20 resultados para Music for Saxophone Orchestra
An advertisement for Star Music Store, established 1869. The advertisement describes the services offered and the brands sold.
A music score called "The Drunkard's Home" by Frank Howard. The front cover of the score has an illustration of two different experiences. One side of the illustration appears to be a family sitting by the fire as the patriarch reads the newspaper and the matriarch tends to one of the children. The other side of the illustration shows children on the floor in torn clothing as a female is slumped over a table and two men stumble in the door.
1. Invitation and program to the Merritton Hose Co. No. 1 Grand Masquerade Ball and Supper. The invitation is for Mrs. J. Wilson. Ladies are by invitation only. Ladies without masks are charged 10 cents. The supper was held at the Union Hall and the dance was held in the Merritton Town Hall. Phalen’s Full Orchestra was providing the music, Feb. 16, 1900. 2. Business card of Long’s Hotel of Niagara. Rooms were $1.50 per day and the proprietor was Wm. Long, n.d. 3. Business card of Niagara Tannery of Niagara, Ontario. Blake and Burk were the proprietors. They were wholesale manufacturers of oak tanned, hose, belting and harness leather, n.d. 4. Business card of James B. Secord of Niagara, Ontario. His office was in the town hall. He was a notary public, conveyancer, clerk of first division court and Commissioner. He also had money to loan, n.d.
Receipt from W. H. Eckhardt, Pianos, Organs, Sheet Music and Musical Merchandise for piano, May 9, 1887.
Receipt from W.H. Eckhardt, Star Music Store, St. Catharines for rent of machine, Feb. 1, 1888.