38 resultados para Ships -- Great Lakes (North America) -- History.


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A press release assigning Sean O'Sullivan to study the future of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Seaway.


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A hardcover Dictionary of the Zeta Psi Fraternity, edited by Arthur H. Motley and Harry B. Carpenter. An excerpt from the forward reads: "Having the sincere purpose of placing in the hands of all Brothers of the Fraternity a Directory of the full membership of our order, with addresses as perfectly correct as time and equipment would permit, supplemented with such alphabetical and geographical indices as will make the volume a handy and accurate cross-reference to our membership...". Included with this book is a typewritten letter from Gordon Waldie, treasurer of the Toronto Chapter of the Zeta Psi Fraternity thanking Mrs. Percy Band for the gift of the original initiation certificate of the late Hamilton K. Woodruff. Mr. Woodruff was one of the Charter members of the Fraternity and he was the 7th man initiated into this, the first Canadian chapter of any fraternity. The letter is dated Nov. 21, 1949. The full text is available in the Brock University Special Collections and Archives.


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This study has three purposes: to establish a chronologically controlled vegetational history for a number of sites in south Southwestern Ontario; to utilize the resulting data to support and/or add to the current understanding of Quaternary geology and stratigraphy, and the glacial and postglacial history of the Great Lakes in south Southwestern Ontario; and to attempt to propose a possible explanation for the extinction of the mastodon in Southern Ontario. Palynological and geochronological analyses were conducted on material collected from eleven sites (east to west): Verbeke Mastodon Site, Woloshko Mastodon Site, Walker Pond II, Pond Mills I, Lake Hunger Bog, Bouckaert Site. Mabee Site, Cornell Bog. Colles Lake I, Folden Mastodon Site and Forest Pond. Individual geochronologically controlled (where possible) vegetational histories were reconstructed for each of the sites investigated. The results of the individual studies, when considered in overview. indicated the existance of an established closed boreal forest throughout south Southwestern Ontario by 10,000 years B.P. This evidence for a significant climatic change coincident throughout south Southwestern Ontario supports the proposed age of 10,000 years B.P. for the Pleistocene/Holocene Boundary (Terasmae, 1972). Remnant patches of 'open spruce parkland' persisted in small local 'wet' areas. It was in these areas that the mastodon was restricted during early Holocene time. With continued encroachment by the surrounding boreal forest, possibly speeded up by this browser's destructive feeding habits, the spruce enclaves shrank and the mastodon became extinct in south Southwestern Ontario. The results of this thesis basically support Dreimanis' (1967, 1968) proposed 'Environmental-Climatic' theory for mastodon extinction. It is suggested that increased dryness during the present interglacial compared to the climate of earlier interglacials may be the key to unravelling the problem of mastodon extinction in eastern North America.


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The origins of Upper Lakes Shipping can be traced back to 1931, when Gordon Leitch, the general manager of Toronto elevators, sent Captain Bruce Angus to scout for potential ships that could be used to transport grain. The ship Sarnian was purchased as a result. It soon became apparent that more ships would be needed by the business, and Leitch subsequently partnered with James Norris of the Norris Grain Company, in order to transport their products more economically. The Upper Lakes and St. Lawrence Transportation Company (which later become known as Upper Lakes Shipping), was incorporated in 1932. In 1956, the company bought Port Weller Dry docks. At this point, the company began constructing new vessels designed to meet specific freight and classification needs.


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The Women's Literary Club of St. Catharines was founded in 1892 by a local author, Emma Harvey (Mrs. J.G.) Currie (1829-1913) and held its last official meeting on February 19, 1994. The Club developed, flourished and eventually waned. After more than one hundred successful years, the last members deposited the Club's archives at Brock University for the benefit of researchers, scholars and the larger community. The ‘object of the Club’ was established as “the promotion of literary pursuits.” The Club was a non-profit social organization composed of predominantly white, upper middle class women from the St. Catharines and surrounding areas. Club meetings were traditionally held fortnightly from March to December each year. The last meeting of the year was a celebration of their Club anniversary. The early meetings of the Club include papers presented and music performed by Club members. The literary pursuits that would dominate the agendas for the entire life of the Club reflected an interest in selected authors, national and local history, classical history, musical performances and current cultural and newsworthy events. For example in 1893 a typical meeting agendas would contain papers on Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Hawaii, Brook Farm, Miss Louisa May Alcott and “Education of Women 100 years Ago.” Within the first year of the Club’s existence, detailed minute books became the norm and an annual agenda or program developed. The WLC collection contains a near complete set of meeting minutes from 1892 until 1995 and a comprehensive collection of yearly programs from 1983-1967 which members took great care to publish each year. Mrs. Currie brought together a group of women with a shared interest in literature and history, who wanted to pursue that interest in a formal and structured manner. She was well educated and influenced at an early age by her tutor and mentor William Kirby, local historian, writer and newspaper editor from Niagara-on-the-Lake. While Currie’s private education influenced her love of literature and history, the Club movement of the 1890’s offered a more public forum for her to share knowledge and learning with other women. Mrs. Currie was the wife of St. Catharines lawyer, James G. Currie, who also served as a Member of Parliament for the county of Lincoln. Mrs. W.H. McClive, who was also married to a St. Catharines lawyer, worked closely with Currie and they began research into the possibility of a literary Club in St. Catharines. Currie corresponded with a variety of literary Clubs across North America before she and Mrs.McClive tagged onto the momentum of the Club movement and published “A Clarion call for Women of St. Catharines To Form a Literary Club” in the local paper The St. Catharines Evening Journal. in 1892 and asked like Clubs to publish the news of their new Club. The early years of the WLC set the foundation of how the Club meetings and events would unfold for the next 80 plus years. Photos and minutes from the first ten years reveal an excitement and interest in organized Club outings. One particular event, an annual pilgrimage to the homestead of Laura Secord, became a yearly celebration for the Club. Club President, Mrs. Currie’s own personal work on Laura Secord amplified the Club’s interest in the ‘heroine of 1812’ and she allocated the profits from her publication on Secord in order to create a commemorative plaque/monument in the name of Laura Secord. The Club celebrated this event with a regular pilgrimage to this site. The connection felt by Club members and this memorial would continue until the Club’s last meetings. The majority of members in the early years were of the upper middle classes in the growing city of St. Catharines. Many of the charter members were the wives of merchants, business men, lawyers, doctors, even a hatter. Furthermore, the position of president was most often held by a woman with a comprehensive list of interests. This is particularly the case in Isabel Brighty McComb (1876-1941). Brighty who became a member in 1903, became Club president in 1932 and stayed in her post until her death in 1941. Similar to Mrs. Currie, Brighty was a local historian and published 2 booklets on local history. Her obituary indicates her position in the community as an author and involved community member committed to lifetime memberships in the Imperial Order of Daughters of Empire, I.O.D.E., the National Organization of Women, N.O.W. and the United Empire Loyalist Society, as well as the WLC. She was a locally known ‘teacher of elocution’ and a devoted researcher of Upper Canadian history. In a Club scrapbook dedicated to her, the biographical sketch illustrates the professionalism surrounding Brighty. There is very little personal history mentioned and the focus is on her literary works, her published essay, booklets and poetry. This professional focus, evident in both her obituary and the scrapbook, illustrate the diversity of these women, especially in their roles outside of the home. The WLC collection contains a vast array of essay, lectures clippings and scrapbooks from past meetings. Organized predominantly by topic or author, the folders and scrapbooks offer a substantial amount of research opportunity in the literary history of Canada. The dates, scope of topics and authors covered offer historians an exciting opportunity to examine the consumption of particular literary trends, artists and topics within the context of a midsized industrial city in English Canada. This is especially important because the agenda adhered to by the Club was bent on promoting, discussing and reviewing predominantly Canadian material. By connecting when and what these women were studying, scholars many gain a better understanding of the broader consumption and appreciation of literary and social trends of Canadian women outside of publishing and institutional records. Furthermore, because the agendas were set by and for these women, outside of the constructs of an institutionalized canon or agenda, they offer a fresh and on the ground examination of literary consumption over an extensive length of time.


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The Loyal Orange Association of British America is a Protestant fraternal society. The Loyal Orange Association originated in Ulster, Ireland during the late eighteenth century. Its purpose was to promote Protestant rights and privileges. The association was exclusively Protestant, fraternal, democratic, and benevolent. Orange principles were brought to Upper Canada by Protestant Irish settlers after 1815. The first Canadian Orange Lodge was formally established in Brockville, Leeds County, 1830. By the late 19th and early 20th century, the Loyal Orange Association of British North America had gained considerable popularity and political influence. Many prominent politicians, including several prime ministers, were members. Orangemen were particularly concerned with issues such as separate school funding, language rights, immigration, religious freedom and conscription. Further, they demanded the execution of Louis Riel and opposed the Jesuits Estates settlement. Administrative sketch courtesy Archives of Ontario.


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A semi-weekly paper that was published from 1801 to 1817. It was previously called the Independent chronicle and the universal advertiser, and was later the Independent chronicle and Boston patriot (Semiweekly). Publishers were Abijah Adams and Ebenezer Rhoades. Topics of interest in this issue include: Page 1: notice from the U.S. War Department seeking proposals for the supply of rations to troops; account of the battle of Bridgewater; list of important military figures wounded in the battle; news of prisoner exchange; Americans and the British negotiate and new prisoner exchange convention; Page 2: report of more British troops sailing to North America; report of some Indian tribes signing a treaty to fight against the British; report of battle near Detroit; report of militia moving from Fredricksburg, Virginia to Baltimore, Maryland; report of troop numbers and casualties in the battle of Bridgewater; report that Commodore Chauncey has recovered from his illness; news of American Naval forces sailing from Sackett's Harbor; Indian tribes sign peace treaty with U.S.; news of U.S. relations with Indians in the southern U.S.; account of battle of Bridgewater and list of casualties; report of the number of men killed and wounded on both sides in the battle of Chippewa; Page 3: report of surprise attack on the British; news of warship movements in and out of Halifax; frigate Java launched in Baltimore; news of British ship movements; 3 companies of Massachusetts militia arrive at Fort Warren; news of ship movements in and out of the Port of Boston; various Marshal's notices alleging U.S. ships supplying goods to the British;


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A semi-weekly paper that was published from 1801 to 1817. It was previously called the Independent chronicle and the universal advertiser, and was later the Independent chronicle and Boston patriot (Semiweekly). Publishers were Abijah Adams and Ebenezer Rhoades. Topics of interest in this issue include: Page 1: notice from the U.S. War Department seeking proposals for the supply of rations to troops; essay in support of the war; U.S. Secretary of War requests that the Governor of Maryland order 350 militia into active service; statement from the Convention of Republican Delegates in New Jersey in support of the war; statement from U.S. President James Madison in support of the war; statement from Maj. Gen. Isaac Brock to residents of Upper Canada urging their support in the war; U.S. Secretary of war sends 1,500 reinforcement troops to Detroit; Page 2: account from U.S. Gen. Hull of a battle near Fort Malden and news of troops in other areas; editorial against the British alliance with the Indians; letter from a U.S. Officer describing military gains near Detroit; news of U.S. infantry marching from Forts Independence and Warren to Albany, N.Y.; Page 3: news of British cargo ships captured by U.S. ships; 2 reward notices for the return of deserters from the military; report of possible 60 day armistice ratified by James Madison; Page 4: notice to British subjects living in Massachusetts that they must report themselves to the marshall; 2 reward notices for return of deserters from the military;


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This thesis examines the Midnight Express phenomenon focusing on the film's reception by audiences in Europe, North America, and Turkey between 1978-2003. Using and enhancing the "historical materialist approach" to film reception developed by Janet Staiger, the thesis considers the historical determinants of the film's nationally and culturally differential readings in different periods and of the transformations in those readings. The thesis argues that while Midnight Express was most likely read in the late 1970s as an attempt to reaffirm American social identity by projecting Turks as an instance of the negative Other, there has been an important shift in the reception of the film in the West during the 1990s due to the changes in the discursive contexts in which the film has been circulating. One does not observe any specific reference to Turkish prisons as a part of the issue of human rights violations in Turkey in the initial reception of the film by European and American critics, whereas these issues appear to be important constituents of a particular reception of the film in the West in the present. The thesis explains this shift by pointing to the constitution of a particular discourse on human rights violations in Turkey after 1980, and especially throughout the 1990s, which has become a part of the discursive repertoires of the Western audience. Therefore, the thesis argues that today, Midnight Express functions as a more legitimate political statement about Turkey in the eyes of some Western audiences than it had been in the 1970s. On the other hand, parallel to the increasing desire of Turkey to connect itself to the West, particularly to become a member of the European Union, one observes an immense increase in the belief in and defense against the negative effects of Midnight Express on Turkey's international representation since the 1990s. The historical and current discourses that audiences, both in Turkey and abroad, bring into play suggest that these audiences engage with Midnight Express by assuming or denying not only the subject positions constructed by the film text but also certain history-specific extra-filmic subject positions produced by other social and discursive formations.


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The goal ofthis literature review is to inform the reader on several aspects of West Nile Virus (WNV) transmission by its mosquito vector, Culex pipiens and to elucidate how Cx. pipiens and WNV are intertwined. The first few sections of the literature review describe the life cycle and blood feeding behaviours ofmosquitoes so that baseline data ofmosquito biology are established. In addition to explaining how and why a mosquito blood feeds, the section on "Blood Meal Analysis" describes the different methods for determining the vertebrate source of mosquito blood meals and a brief history of these testing methods. Since this thesis looks at the feeding behaviour of Cx. pipiens, it is important to know how to determine what they are feeding upon. Discussion on other mosquito-borne diseases related to WNV gives a broader perspective to the thesis, and examines other diseases that have occurred in Ontario in the past. This is followed by background information on WNV and theories on how this virus came to North America and how it relates to Cx. pipiens. The final sections discuss Cx. pipiens and give background information to how this species of mosquito exists and behaves within North America.


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Core samples of postglacial sediments and sediment surface samples from Shepherd Lake on the Bruce Peninsula, Harts Lake on the Canadian Shield, and two cores from Georgian Bay (core P-l in the western deep part and core P-7 in the eastern shallow part) have been analyzed for pH, grain size distribution, water content, bulk density, loss on ignition at 4500C and 11000 C, major oxides (Si02 ,A1203,!FeO,MgO,CaO, Na20,K20,Ti02 ,MnO and P205) and trace elements (Ba,Zr,Sr,y,S, Zn,Cu,Ni,Ce and Rb). The sediment in Georgian Bay are generally fine grained (fine silt to very fine silty clay) and the grain size decreases from the Canadian Shield (core p-7) towards the Bruce Peninsula (core P-l) along the assumed direction of sediment transport. This trend coincides with a decrease in sorting coefficient and an increase in roundness. Other physical characteristics, such as water content, bulk density and loss on ignition are positively correlated with the composition of sediments and their compaction, as well as with the energy of the depositional environment. Analyses of sediment surface samples from Shepherd Lake and Harts Lake indicate the influence of bedrock and surficial deposits in the watershed on pH condition that is also influenced by the organic matter content and probably I ! I man's activities. Organic matter content increases significantly in the surface sediment in these small lakes as a result of either natural eutrophication or anthropogenic organic loading. The extremely high organic matter content in Shepherd Lake sediment indicates rapid natural eutrophication in this closed basin and high biological productivity during postglacial time, probably due to high nutrient levels and shallow depth. The chemical composition of the Canadian Shield bedrock is positively correlated with the chemical characteristics of predominantly inorganic lake sediments that were derived from the Shield rocks by glacial abrasion and by postglacial weathering and erosion of both bedrock and surficial deposits. High correlation coefficients were found between organic matter in lake sediments and major oxides (Si02,AI203,.~FeO, MgO,CaO,K20 and MnO) , as well as some trace elements (Ba,Y, S,Zn,Cu,Ni and Rb). The chemical composition of sediments in Harts Lake and core P-7 in Georgian Bay on the Canadian Shield differs from the chemistry of sediments in Shepherd Lake and core P-l in Georgian Bay on the Bruce Peninsula. The difference between cores P-l and P-7 is indicated by values of Si02 , AI203 ,:LFeo,Mgo,CaO,Ba,Zr,Sr,y and S, and also by the organic matter content. This study indicates that the processes of sediment transport, depositional environment, weathering of the rocks and surficial deposits in the watershed, as well as chemical composition of source rocks all affect the chemical characteristics of lake sediments. The stratigraphic changes and variations in lake sediment chemistry with regard to major oxides, trace elements, and organic matter content are probably related to the history of glacial and postglacial lake stages of the Georgian Bay Region and, therefore, the geochemical data can make a useful contribution to a better understanding of the Late-Quaternary history of the Great Lakes.


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Trilobites ¥tere collected from Ordovician and Devonian formations of Ontario} New York} Ohio} Oklahoma} and Indiana. Diversity was generally low} but 19..?telllS and Ph..~tY>ps ¥tere the most abundant species from the Ordovician and Devonian} respectively. Recent marine arthropods ¥tere collected from the Atlantic shore of the middle Florida Keys} and from the Pacific and lagoonal waters at Cape Beale} B. C. Fresh-water arthropods were collected along the shore of the Severn River in northcentral Ontario. Cuticles ¥tere analyzed for major} minor and trace elements, 180 and 13C isotopes, as ¥tell as examined by scanning electron micr?scope to identify original and diagenetic fabrics. Examination of trilobite cuticles by scanning electron microscope revealed several microstructures consistent with those observed in Recent arthropods. Microstructures} such as setae and tegumental gland duct openings} in like sized Lim/IllS and Isoteline trilobites may indicate common ancestral origins for these organisms, or simply parallel cuticle evolutions. The dendritic microstructure, originally' thought to be a diagenetic indicator, was found in Recent specimens and therefore its presence in trilobites may be suggestive of the delicate nature of diagenesis in trilobites. The absence of other primary microstructures in trilobites may indicate alteration, taxonomic control} or that there is some inherent feature of S EM examination which may' not allow detection of some features} while others are apparently visit·le onl~1 under SH.·1. The region of the cuticle sampled for examination is also a major influence in detecting pristine microstructures, as not all areas of trilobite and Recent arthropod cuticles will have microstructures identifiable in a SEM study. Subtleties in the process of alteration, however} ma~·· leave pristine microstructures in cuticles that are partial~/ silicified or do 10m itized, and degree and type of alteration may vary stratigraphically and longitudinally within a unit. The presence of fused matrices, angular calcite rhombs, and pyrite in the cuticle are thought to be indicative of altered cuticles, although pyritization may not affect the entire cuticle. t-~atural processes in Recent arthropods, such as molting, lead to variations in cuticle chemistries, and are thought to reflect the area of concentration of the elements during calcification. The level of sodium in Recent arthropods was found to be higher than that in trilobites, but highly mobile when sUbjected to the actions of VY'€'athering. Less saline water produced lovy'€'r magnesium and higher calcium values in Recent specimens .. and metal variations in pristine Ordovician trilobite cuticle appears to follow the constraints outlined for Recent arthropods, of regulation due to the chemislry of the surrounding medium. In diagenetic analysis, sodium, strontium and magnesium proved most beneficial in separating altered from least altered trilobites. Using this criterion, specimens from shale show the least amount of geochemical alteration, and have an original mineralogy of 1.7 - 2.4 mole % MgC03 (8000 t(> 9500 ppm magnesium) for both /s>..?/e/11S lJA'i.riff!11S and PseIAit'11J17ites I..itmirpin..itl/~ and 2.8 - 3.3 mole % MgC03 (5000 to 7000 ppm magnesium) for Ph.i{).?PS This is Slightly lower than the mineralogy of Recent marine arthropods (4.43 - 12.1 mole % MgC03), and slightly higher than that of fresh-water crayfish (0.96 - 1.82 mole % MgC03). Geochemically pristine trilobites were also found to possess primary microstructures. Stable isotope values and trends support the assertion that marine-meteoriclburial fluids were responsible for the alteration observed in a number of the trilobite specimens. The results of this stUdy suggest that fossil material has to be evaluated separately along taxonomic and lithological lines to arrive at sensible diagenetic and e nvironmenta I interpretations.


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During the Upper Cambrian there were three mass extinctions, each of which eliminated at least half of the trilobite families living in North American shelf seas. The Nolichucky Formation preserves the record of one of these extinction events at the base of the Steptoean Stage. Sixty-six trilobite collections were made from five sections In Tennessee and Virginia. The lower Steptoean faunas are assigned to one low diversity, Aphelaspis-dominated biofacies, which can be recognized in several other parts of North America. In Tennessee, the underlying upper Marjuman strata contain two higher diversity biofacies, the Coosella-Glaphyraspis Biofacies and the Tricrepicephalus-Norwoodiid Biofacies. At least four different biofacies are present in other parts of North America: the Crepicephalus -Lonchocephalus Biofacies, the Kingstonia Biofacies, the Cedaria Biofacies, and the Uncaspis Biofacies. A new, species-based zonation for the Nolichucky Formation imcludes five zones, three of which are new. These zones are the Crepicephalus Zone, the Coosella perplexa Zone, the Aphelaspis buttsi Zone, the A. walcotti Zone and the A. tarda Zone. The Nolichucky Formation was deposited within a shallow shelf basin and consists largely of subtidal shales with stormgenerated carbonate interbeds. A relative deepening is recorded In the Nolichucky Formation near the extinction, and is indicated In some sections by the appearance of shale-rich, distal storm deposits above a carbonate-rich, more proximal storm deposit sequence. A comparable deepening-upward sequence occurs near the extinction in the Great Basin of southwestern United States and in central Texas, and this suggests a possible eustatic control. In other parts of North America, the extinction IS recorded In a variety of environmental settings that range from near-shore to slope. In shelf environments, there is a marked decrease in diversity, and a sharp reduction in biofacies differentiation. Although extinctions do take place in slope environments, there IS no net reduction in diversity because of the immigration of several new taxa.


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Newspaper reporting on contemporary events of the wars in North America and Europe including the Battle of Queenston Heights and the death of Isaac Brock. News items include: Page 1: Sheaffe announcement regulating the sale of alcohol in Niagara; Myers announcement asking citizens for the return of American muskets recovered from the battle at Queenston; local notices on business claims and education; want ads for wood, straw, flour and pork for military use; announcement by the Prince Regent in Council putting an embargo on American ships. Page 2: release of American prisoners captured at Queenston; results of a battle by Riga, Latvia the French army under MacDonald against Russia; address of Emperor Alexander I of Russia to troops on declaring war on France; news of the British Navy; mediation between Spain and South American colonies; the security of Canadian properties in wartime; American ships leaving Britain with licenses. Page 3: American ships leaving Britain with licenses; Russian General Platoff’s (Platov) victory over Polish Uhlans; Battle of Salamanca with Lord Wellington. Page 4: report on the Battle of Queenston Heights and the death of Isaac Brock.