30 resultados para Op-ed pages
Handwritten statement (3 pages) regarding life licenses to shoot at Long Point, Oct. 4, 1881.
Letter to S.D. Woodruff on Gillespie and Powis letterhead (3 pages, handwritten). Gillespie says that he got Ed Martin’s opinion of the life licenses. He also adds that he was sorry to see that Mr. Woodruff was not reelected president. The writer also asks for a copy of the letter showing that the granting of licenses formed a part of the purchase money. If the letter is not found, he says that he and Mr. Woodruff could establish the facts. It is signed by George H. Gillespie, Oct. 10, 1881.
Engineer estimate (5 ½ pages, handwritten) in the marsh lands drainage presented to the Chamber and Councilors of the County of Welland in council assembled. This report is signed by S.D. Woodruff, June 20, 1857.
Letter (2 pages, handwritten) to S.D. Woodruff from Port Colborne saying that an expedition was missing from the submissions. This has now been submitted, but it is a rough job in want of neatness. The signature is J.W. Turner, Jan. 25, 1862.
List of abstracts (2 pages, handwritten) stating the cost of S.D. Woodruff dwelling and barns, January, 1878.
List (4 pages, handwritten) of titles on the Sarnia Branch subject to mortgages, n.d.
List (11 pages, handwritten) of remarks upon the titles as set forth in the abstracts, n.d.
List (4 pages, handwritten) of lands in the counties of Lincoln and Welland for which the Sherriff has made new deeds, n.d.
Letter (2 letters contained in one with a total of 2 pages) addressed to Henry Nelles. The first part is from Gilles Moffatt and he says that there is a balance of 277 pounds and 13 shillings in their favour. This is dated Jan. 10, 1831. The second part is addressed to Henry Nelles from R. Gillespie and it says that he intends to go to London district before paying Mr. Nelles a visit in Grimsby. The second page of this letter is stained and missing a section. Text is slightly affected, Jan. 29, 1831.
Examination of Henry Nelles (2 double-sided pages, handwritten). The pages are stained and contain some holes. This affects some of the text. [These are copies of the answers from the previous document], 1830.
Questions and answers of W. Henry Griffen (2 double-sided pages, handwritten). These pages are stained and slightly torn. This affects a small portion of the text, 1830.
Questions put to Edwards [illegible] (2 double-sided pages, handwritten).These pages are stained and slightly torn. This affects a small portion of the text, 1830.
Questions to F. W. Porter (2 ½ pages, handwritten). These pages are stained and slightly torn. This affects a small portion of the text, Mar. 3, 1830.
Questions to Thomas Pringle (2 pages, handwritten). These pages are stained and slightly torn. This affects a small portion of the text, 1830.
Memoranda (3 pages, handwritten) with orders to officers of the Royal Quebec Volunteers regarding their duties at Quebec. This is unsigned, n.d.