88 resultados para Murray, John, 1778-1843.
A 2 ½ page letter addressed to The Editor of the Presbyterian Magazine, care of [illegible], London, C.W. The writer describes the Village of Chippawa and its location in Ontario. He writes that there are many people there of Scotch [Scottish] descent. He says that a congregation was formed and 39 names were on the roll. The letter is from J.P. [John Porteous] with an added note from Wm. Porteous. The letter is from St. Catharines. There is one postmark – St. Catharines, April 6, 1823 A 1 ½ page letter addressed to Rev. W. Proudfoot, Ed. Of Presbyterian Mag., London, C.W. This letter is from Walter Mitchell in St. Catharines. He sends a list of peoples’ names and the amounts that they have paid toward the Presbyterian Magazine. Mr. Mitchell is acting as an agent for the magazine. This letter has 1 postmark – St. Catharines, Sept. 13, 1842 A 2 page letter addressed to Rev. W. Proudfoot, London, C.W. This letter is from John Jennings of St. Catharines. The writer claims that he is ill but he makes plans to meet Reverend Proudfoot in Toronto in order to go to a meeting in Rochester. The writer expects that Reverend Proudfoot will preach in Rochester. The letter has 1 postmark – St. Catharines, Aug. 14, 1843. A 2 page letter addressed to The Rev. Professor Proudfoot, London, C.W. from John Porteaus of St. Catharines. The writer says that he will not preach in Detroit. He says that the people of Detroit are expecting Mr. Dalrymple [who was sent as a missionary to Canada from Scotland in 1846] and also, he doesn’t want to leave his congregation for 2 Sabbaths. The letter has 2 postmarks – St. Catharines, August 1846 [this postmark is very faint] and Hamilton, August 2, 1846.
Documents and papers relating to Colonel John Butler and his corps of rangers, Pt. II. 1778-1779.
International Student Advisor John Kaethler at his desk.
Professor of English, John Lye, walking through Mackenzie Chown A Block.
Professor of Geography.
Back Row: Al Pedler (Coach), Murray McEachern, John Popham, David Heyworth, Colin Harris, George Nixon Middle Row: Renee Traver, Wendy Wells Front Row: Maggie Swan, Debbie Belair, Katherine Coy
Back Row: Murray Mc Eachern, John Popham, Colin Harris, David Heyworth, George Nixon, Al Pedler (Coach) Front Row: Maggie Swan, Debbie Belair, Katharine Coy
Back Row: Paul Jackson (Asst. Coach), Paul DeGagne (Manager), Angelo Pontello, Yvan Prevost, Greg Foy, Ken Murray, Steve Ashfield, Rick Berard, Andy MacMillan, Kelly Toppazzini, Carl Van Bolderen, John Dakin, Loran Prentice, Joe Kenny (Trainer), Ron Anderson (Coach) Front Row: Logan Trafford, Mark Warren, Pat Gallagher, Phil Powers, Daryl Clancy, Ted Sawicki, Gord Christie, John Hogg, Brian Onifrichuk, Doug Riopelle, Shawn Barry Absent: Paul Hanley, Brad MacMillan, Rico Schirru, Mike Quinn (Asst. Coach)
Back Row: John MacNeil (Coach), John MacNail Jr, John Murray, Joel Walton, Frank Cipriano, Benny Grossi, Rino Berardi, Louis Famelos, Doug Rowan, Ron Di Felice Front Row: Ivan Hunt, Roger Vanoostveen, Dave Gibson, Joe Perri, Kent Mayhew, Jim Baldassarro, Guenther Baur Absent: Neil Dunsmore
John Marchese was an arts student and was the first Manager of the Brock Student Pub operated out of Alfie's Trough which was our first student center paid for by the students and built in 1969. It had its grand opening in 1970.
This study explores the tension that has emerged around the rise of home schooling in a faith-community strongly committed to establishing and maintaining day schools in the tradition of John Calvin. It aims to identify and understand factors that contributed to this tension and to find ways to bridge, diffuse, reduce, or eliminate it. In line with Calvin, personal convictions, and the nature of the community, the study takes a Christian epistemological and axiological stance. Its premise is that the integrity of the commvmity is more important than the manner in which its children are taught. The study reviews relevant literature and several interviews. It considers both secular and Christian literature to understand communities, community breakdown, and community restoration. It also examines literature about the significance of home, school, and community relationships; the attraction of Reformed day schools; and the appeal of home schooling. Interviews were conducted with 4 home schooling couples and 2 focus groups. One focus group included local school representatives, and the other home schoolers and school representatives from an area with reputedly less tension on the issue. Interviews were designed for participants to give their perspectives on reasons for home schooling, the existing tension, and ways to resolve the issues. The study identifies the rise of home schooling in this particular context as the initial issue and the community's deficiency to properly deal with it as the chief cause for the rising tensions. However, I argue that, within the norms the community firmly believes in, home schooling need not jeopardize its integrity. I call for personal, social, and spiritual renewal to restore the covenant community in gratitude to God.
This study explores in a comparative way the works of two American pragmatist philosophers-John Dewey and Richard Rorty. I have provided a reading of their broader works in order to offer what I hope is a successful sympathetic comparison where very few exist. Dewey is often viewed as the central hero in the classical American pragmatic tradition, while Rorty, a contemporary pragmatist, is viewed as some sort of postmodern villain. I show that the different approaches by the two philosophers-Dewey's experiential focus versus Rorty's linguistic focus-exist along a common pragmatic continuum, and that much of the critical scholarship that pits the two pragmatists against each other has actually created an unwarranted dualism between experience and language. I accomplish this task by following the critical movement by each of the pragmatists through their respective reworking of traditional absolutist truth conceptions toward a more aesthetical, imaginative position. I also show how this shift or "turning" represents an important aspect of the American philosophical tradition-its aesthetic axis. I finally indicate a role for liberal education (focusing on higher nonvocational education) in accommodating this turning, a turning that in the end is necessitated by democracy's future trajectory
The writings of John Dewey (1859-1952) and Simone Weil (1909-1943) were analyzed with a view to answering 3 main questions: What is wisdom? How is wisdom connected to experience? How does one educate for a love of wisdom? Using a dialectical method whereby Dewey (a pragmatist) was critiqued by Weil (a Christian Platonist) and vice versa, commonalities and differences were identified and clarified. For both, wisdom involved the application of thought to specific, concrete problems in order to secure a better way of life. For Weil, wisdom was centered on a love of truth that involved a certain way of applying one's attention to a concrete or theoretical problem. Weil believed that nature was subject to a divine wisdom and that a truly democratic society had supernatural roots. Dewey believed that any attempt to move beyond nature would stunt the growth of wisdom. For him, wisdom could be nourished only by natural streams-even if some ofthem were given a divine designation. For both, wisdom emerged through the discipline of work understood as intelligent activity, a coherent relationship between thinking and acting. Although Weil and Dewey differed on how they distinguished these 2 activities, they both advocated a type of education which involved practical experience and confronted concrete problems. Whereas Dewey viewed each problem optimistically with the hope of solving it, Weil saw wisdom in, contemplating insoluble contradictions. For both, educating for a love of wisdom meant cultivating a student's desire to keep thinking in line with acting-wanting to test ideas in action and striving to make sense of actions observed.
Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy has been used to study donor-acceptor complexes of boron trifluoride with several ureas, tetramethylthiourea, tetramethylselenourea, and tetramethylquanidine as well as adducts of tetramethyl- -urea with BF2Cl, BFC1 2 , and BC1 3 - A large number of mixed tetrahaloborate ions, including some of the ternary ones such as BF2CIBr-,have been obtained by ligand exchange reactions and studied by NMR techniques. The bonding in these ions is of the same inherent interest as the bonding in the isoelectronic tetrahalomethanes which have been the subject of many detailed studies and have been involved in a controversy concerning the existence of and the nature of "fluorine hyperconjugation" or C-F P1T- Pn bonding_ Ligand exchange reactions also gave rise to the difluoroboron cation, (TMU)20BF2+o The difluoroboron cation has been observed in solutions of TMU-BF3 , and has been proposed as a possible intermediate for fluorine exchange reactions in BF3 adducts.