47 resultados para Morris, Isaac.
Province of Upper Canada Grant (vellum) to Isaac Fuller of the Township of Niagara. He was formerly a private in the Militia. He is granted 100 acres in the west half of lot no.29 in the 2nd Concession in the Township of Nissouri – Folio no. 233. This was registered Nov. 1833. The outside of this document is quite discoloured. This does not affect the text, Oct. 13, 1833.
Crew, Isaac M., includes: Application for Loan, March 10, 1885; Mortgage Loan Envelope no. 679 for Jan. 1, 1885 – Jan. 1, 1890 and Abstract of Title, April 13, 1885.
Mank, Isaac, Mortgage Loan Envelope no. 640 for Jan. 1, 1885 – Jan. 1, 1890
Indenture between Isaac Fuller of the Township of Niagara and George Upper of the Township of Niagara for the west half of Lot no. 29 in the 2nd Concession of the Township of Nissouri, Jan. 29, 1830.
Bond (1 page, printed) between Isaac Sterling of the Township of Salt fleet to William Dickson of Niagara and Thomas Clark of Queenston (regarding the Last Will and Testament of Robert Hamilton) for payment of 153 pounds, 12 shillings and 3 pence to be made to Dickson and Clark, May 21, 1819.
In 1969, Sir William Arnold, Bailiff of Guernsey - the birthplace of Sir Isaac Brock - was invited by Dr. Gibson to come to Canada and visit Brock University on the 200th anniversary of Sir Isaac Brock's birth. Following his visit in October of that year, the Bailiff presented Brock University with this miniature silver milk can. This milk can is of the traditional Guernsey style.
In October of 1969, Governor General Rolland Michener along with the Bailiff of Guernsey were invited to tour the Niagara Region with Dr. Gibson as part of a series of events to celebrate the 200th anniversary of Sir Isaac Brock's birth. Here they are visiting a stone monument erected in Queenston years ago by Albert Edward, Prince of Wales. Pictured in the foreground are Mrs. Michener, Dr. Gibson, and Governor General Michener - the man speaking with Dr. Gibson with his back to the photographer.
In a special visit to Canada, Captain Michael Mellish of Guernsey - O. B. E. Secretary, A. D. C. to the Lieutenant-Governor, and great nephew of Isaac Brock - donates a photo album containing photographs of a number of Isaac Brock related items to the university in June of 1965. He also brings several of the artifacts themselves to show to the university. The item Capt. Mellish is holding here is a ceremonial wooden tomahawk presented to General Sir Isaac Brock by the native chief Tecumseh. Pictured here from left to right are: Capt. Mellish and Dr. Gibson.
During his visit to Canada in June of 1965, Captain Michael Mellish of Guernsey - O. B. E. Secretary, A. D. C. to the Lieutenant-Governor, and great nephew of Isaac Brock - donated a special photographic album containing various photos of the relics of Sir Isaac Brock. Pictured here from left to right are: Ed Mitchelson and Captain Mellish.
In 1969, Sir William Arnold, Bailiff of Guernsey - the birthplace of Sir Isaac Brock - was invited by Dr. Gibson to come to Canada and visit Brock University on the 200th anniversary of Sir Isaac Brock's birth. While visiting the Bailiff was granted an honourary degree at Brock's first fall convocation on October 6, 1969. The Bailiff is pictured here to the left and Chancellor Charles Sankey to the right. Dr. Gibson can be seen seated in the background.
Pictured here from left to right are James Hogan, Librarian, and President James Gibson with a set of stamps commerating Sir Isaac Brock that were issued from the Bailiwick of Guernsey in October of 1969.
As part of the celebration of the 200th anniversary of Sir Isaac Brock's birth on October 6, 1969, a piece of granite from Isaac Brock's childhood home in Guernsey was unveiled along with a plaque commemorating the ties between the General, the University, and Guernsey. The granite had been donated by Sir William Arnold, Bailiff of Guernsey, two years prior and had been in the possession of the university since that time before it was unveiled. The granite block was integrated into a wall in the Thistle Complex. It has since been relocated and is now part of a wall in the Walker Complex. Pictured here from left to right are: Sir William Arnold, Mrs. Arnold, Dr. Gibson and Governor General Michener.
View from inside the main entrance of the Schmon Tower facing south and looking out toward Isaac Brock Boulevard. The current Information (Welcome) Desk would be in the left foreground.
The purpose of this cross sectional survey design was to examine self-reported health status and lifestyle behaviours of the residents of the Town of Fort Erie, Ontario, as related to the Canadian Community Health Survey. Using a mail-out survey, entitled the Fort Erie Survey of Health (FESH), a probability cluster sampling technique was used to measure self-reported health status (present health, health conditions, health challenges, functional health limitations) and lifestyle behaviour (smoking, alcohol use, drug use, physical activity, fruit and vegetable consumption, body weight, and gaming). Each variable was described and analyzed in relation to socio-economic variables, age and gender. The findings from this study were compared to the Canadian Community Health Survey 2000/2001. Overall, 640 surveys were completed. The majority of Fort Erie residents rated their present health as good and were satisfied with their overall health and quality of life. The main chronic conditions reported were arthritis, back pain and heart disease. Other main health problems reported were vision, sleeping and chronic pain. Overall, 14.6% smoke; 58.8% engaged in physical activity either occasionally or never as opposed to regularly engaging in physical activity; 52.1% did not eat the required daily fruits and vegetables; and 40.0% were in the overweight category. Persons who practiced one healthy lifestyle behaviour were more likely to practice other healthy promoting behaviours. Therefore, health promotion programs are best designed to address multiple risk factors simultaneously. The ffiSH was generally consistent with the Canadian Community Health Survey in the overall findings. A small number of inconsistencies were identified that require further exploration to determine if they are unique to this community.
Newspaper reporting on contemporary events of the wars in North America and Europe including the Battle of Queenston Heights and the death of Isaac Brock. News items include: Page 1: Sheaffe announcement regulating the sale of alcohol in Niagara; Myers announcement asking citizens for the return of American muskets recovered from the battle at Queenston; local notices on business claims and education; want ads for wood, straw, flour and pork for military use; announcement by the Prince Regent in Council putting an embargo on American ships. Page 2: release of American prisoners captured at Queenston; results of a battle by Riga, Latvia the French army under MacDonald against Russia; address of Emperor Alexander I of Russia to troops on declaring war on France; news of the British Navy; mediation between Spain and South American colonies; the security of Canadian properties in wartime; American ships leaving Britain with licenses. Page 3: American ships leaving Britain with licenses; Russian General Platoff’s (Platov) victory over Polish Uhlans; Battle of Salamanca with Lord Wellington. Page 4: report on the Battle of Queenston Heights and the death of Isaac Brock.