. Li0.9Mo6O17 was considered as a quasi-one-dimensional crystal and also a superconducting crystal, which implies a dimensional crossover may occur at the metal-insulator transition. A two-band scenario of the Luttinger liquid model was used to fit the resistivity data and excellent results were achieved, suggesting that the Luttinger theory is a very good candidate for the explanation of the anomalous behavior of Li0.9Mo6O17. In addition, the susceptibility measurements showed Curie paramagnetism and some temperature independent paramagnetism at low temperature. The absence of any anomalous magnetic feature near 20K where the resistivity upturn takes place, suggests that a charge density wave mechanism, which has been proposed by some researchers, is not responsible for the unique properties of Li0.9Mo6O17.


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A generalization to the BTK theory is developed based on the fact that the quasiparticle lifetime is finite as a result of the damping caused by the interactions. For this purpose, appropriate self-energy expressions and wave functions are inserted into the strong coupling version of the Bogoliubov equations and subsequently, the coherence factors are computed. By applying the suitable boundary conditions to the case of a normal-superconducting interface, the probability current densities for the Andreev reflection, the normal reflection, the transmission without branch crossing and the transmission with branch crossing are determined. Accordingly the electric current and the differential conductance curves are calculated numerically for Nb, Pb, and Pb0.9Bi0.1 alloy. The generalization of the BTK theory by including the phenomenological damping parameter is critically examined. The observed differences between our approach and the phenomenological approach are investigated by the numerical analysis.


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The initial employment of N-salicylidene-2-amino-5-chlorobenzoic acid (sacbH2) as bridging/chelating ligand in metal cluster chemistry has provided access to five new polynuclear NiII complexes with large nuclearities, unprecedented metal core topologies, and interesting magnetic properties. The obtained results are presented in two projects. The first project includes the investigation of the general Ni2+/RCO2-/sacbH2 reaction system (where R- = CH3-, But-, ButCH2-) in which the nature of the carboxylic acid was found to be of crucial importance, affecting enormously the nuclearity of the resulting complexes. The second project deals with the study of the general Ni2+/X-/sacbH2 reaction system (where X- = inorganic anions) under basic conditions, yielding new cluster compounds with molecular chain-like structures and ferromagnetic exchange interactions between the metal centers.